Did I just find the next good spot to monger at?
I wanted to go to CB but I'm always turned off by the initial investment needed. I'm talking about 10 for parking, 15 cover charge and a beer so as to not look goofy just sitting there with empty hands. That puts me at about 35 dollars everytime I go there just to show up. The upside is the sure thing is always guaranteed. On this occasion, I decided to keep that 35 in my pocket and venture out. I started googling and found that xtc turned into showclub. Turns out that daytime has no cover charge and beers were $2. This was a Tuesday. The price gets jacked up the rest of the week to $3, lol.So I'm in this place and all I've spent so far is two dollars and a dollar tip for the beer, so I decided on a lap dance. The girl was really nice looking and the dance itself showed potential of extras. That one dance included nipples in my mouth, some southern exploration and phone number for possible OTC. So for 23 dollars, I got some fun under the cost of entry at CB. The talent there on that day was mixed. 50 percent black 25 Hispanic and 25 white. I'll need to return to see how much more is available.