Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
So it's okay to do it just a little bit?
You Dims are such hypocrites....
You need to stop, "Ricky." People like me, brasil, and elg are not your enemy.
You used to have the angle that you said these things just to "cause shit." But you don't stop these days. And it is no longer funny. Give it a break for awhile. Or some of us might give up on you. For real.
Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
This whole $750 thing is complete bullshit.
First off, it’s no where near enough whether up front short term payment or not. Secondly, where the fuck they gonna spend it even if they do get it? Everything is fucking destroyed. And I’ve seen interviews with some of these folks saying they were being denied this whopping sum of $750.
Christ, Biden had to be reminded what storm the reporter was referring to when asked about the gov’s emergency response, meanwhile Kamala is doing softball bullshit interviews with The View & Howard Stern.
And of course we can certainly trust everything FEMA posts on their website as being factual. Lol
Fucking ridiculous

I'll lump you in with him. It used to be fun to pick on you. But...and I say this in ALL seriousness, with no joking...it's boring and I'm done with it.
You often try to game yourself as someone more objective, maybe willing to consider another point of view at times. But that is as much a lie as the nonsense you post like this.
"Rick" posted a disproven lie about FEMA. I called him out. And then you spun this whole $750 thing as some kind of
other problem. Unreal. But not surprising. Nor was it when you finished with one of your favorite techniques: a cheap shot, questioning FEMA's overall credibility. But they aren't the ones lying.
You both post disgraceful lies and distortions. I hope the day never comes when either of you actually need FEMA, though it would be interesting as fuck to see what you think then.
Trump is going all in on the lies and divisiveness as he closes out his campaign. And you are joining in on the spiral. None of you can make an actual legitimate point. And you are too dug in and misinformed to allow any meaningful self-reflection. You seem willing to ride this into the ground. But if you think that your dissatisfaction with how fucked up things are is going to somehow be better if he gets back in power, then you truly have not thought this through.
So fuggit. The jokes about this are over. For awhile anyway.
You and anyone else who wants can make whatever juvenile jokes or defensive replies you want. Take yer best shot at ol' roo. I won't even pick on JB if he does it. It would just be more of the boring fucking same.
I paraphrase NBT...as hopelessly irredeemable as he is... (though also the only honest person here)...with all seriousness...when I say:
Fuck alla y'all.
You are not welcome.
You never were.