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Old 12-08-2024, 10:02 PM   #31
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RickyG2002 I'm in Frisco. And if I am all over the place it's because of this guy, it's NOT because of me. Because I received a call from another girl on here asking if I had a good holiday and she told me everyone was talking about me because of this guy. I was not even on here before that, so this guy has spread lies about me all over. And people say I am racist because I do not want to see him? WOW. Luducris. And until I saw the ridiculous replies to this story I was going to let it die. But when someone calles me racist, I'M GOING TO PUT THAT PERSON IN THEIR PLACE. And I am still getting appointments from this site, but my main form of advertising is elsewhere. I do not rely of the guys of ECCIE for business. So please DO NOT PUT THIS on me that I am everywhere and that it's not a good look because I am not the one who put ME EVERYWHERE. YOU GUYS ARE!!!! I am ONLY responding to the mess this BLACK GUY started. Most girls do not like to see black guys because of this. I am not the only one. First of all I'm going to set the recored straight. I have many white clients who have way bigger d**cks that the black guys. That is NOTHING but a myth. So black guys, get humble and realistic about yourselves and MAYBE someone will want to see you MAYBE. Because if you think calling me racist is going to make me see someone I don't want to see, it aint gonna happen. I am strong minded person and once I make up my mind, no one intimidates me. I am not a liberal. I think for myself. But do not drag me through the mud and then tell me it's my fault. I will not take blame for me being all over the place. You guys did this!!!! I may be good at what I do, but I know how to take up for myself. You want the nice me or the one who pushes you away. It is completely YOUR CHOICE in how you approach me. The result of that is my reaction to YOU. IT'S ALL ON YOU. I'm NOT worried about impressing all of the f****ng trolls on this site, becuase I have a great life,great clients, and also make money with my other businesses. I surround myself with intelligent people. I give anyone a chance and if theyscrew it up, that's on them and name calling will not manipulate me into doing what I DO NOT Want TO DO. With that being said Ricky, if you do want to come see me let me know. If it's too I completely understand.
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Old 12-08-2024, 10:14 PM   #32
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ihump@amps okay no worries here sweetheart. I have had a very busy week. I am chilling this weekend. I probably would rather not want to see you if learning the truth about my side of these ridiculously long over 65 replies to this guys post. You like beleiving lies and don't want to know the truth. I prepfer those who walk in truth and don't reject based on the sharing of the other side of this guys lies. So you prefer to see someone who is so called impatient and now that you know he was the one who was late, you change you mind. hahahahah okay. It seems you have plenty on here you have reviewed that you enjoyed. Just see them.
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Old 12-08-2024, 10:22 PM   #33
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Pugilist254 Oh yes honey because unlike most of the girls on here. I am working on my future. And yes I am a bestselling author on Amazon with a 339 page book. In fact in it's category when it was first released it was the "HOT NEW RELEASE even surpassing Dave Ramsy's new book as his new book was in the #3 spot. So yes I do not feel the need to construct this post on Eccie as if I was writing a book. I simply explained my side which was quite a lot so I wanted to just get it out as quickly as possible. I'm really glad that you think it's funny. But that does not keep people from buying my book on Amazon. My empire is only growing and if anyone wants to see me just know that I WILL not be available forever. That is my reality, and your little comment won't change that loser.
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Old 12-08-2024, 10:32 PM   #34
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Brandofan I don't consider ECCIE a place where I need to explain my side in paragraphs. If you had trouble reading it, you could have just copied and pasted and divided it up for yourself. First of all I was not sure how many characters I would be able to put in my story so I made the most of the space. If you were intelligent and familiar with other platforms you should have been able to figure that out for yourself, but in reality you're not intelligent enough. You are just a troll that makes stupid statements for the effect of being a moron. How about next time try using your brain to read between the lines as to why someone would not use paragraphs on a forum they are not familiar with. Since you don't seen to be able to figure things out for yourself and you would rather put a stupid troll comment on my story, let me educate you. There are a lot of sites that only allow a certain number of characters when making a post and I wanted to get it ALL in. But I'm sure you know that, you just wanted to take the opportunity to show what an ass you are! GOOD JOB !!! ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!
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Old 12-08-2024, 10:53 PM   #35
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Ultimate Jessica Yes I had a confirmed time with him. We have spoken before. And as I told you anyone who knows me knows the quality of me which is high. And yes you are correct. I did not have plans to go out. And I cancel appointments all the time if they are running late. I appreciate you telling me, but Like I said I really don't need anyone to tell me that. I know that.I'm not sure why it seems like you think I don't know anything. I have been doing this for at least 10 years and none of these people on this site even knew who I was until I met this person. That is because I do not like to be a part of the community. I am a private person. And I keep my clients very private as well. I prefer to remain 100% independent and not get involved in all of the drama. Because so far that is all I have seen from this site. And yes the story was long. Do you this think it's going to be short when there were over 65 trolls commenting nothing but lies? IS THAT MY FAULT??? NO!!! You see Jessica. I do not let people put blame on me that is started by someone else. But I kept this appointmet. It depends on my mood and I decided to wait. So the fact that I waited shows I was patient. But I cancel ALL the time when they are late. It was my mood to just wait that evening. Generally when they are late I tell them to just try another day or don't reschedule. It depends completely on my communication with them. . Since I am self employed it is completely up to my discretion. I should not have to go on this freaking site and put my side of this f****ng visit that lasted like 20 minutes (because he couldn't handle it )because of his unappreciative attitude and hatefulness. But my rep is with those who know and it's good. Just because this black guy is a nasrcissist who CRAVES attention at my expense. But this low class immature person has caused this. Ladies MAKE SURE YOU DON'T SEE ANY low class mf. Because if you say ANYTHING to them after giving excellent service and you hurt the poor little babies feelings, this is the result. Good Luck out there!
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Old 12-08-2024, 11:10 PM   #36
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Old 12-08-2024, 11:21 PM   #37
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Vanilla Gorilla oh no I'm not butt hurt. Maybe you are??? I just stand up for myself and WILL NOT ALLOW LIES TO BE TOLD ON THIS F****NG site by TROLLS WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME! GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT LOSER????? THOUGHT SO!!!!!
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Old 12-08-2024, 11:39 PM   #38
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YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY not VERY INTELLIGENT. Trust me that is not a novel on my self. That is about ONE APPOINTMENT. You think that is my whole life??? hahahaha. TRUST ME IF I WOULD NOT HAVE RUN INTO THAT BLACK MF I WOULD NOT BE ON HERE TELLING MY!!!!! YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT????!!!!! IF SO YOUR NEXT. BECAUSE THAT IS THE KARMA YOU ARE PUTTING OUT THERE GIRLIE!!!! TRUST ME THIS WAS MY SIDE OF THE STORY FOR ONE APPOINTMENT. AND WHEN THERE ARE 65 COMMENTS WITH NOTHING BUT LIES FROM TROLLS WHO DO NOT KNOW ME THIS LOSER FORCED ME TO TELL THE TRUTH.I HAVE MANY MANY CLIENTS WHO KEEP ME BUSY AND EVERYONE AFTER SEEING ME ALWAYS RETURNS. But this shows the kind of person you are for making this comment about another girl. And this is not a book moron, it's a forum. Am I writing a book on here idiot? Trust me my book is 339 pages and it was the hot new release above David Ramsey. Mine was the #1 HOT NEW RELEASE and Dave Ramsey was #3 and now my book is a bestseller. MAYBE YOU'RE jealous. I know you couldn't fathom being an author. BUT I AM. Good Luck
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Old 12-09-2024, 12:46 AM   #39
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She lied. Her book is not on Amazon's best selling list. It does have 54 ratings on Amazon though. Her highest selling items on Etsy are holiday and Republican T-shirts, blankets, garments, and other apparel. You can buy her incredible book on Amazon for $0.00 Kindle, $25.98 Hardcover, or $9.99 Paperback. She sells the same book for $3.74 on Etsy. Nice try. Good start. I like entrepreneurship myself. Keep going! Perhaps I should do a review on her book as well. haha. ^_____________________^

