The huge Barney Allis Plaza underground parking garage is closed. That was several hundred spots gone until the rebuild is finished.
There are several paid lots near Bartle hall, usually full if there's an event anywhere in that area. They are a mix of coin slot or credit card. If an event, there are usually folks at the lot entrance to collect, or run folks off, or call tow trucks. If you try for early, remember if a weekday, most are full with commuters till they clear out.
Of course there's street parking. Again, if an event, well ...
We park at one of the hotels where I still consult. One of the managers keeps asking if they need to put a horse hitch rail out front.
Anyway, good luck, and consider some hiking footware as you may be walking several blocks at a minimum.
If with a date, try discourage her wearing heels. Again, may be a bit of a hike.
Here's the Parkomedia website for the area: