Originally Posted by Salty Again
... This was NOT Trump's decision.
#### Salty
OMG! I gotta give myself CPR for that statement LOL!
Originally Posted by Budman
Dude you are just a bitter loser. Enjoy the next 12 years wallowing in your self pity. The rest of us will enjoy watching you whine and cry while President Trump Makes America Great Again.
And this is on topic how?
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Funny thing is that if Trump would’ve kept it outside the media, and other retards who make comments like those in this thread, would’ve been apoplectic at the suffering he caused attendees.
They’re SO predictable. “Trump made thousands sick from exposure just to satisfy his ego” yada yada, ad nauseam until they found the next made up thing to stoke their feigned outrage.
Dish out the medicine but can't take it, eh?
Y'all so thin onion skinned sensitive.
Can't take a little ribbing?
Maybe if the libbies roared in mass "Fake Swearing In!" that would make you happy.
It's understandable the change of venue.
Now stop whining.
Get real.
And lets see everything get whipped into shape after he takes his hand off that chinese donny bible from the oath swearing.