The plane is falling down, and only she can stop it. How far shall she go?

Note to self: "Never give a drama queen a positive review."
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Old 12-09-2024, 01:15 AM   #40
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Yes it is a best seller dear sorry you don't know how to look up best sellers dear. You call anyone a racist apparently because they don't like you. You can't handle it. You couldn't handle me. You have to actually read the book if you want to give it a review. You can not just put a review otherwise it does not count. You should know that My book was the #1 HOT NEW RELEASE above Dave Ramsey. No one is falling here except you. You obviosly do not know that my book is still gathering reviews which is why you can read for 0.00 but I can turn that off at any moment. It is the way Amazon works for new books. That is what authors do when the book is less than a year old. But you obviously didn't know that. In fact thanks for reminding me. I am going to turn that feature off now.Right now it can be purchased for .99 for the ebook but in the future it will be more. It is a process. If you are an entreprenuer you would understand that. I HAVE CHANGE THE EBOOK PRICE TO 7.99 Understand I CAN CHANGE THE PRICE TO WHATEVER I WANT AS MANY TIMES AS I WANT. THE FREE READING WILL END SOON. FYI THAT IS CALLED KDP SELECT. MANY AUTHORS USE THIS OPTION TO GIVE THEIR READERS A FREE PREVIEW. IT'S CALLED MARKETING. IT ALLOWS THE AUTHOR TO BE ABLE TO DO FREE PROMOTIONS OF THEIR BOOK. WHY DON'T YOU TRY LEARNING SOMETHING NEW. IN ORDER TO DO FREE PROMOTION TO MY EMAIL LIST I HAD THIS FEATURE TURNED ON. AMAZON DOES NOT CONTROL THE PRICE OF MY BOOK. I SET THE PRICE.AND NOW IT IS 7.99 PAPERBACK 9.99 BTW THE BOOK I HAVE ON ETSY IS NOT THE COMPLETE VERSION. IT IS ONLY THE EBOOK BEOOK I MADE SOME EDITS TO THE BOOK WHICH IS WHY IT IS CHEAPER. you are obviously a stalker. STOP STALKING ME.You must have found me from my social media account. You can not make any negative comments on their as they will automatically be hidden. I have filters in place. I am a digital creator so I have many options on my page to filter comments.

