Originally Posted by HDGristle
Where would you put them and what would they replace?
We're talking smaller footprint but 300 MW. Do you see then replacing coal-fired or combined cycle?
If so, where so that they have the most impact to help grow EV adoption?
Rural, where there is NO EV charging infrastructure, further, replace the existing power plants with smaller more local "Electric Communities" where one plant, provides the needs for all the homes and businesses that a single plant can provide.
It wasn't the AP300 but another small reactor that would power about 10,000 homes, that's about the size of two of our small towns, you could see a few small towns running their own power system.
We actually have some in Allegheny County which buy the power from the grid, but have their own maintenance crews to maintain just their town, around the AK Valley, not sure, which particular towns.
Anything that reduces the need for fossil fuels, we need to get back to too cheap to meter, for EVs and a mostly electric country.
We will never entirely replace all fossil fueled vehicles.
I believe the one I read going to Alberta was for an industrial complex with high power needs.