Originally Posted by bb1961
You never quoted anything but leftwing sources...please point out sources that aren't leftwing rages.
Your disparaging of Trump has gone one for many years nothing new with you and your source for Trump's ranking it comes from a leftwing source as many have pointed out. This source you provided in this post is a JOKE...PLEASE provide sources that are credible so that you can be locked at more seriously because the sources that constantly provide in your endless posts aren't unbiased it just weakens your argument as always.
Hey Bro! Don't hate the player! Hate the game.
Guy posted a fact and you don't like it. Fine. We got enough bellyaching. *NOW* if you can "prove" his facts wrong, we're waiting.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
The starting post is facts, and some opinions, not associated with the source. If you need to, you can find the facts stated in many other places.
If you have anything to discuss about the facts, that would be better. Do you dispute the facts ?
Instead, you blame the source, and you blame an eccie poster.
Try and do better.
When the facts can't be disputed: whine like the Big Cheato. I wonder if they get tears in their eyes for effect?
Originally Posted by bb1961
If it's not illegal then why all the hand ringing???
He's LAWFULLY making money and you call it a"money grab" is the TDS destroying your brain cells???
I don't think you understand the libby frame of mind.
All they are doing it what y'all maggies raged about old joey without any proof. Hint: Biden Crime Family...
Guy been in the public eye for near half a century or more and you can't produce one case that went past the court docket to support the claim.
Is that guilt that is driving your impetus in seething so much as one of your fellow magas states?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
if you say so
the title to this thread .. by you ..
the Trump crime family all over again ? or only a scam ?
amusing that you presume anything Trump does to make money is somehow illegal.
got any facts to back that up?
Originally Posted by VitaMan
You have already been notified of the facts.....more than once. Yet you deny it, and keep posting attacks on eccie members.
We all know you're wasting your breath on him.
They all have selective blindness in donny dismantling efforts for ethics oversight. Seems the whole lot of them are devoid of ethics.
Originally Posted by bb1961
What facts...just because you post it doesn't make it a fact just the the opposite.
Now you say calling you out on this nonsense is an attack...bullshit.
He already stated them. You were just concerned with leaning of the sources. Not the facts.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
No one has said anything about a crime...except MAGAS.
The perception is Trump's family profiting off the legislation he signs. A cash grab.
Which his family is well know for.
Which makes crypto appear to be a scam.
Shhh! They don't want to hear that.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Just imagine how much the MAGA genius cult would be crying foul if Biden pulled this grifter money grab shit.
Oh. They keep crying about that. But they NEVER have produced proof of this great biden crime family network.