Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
TWK has a point.
Thus, is it any wonder why some folks keep going back to band camp?
yep. they come back butthurt. it's funny that mainly only liberals who despise Trump start threads claiming "the staff is biased against anti-Trumpers" lol. and it eventually gets them banned again. go figure. then they come back double butthurt lol
and do it again.
the cuddly rascal has made this mistake several times
here's a little known fact that UC as former modster knows ..
while the membership has a right to customer service by the staff for routine issues on the site ,,,
there is no requirement for "customer service" for infractions. NONE.
that means the staff isn't required to respond to members about infractions. some will .. more on that in a moment .. and some won't.
bottom line .. it's the mod's choice to respond ..
or not.
this causes some members to get butthurt
squared and they then continue to try to get a reply .. and the staff (like any other user) can put someone on ignore where they can't pm the mod.
this causes some members to get butthurt
infinity thus the public threads about the "biased" staff.
now about the mods who choose to respond .. some like Wakeup will engage you and reply to every pm. what i found out quickly is all i was doing is give him a cheap thrill .. no matter what the reasoning was he wasn't going to reverse his decision. so i simply stopped trying to interact with him at all while he was a mod.
it was ...
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Or we're being inundated with clones.

literally the funniest thing Ive seen today!!
the clones .. the clones .. attack of the clones!