User ID: NA account disabled
Date: 12/29/24
Name: Chloe Giggles
Phone: N/A
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: - East of Penfield
State: - New York
Address: - Residence East of Penfield
Activities: - massage, DFK, LFK, DATY, FIV, FIA, BBBJ, HJ, 69, CFS, COF, doggy, mish, split scissor, CG, Vibe, vid shout outs
Hair Length and Color: - long black straight hair
Age: - early 40s
Smoking Status: - non smoker
Ethnic Background: - Caucasian
Physical Description: - 5'9" with large natural looking MM, a little thicker body than back in her heyday, but still proportional, with a pretty and still youthful face.
Recommendation: - Yes