Originally Posted by justhangingaround
The bottom line is that I went against my gut to walk away. That is my right that I should be exercising more frequently but don’t. The main reason why I chose not to walk away is because I have not booked a lot through this agency, though not my first time either so I didn’t want to set a bad precedent with the booker as a flaky customer.
Even though I wasn’t necessarily attracted to her appearance or physical shape, I was hopeful that her attitude and effort as mentioned in other reviews would make up for my lack of attraction in her appearance, like RickyG mentioned. I don’t expect to hit home runs on every encounters but I try to keep an open mind going into each one. There are plenty of encounters where I can still appreciate the experience even without the immediate attraction. I often don’t write reviews on every encounter, just ones that would provide other hobbyists the most accurate information.
I am just utterly confused on how many reviews praised her appearance and body shape, effort and attitude. I guess many haven’t been around Korean girls to understand their beauty standard or what is the expected in how they treat men. Fortunately or not I have been around Korean girls all of my life and an expert on the culture, which sets a higher expectation.
I’d like to point out, you deciding to air out “issues” on a review site, such as attacking the girl for appearance, service, and business handling.. then also doing the same with the studio airing out issues with the chick and now accusing them of them a bait and switch… you have handled this much worse than just walking out.
You could have handled this like an adult, kept it from spiraling out of control, and just left at the first sense of this isn’t who it should be. Coming on here and doing an entire review bashing the chick is very high school drama.
Also, this studio has no history of bait and switching. This review is very opinionated and dramatic, and should be viewed as nothing more than questionable.