A racist is someone who does not like black people for no reason. You have given me a reason not to like you. You are obviously someone who uses the racist word to abuse and bully people. My best girlfriend is black. I u sed to have a mixed race boyfirend. Someone who is racist does not accociate with black people. I choose not to accosiate with people who are rude. That is not racist. You just throw the word around to bully people who draw a line in the sand with you. You can't handle it when people reject you. IT IS you who are the drama queen. This was your post that created all of the drama. Those who can think for themsemselves and who are intelligent will be able to decipher between all the bullsh** here.
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Old 12-09-2024, 01:32 AM   #41
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As an emotionally mature adult, I have never felt the need to write more than a few sentences explaining myself.
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Old 12-09-2024, 01:38 AM   #42
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jonas1_2 That is great! So proud of you When I am attacked I come out fighting. That's me. But I am a sales person and always have been and anyone who sees me gets the best. But if you want to attack me I'll attack back. Your choice.
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Old 12-09-2024, 03:12 AM   #43
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I just read the review, it was a detailed review and a Yes on the recommendation. I wonder what response a NO review would trigger?

Just a gentle reminder gentlemen, NEVER ignore the red flags. There are tons of them here including her throwing fellow providers under the bus.
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Old 12-09-2024, 03:24 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by TruthSayer View Post
I just read the review, it was a detailed review and a Yes on the recommendation. I wonder what response a NO review would trigger?

Just a gentle reminder gentlemen, NEVER ignore the red flags. There are tons of them here including her throwing fellow providers under the bus.

The pitiful part is, she actually thinks I gave her a negative review. This is a negative review below. DestinyJay. It turned into a circus in coed on OH2. It's the same outcome as BM. She told me she doesn't communicate with the other women. Most of the women here have no idea who she is, and she is making herself look worse each time she types. She literally created her account on eccie the day after I did my review in order to start conflict and drama.

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Old 12-09-2024, 03:32 AM   #45
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TruthSayer I have not thrown any of the other providers under the bus because I do not KNOW any of the other providers. And anyone who would come see me would would not say NO because I am too good at what I do. The response was my defense at the wording he used in his review. Yes does not mean it is a good review. He focused on negative like how late he was stating I was impatient.Do not expect a woman to be enthusiastic when you arrive if you are too late. You should not go on there an bad mouth her if she still allowed you to come and STILL gave you an excellent time.This guy has a bad attitude. Most black guys do. I am not racist, I state facts. Do not blame me if you have a bad attitude. I am not racist because YOU have a bad attitude. I choose not to deal with you if you don't appreciate me giving you an excellent time even if I find you very unattractive with an unkept looking appearance, but you still get the best experience. You know why? Because I am a professionsal. And I treat you like I love you and make you feel loved, then you are negative. So I will not see anyone who does not appreciate the effort I put in. It has NOTHING to do with skin color. If you consider it a red flag because I know how to articulate what happened then so be it. My ad sells itself. I do not reply on you guys here for appointments. I do not usually let anyone come in if they are an hour late. I was extremely forgiving of his lateness in this case yet he put on here that I am very impatient. Red flag is when a guy is disrespectful. Do you know how many dumb texts I get during the day in order to get to the good clients. You gentlemen give PLENTY of red flags. We have to weed between all of the low vibration morons to find the good clients. He was lucky to have seen me, just because someone puts a yes then nothing but negative we are supposed to be happy with that? Of course he put a yes because I am good at what I do. The red flag is the way he responded to my excellent service. dormGE no I don't want to know of the other women on her. I have a complete life outside of this. I am 100% independent and I do not like drama. But if someone wants to pull me into it, I will respond, but I am not the starter of it. I do not care to be a part of the community. I have my ad, and it brings me clients. I meet people who I get a long with well and who continue to see me for years. I am not hooking myself into this lifestyle by getting to know wvweryone in this community. I have my ad, I see those who respond to the ad in a respectful manner. Period. Do you think my life relies on this community. Maybe your does, but my life is WAY BIGGER THAN THIS community. I know it must be your whole life because apparently EVERYONE knows who you are. I pride myself on the fact that no one knows me in here. I am VERY PRIVATE. and my clients love that about me. I am not a messy person and you are, which is why I cut you off. You need my attention so badly don't you? Poor baby. Go find someone else and leave me alone. Good luck because apparently you have not been able to find the person who gives great service like me. Move along an stop being SO desperate for attention.
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