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Old 10-29-2024, 05:22 AM   #31
Lucas McCain
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1b1, they did say they did not approve of him calling Harris a cunt. And blew off that other negative stuff as his ad libs for his jokes that they were unaware of. Bullshit. That comedian is known for that kind of racist crap.

They knew who they were getting when they hired him. Hell, he was fired by two agencies because of his racist silliness. A simple Wikipedia read tells you exactly who the guy is as a comedian and his preferred brand of mostly lame comedy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hinchcliffe

On a more positive note about the guy, I will admit that he was pretty funny on the Tom Brady roast on Netflix during his segment. Of course, he was inappropriate which is expected from a comedian at a roast, but other than Brady's divorce and his ex-wife now fucking her karate instructor, you can only insult someone with everything so much because you are kind of limited in ammo. Haha
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Old 10-29-2024, 06:24 AM   #32
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Hitler fatigue is real.....

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Old 10-29-2024, 08:06 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Cope harder... lol
Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
The jokes weren’t off the cuff remarks. They were vetted by the campaign and fed into the teleprompter. People in the campaign saw it before the words were actually spoken. I think they even edited some other remarks. That should tell you plenty.
CNN is speculating that Trump will disavow Hinchcliffe's remarks in a press conference that just started at Mar a Lago.
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Old 10-29-2024, 08:11 AM   #34
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Just like he disavowed David Duke? And admitted Obama’s citizenship?

That’ll make him better? A champion of the downtrodden?

What do you want to bet that he goes right back to the “vermin” card within 24 hours?
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Old 10-29-2024, 08:20 AM   #35
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JD Vance never saw it. Maybe Trump didn’t either. After all he’s never heard of the guy and doesn’t know him.
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Old 10-29-2024, 08:22 AM   #36
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Vance downplayed it. “Maybe it was a stupid racist joke. Maybe not…”

That’s akin to saying there are wonderful people on both sides.

What a rube.
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Old 10-29-2024, 08:26 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post

Trump doesn't judge by race just promotes opportunity and outcome based on ability not skin color.
Can you give any good examples of Trump offering opportunities to anyone who didn't donate a million dollars to his coffers or his actual campaign?

DeJoy donated- Devoss donated, Sonderland donated, and the others were TV Names like Larry Kudlow who was a talking head from CNBC and is a wanna-be level fiscal policy guy who simply is a regurgitating Reagan-ite. Literally no new ideas, but rather a guy who is articulate enough to speak publicly about policies and is a toady who carried the water for Trump and his old school policies.

From the Guardian:

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has revealed his newly formed economic council. All 15 members are men, six are called Steve, one is a hotdog vendor and two are actual economists.

MANY of these folks are definitely from the Heritage foundation- the folks who are behind project 2025, and the rest are just total asshold like Steve Miller, who was a policy guy who is basing his suggestions on how to be a Klan member without a robe.

Almost all of these ppl are generally white males who only see the world from that lens of their own view / perspective. It shouldn't come to a surprise that these people don't have diversity of perspective outside of the same " that place is a shit-hole, or garbage dump" mentality.

Imagine how gaslighting an entire group of Americans' like the city of Detroit- and then telling them it's "a hovel, or a dung pile"- despite those folks living and residing in that same city.

It would be like telling a hooker that you want to bang, that she's an ugly skank ho- and that she's the lowest type of examples of what a ho is.

Not saying there aren't dudes who do that= btw- I'm sure there are some that get off at degrading people in general and they get off on it.
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Old 10-29-2024, 09:08 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Anyone who race baits to promote a political agenda is the worst kind of racist. BLM movement set the black community back 50 years.
What proof do you have about that putting Black communities back 50 yrs?!

Sadly the entire development of BLM was spawned from the systemic and repetitive events of Black Men and Women being shot and abused by police within a very short period.
  • George Floyd,
  • Breonna Taylor
  • Freddie Gray
  • Ahmaud Abrey
  • Stephen Clark
  • Daunte Wright
  • Michael Owen
  • Korryn Gaines
  • Atatiana Jefferson
  • Philando Castile

and on and on- there are many more examples.

Most of these were ppl who were killed by police, and or shot while in police custody or abused and died after being in police custody. The common phrase that is on most cop cars is

"to serve and protect".

But in reality- it's not protecting people from police or sometimes even themselves?

How exactly is it, that any person should be found dead after being in police custody any time. I mean I understand that there are times where there are physical or emotional struggles, but there are also de-escalation techniques that are just not being trained or used.

You and any normal person walking around in common place USA should find it very suspect that any person is found dead after a police altercation, interaction or serving a warrant etc.- especially when that person is unarmed during that interaction.

BLM put a spotlight on how black people are not being considered having intrinsic value or have any sense of the same basic rights as white or non-black counterpoints, all by the callous views of this demographic as being of lesser or no-value.

It's horrifying to think that this is a political perspective whom the GOP continues to minimize- and therefore- increasing the callous views of one party vs. another.

Imagine how the tables would turn if all the sudden SWM's under the age of 40 were 5-10x more likley to die by police interactions vs. other demographics?

Some information for consideration:
Of all shootings by police involving no other weapon, i.e., from victims or others, 40 percent of victims (785) were described as non-Hispanic white, 35 percent were non-Hispanic Black, and 21 percent were Hispanic.

Which by itself- doesn't sound like disproportionate actions against blacks- HOWEVER, Black population overall is only 13.6% of the population. So the disparity of adverse actions involving blacks should be acknowledged and there needs to be training to address why only 13% of the population are almost 5.019% more likely to die while in police custody. Thats not even close.

That's why BLM is relevant and no- it didn't put anything 50 yrs behind- THat's a minimalist's ruse to try to submerge the reality of targeted racism and over profiling.

BTW- I'm White and certainly understand that social norms are different for different demographic neighborhoods and actions that are acceptable, but this downplaying of the results and why BLM occurred are NOT what you are saying they are. Only GOP members are saying this-
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Old 10-29-2024, 10:21 AM   #39
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He addressed it. He said it was a love fest. And the greatest event ever at MSG.
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Old 10-29-2024, 11:23 AM   #40
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As expected, when asked by ABC News about the comments he responded

Never heard it
Doesn’t know the guy

Who would have thought that would be his response?
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Old 10-29-2024, 01:46 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
JD Vance never saw it. Maybe Trump didn’t either. After all he’s never heard of the guy and doesn’t know him.
Who? Trump? Don't know him.

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