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Old 03-21-2024, 06:13 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
dude thanks for that post and link .. i'm gonna get me one of these big boys .. it's a work of art to begin with

definitely gonna consider getting one of these bad boys to add to TWK's arsenal

Yeah mate, little bit of a pain to load, but I'm not running a lot of rounds through them. The craftsmanship is as good as it looks in the pick. I just ordered the leg holster. I guess if I'm ever in Alaska fly fishing and need to draw down quickly. LOL
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Old 03-22-2024, 02:37 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Sig9er View Post
Yeah mate, little bit of a pain to load, but I'm not running a lot of rounds through them. The craftsmanship is as good as it looks in the pick. I just ordered the leg holster. I guess if I'm ever in Alaska fly fishing and need to draw down quickly. LOL
prolly take out a grizzly with that bad boy..
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Old 03-22-2024, 04:55 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Sig9er View Post
Yeah mate, little bit of a pain to load, but I'm not running a lot of rounds through them. The craftsmanship is as good as it looks in the pick. I just ordered the leg holster. I guess if I'm ever in Alaska fly fishing and need to draw down quickly. LOL
Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
prolly take out a grizzly with that bad boy..

speaking of being out in the wilderness .. i have this as trail gun ..

this gun is basically a "short barrel" 4 inch trail gun version of the famous 6" full barrel 44 mag made famous by this dude ...


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Old 06-23-2024, 12:14 AM   #64
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Does anybody here have a Ruger Mini 14? Here is the model I'm interested in, the Ruger 5888. https://ruger.com/products/mini14Tac...eets/5888.html

The one negative about the Ruger Mini 14 is that it has proprietary magazines with only Ruger and promag making magazines and IMHO the promags are horrible. It's almost impossible to find a Ruger made magazine in 30 rounds, as most are 20 rounds. Also, I've been to two different gun shows and hardly anybody has any new Mini 14, much less Mini 14 tactical. You can buy these online at a discount, but they have to be sent to a local FFL dealership which makes the discount worthless when the fee is paid to the FFL dealership. The mini 14 is the same caliber as the AR15, just a different magazine.

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Old 06-23-2024, 08:19 PM   #65
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Dear_John, I think you are misinformed about mail order.

Use a FFL finder webpage to find a FFL near your home. (Google "FFL Finder" and a number o websites will pop up you can use. The Gunbroker one is not bad.) Normal to pay a lot less online than through a brick and mortar store. Most home based FFLs charge about $20-$30 for a simple transfer. If you purchase from an out of state retailer, they probably will not collect sales tax. For the type of rifle you are looking at that will more than make up for the minimal transfer fee. (According to state law, you must still self report and pay that sales tax. Just like any type of out of state purchase you make online.) The process is not complicated, saves a lot of money and can get a hard to find firearm quickly.

Gunprime in Alabama has that rifle you are asking about in stock for $975, which is more than $400 under MSRP on Rugers site.


No reason you can't have that rifle home by middle of this week for about $1K.

It was easy to find, that was the first result that popped up when I entered the upc and 'for sale' into duck duck go. A small amount of effort can save you a decent amount of money.

Most folks don't like the Ruger Mini14 rifles for various reasons, some of which you have already mentioned, not taking STANAG magazines. Second, when they first came out their accuracy sucked. It's still not as good as you can get a moderately priced AR-15 to beat. There used to be all kinds of devices to make it shoot better. Ruger woke up and improved it somewhat. Good news is in it's basic form, the leftists don't see it as a threat like an ugly black rifle. Some states that ban ARs in original configuration allow Mini's. The design appeals to a lot of folks that like wood and steel rifles. However the one you are looking usually doesn't fit that fudd crowd. The select fire versions are some of the cheapest ways into a legal full auto 5.56 rifle, usually priced thousands less than M-16's..

You can PM me if you have any questions.

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Old 06-24-2024, 06:17 AM   #66
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Thank you for this highly informative post.
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Old 06-27-2024, 10:45 AM   #67
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Old 06-27-2024, 09:46 PM   #68
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Eight football fields is a long way off. To be honest, I don't even know if I could hit a car at that distance.
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Old 10-28-2024, 12:45 AM   #69
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800 yards isn't bad for a good Match .308 load and a rifle with enough barrel - 24" to 26". Estimating wind value and how many clicks to "run the dope on your scope" takes a while to learn. Knowing at what distance your projectile goes trans sonic is critical, as basically, the bullet is falling as it has lost velocity to maintain its stabilizing spin.

