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Old 10-27-2024, 11:33 AM   #16
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That isn't the question.

I would like to know Trump's personal stance on abortion, so I can decide whether to vote for him or not.
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Old 10-27-2024, 12:05 PM   #17
Jacky S
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
That isn't the question.

I would like to know Trump's personal stance on abortion, so I can decide whether to vote for him or not.
So, it seems our member known as VitaMan could possibly be a woman.

One that needs to know Trump’s views on abortion because “she” just saw that strip turn blue.

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Old 10-27-2024, 02:52 PM   #18
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Hopefully you have knowledge of the forum guidelines. Does the above address the topic in any way ?

Not even one Trump supporter here seems to know what Trump's position on abortion is.
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Old 10-27-2024, 02:55 PM   #19
Jacky S
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Hopefully you have knowledge of the forum guidelines. Does the above address the topic in any way ?

Not even one Trump supporter here seems to know what Trump's position on abortion is.
We have stated it, you refuse to hear.
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Old 10-27-2024, 09:57 PM   #20
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Old 10-27-2024, 10:04 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
That isn't the question.

I would like to know Trump's personal stance on abortion, so I can decide whether to vote for him or not.
He would not ban partial birth abortion:


Furthermore, please note from the video that he has no problem with gays in the military.

In his heart, Trump's a social liberal! Has he got your vote VitaMan?
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Old 11-05-2024, 10:07 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
It doesn't matter, the Supreme Court put it back in the states hands where it belongs. So Trumps position is the Federal Government should stay out of the issue.
I hope the day comes when all surgeries or body decisions are going to be "voted" on by your local government. Do you think you'd need a petition for a colonoscopy or perhaps an aneurysm repair?

What if you wanted to get your tubes tied, or a vasectomy?

What if you needed a kidney and it would mean voting on if those types of transplants were an abomination due to being a kidney, a heart, or a lung transplant didnt' fit within my religious beliefs?

What if you needed a blood transfusion and I dont' believe that blood from one race should mix with another? (just making a point, not a racist comment) What if those beliefs are against your health??

What if cancer treatments also include some chance of fatality in the process, and local state gubberment thinks any chance of death is too much?

And if you decide to stop any conception, maybe that is a problem for both mormons as well as local governors?

I think you really need to stop pushing medical procedures to ANY government to allow, vs. making those decisions ok for a patient and thier doctors; and thus making a law that requires that to be the process.

Your religion isn't everyone else's and I believe that the founding fathers put some language in the constitution about being a separation of church and state. This convoluted churchy bible appropriation is just ridiculous and forcing women back into ally's and the underground when it comes to termination of pregnancy. It won't stop that from happening- and just puts lives of mothers at risk more, as well as pre-natal care for those with complicated pregnancy.

Where does it stop??
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Old 11-05-2024, 12:03 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
I hope the day comes when all surgeries or body decisions are going to be "voted" on by your local government. Do you think you'd need a petition for a colonoscopy or perhaps an aneurysm repair?

What if you wanted to get your tubes tied, or a vasectomy?

What if you needed a kidney and it would mean voting on if those types of transplants were an abomination due to being a kidney, a heart, or a lung transplant didnt' fit within my religious beliefs?

What if you needed a blood transfusion and I dont' believe that blood from one race should mix with another? (just making a point, not a racist comment) What if those beliefs are against your health??

What if cancer treatments also include some chance of fatality in the process, and local state gubberment thinks any chance of death is too much?

And if you decide to stop any conception, maybe that is a problem for both mormons as well as local governors?

I think you really need to stop pushing medical procedures to ANY government to allow, vs. making those decisions ok for a patient and thier doctors; and thus making a law that requires that to be the process.

Your religion isn't everyone else's and I believe that the founding fathers put some language in the constitution about being a separation of church and state. This convoluted churchy bible appropriation is just ridiculous and forcing women back into ally's and the underground when it comes to termination of pregnancy. It won't stop that from happening- and just puts lives of mothers at risk more, as well as pre-natal care for those with complicated pregnancy.

Where does it stop??
I don't think too many of us have a huge problem with early pregnancy abortions. The question is around late term abortions.
The US is pretty permissive compared to the rest of the world.
If viable pregnancies can be terminated, where the child is viable outside the womb, that causes pause.
States dictate that murder isn't legal, and enough people see the parallel to murder with a third trimester abortion.
That very baby, if born is labeled a preemie, surviving and living a life like any of us.
You see extremists advocating for 40th week abortions or even post-birth infanticide and being taken seriously in some corners.
It baffles the mind.
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