Originally Posted by Lenc04
I don’t even know how to access ros on any reviews. First time ECCIE user. The rest of the story is between me and the beautiful gal. You want more details? Go check other reviews or meet her. I wrote everything I deem necessary.
If you redo your review and put some essential stuff in the review, then you get rewarded with some premium access (the good stuff only premium members get to see).
Essential stuff is like...
How was initial contact and communications, good or bad;
Did she make you feel comfortable;
Was she on time;
she smelled good or bad;
Hobla Engles?
I get it, the BCD (behind closed doors) stuff may be something you don't share.
If you give some good info, the info that you feel comfortable in sharing, then they give you premium access for 6 weeks and you get to see the ROS and some other good stuff.
Your good to go dude, join our gang, it's worth it!
For me, I hope I never see the day when I can't share pussy stories with someone that will listen. If not for Eccie and OH2, I would claim I'm catholic just so I could go to confession and force a priest to listen to my pussy stories once a week. It's theraputic!
Get Sum!