Longer distance shooting is a thinking man's game, and I'm relearning MOA > Mil Radians as it is an order of magnitude more precise. Also, it's easier to always be calculating in factors of 10 as opposed to yards.

Know your rifle, your scope, your preferred load and have your dope card taped to your buttstock and having the turret caps you can adjust for a working zero at 100 meters helps. Count and mark each scope adjustment, including the correction clicks. At the end of the day you can reverse math it to return your scope and rifle to working zero.

I've hit a standard pepper popper at 300 meters repeatedly with a stock government model and 230 grain hardball. Today's weapons and ammo are really accurate, the people shooting them, not so much.
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Old 10-29-2024, 11:54 AM   #70
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My issue is finding a range where you can stretch the legs of a good target rifle. 300 is about the limit you can easily find and shoot here in the Houston area. Any reasonably competent person should be able to do that with iron sights, good rifle with a scope and it becomes boring quickly.

American has 600 yard ranges, but you must go through a process of qualifying at 300 first (plus they are overpriced IMHO). Otherwise it a trip out of town, or to a private range.

Originally Posted by Anonymous01 View Post
Today's weapons and ammo are really accurate, the people shooting them, not so much.

So if I buy the most expensive rifle, most expensive ammo and watch a few youtube videos to train up I can be as good a sniper as I am in COD??????

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Old 10-29-2024, 12:24 PM   #71
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That fantasy world fails in the real world.

ECG is only decent up to 350 yards and that's three years of varmints.
My primary issue for long range is gusty cross wind on the plains. But the coyotes sometimes just stand there clueless so I might get a 2nd shot off.
And yes we report our varmint issues to the local conservation agent.
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Old 10-29-2024, 02:55 PM   #72
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I have a lot of guns but I have more bullets than guns. I've collected about 10,000 rounds of ammunition because I feel like bullets are more important than guns. I have like 40 personal weapons. My carry weapon is a 380 m&p shield EZ. I carry it everywhere I go except of course at work.

My wife carries the same weapon. I like it because it's small enough to conceal but will do the job. I spend more money on tumble rounds because if you have to shoot someone tumble rounds do more damage as they tumble, meaning they obliterate tissue and organs. I don't want the round exiting a body and hitting someone else. I'm honestly not a gun enthusiast but do understand guns are very necessary in today's times, especially when shit hits the fan. If I ever had to take a life it would really bother me
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Old 10-29-2024, 05:16 PM   #73
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Then why do you carry and why are you posting.
You have again proven yourself to be clueless.

That weapon is designed for small gals or perhaps newbies.
It's quite lightweight and accuracy is a bit off at more than short distance.

Basically, they've upgraded a 22.

The 9 MM model is a much better semi auto.
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Old 10-29-2024, 09:44 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Then why do you carry and why are you posting.
You have again proven yourself to be clueless.

That weapon is designed for small gals or perhaps newbies.
It's quite lightweight and accuracy is a bit off at more than short distance.

Basically, they've upgraded a 22.

The 9 MM model is a much better semi auto.
I don't understand your trolling of me but let me oblige you for a minute. As I stated earlier that gun is my preferred carry pistol for the reason you stated. Light weight. I'm not trying to kill someone or go looking for trouble. Simply trying to protect myself when threatened and threats are within close proximity. Anything more than close proximity isn't a threat to me. For the home and for possibilities if all hell breaks loose there are a whole range of weapons I have for that.

Again I don't like guns, they are simply a necessity and I have acquired quite a few for that necessity. So going back to my original statement that's what I carry with me. To say I like guns, I'll never. They are a necessity. We want to talk about firepower I posses enough guns and bullets to survive in chaos; which is coming
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Old 10-29-2024, 11:20 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Then why do you carry and why are you posting.
You have again proven yourself to be clueless.

That weapon is designed for small gals or perhaps newbies.
It's quite lightweight and accuracy is a bit off at more than short distance.

Basically, they've upgraded a 22.

The 9 MM model is a much better semi auto.
I’ve shot a .22 and 380, I love going to the gun range it’s so fun

I’m only scared of the big guns that have a kick scared to shoot them

Never shot a 9mm

Only a wankster doesn’t like guns. Aka Crazy democrat
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