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Old 09-26-2024, 07:39 PM   #1
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Default OK if kumalot is so smart

This follows up with President Trump's closing statement.

If she's so fucking smart with all these great ideas, why not implement them now, versus if she wins she will officially start after inauguration. If these ideas are so great, then let the American public benefit from them now, not later. Let the American voters see she has good ideas and that she's prepared for 4 years of the toughest job in the world. Let the American voter see her ideas and try to forget her ratings were in the mid 30's as VP.

Plus she has the backing of Putin, Xi, the fat kid, and the Iranians. No doubt Putin is warming up his ICBM's as we speak. Fact is, she's full of shit and low IQ American libtards would rather vote for her than give a shit about the future of our country. Oh she's black, oh she's Asian, oh she's a female lets vote for her, ridiculous.

No doubt hussein osama obama and nancy piglosi will be running the country anyway. kumalot is just a puppet with their hands up her ass.

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Old 09-26-2024, 07:42 PM   #2
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No one is voting FOR Harris. They're voting against Trump. It's the whole "vote for the D no matter if it a person or a fence post". Not a single Democrat actually believes she is right for the job.
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Old 09-26-2024, 08:04 PM   #3
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The president drives policy, not the VP. Post #2 is half right. Trump is a NO go. Can you say Lincoln project? They are back to running anti Trump commericals. Even the Wall Street Journal said Harris won the debate with Trump. LOL. The WSJ is not a liberal low information voter. You keep saying Trump is going to save the country. Save the country from what?

1. Unemployment rate is low around 4%.
2. Inflation is down to 2.5%.
3. The Nasdaq and S&P500 stock indexes have gone thru the roof.
4. The Biden/Harris economy has done better than the Trump economy.
5. Price of gas has come back down 93 octane is $3.35 a gallon in Dallas
6. Ukraine is about to defeat Russia, the USA did not have to send any troops. There were guys on here who wrote that Russia would win that war in six months.
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Old 09-26-2024, 08:20 PM   #4
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Remember, from her own words, she was the last person in the room.


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Old 09-26-2024, 08:27 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
The president drives policy, not the VP. Post #2 is half right. Trump is a NO go. Can you say Lincoln project? They are back to running anti Trump commericals. Even the Wall Street Journal said Harris won the debate with Trump. LOL. The WSJ is not a liberal low information voter. You keep saying Trump is going to save the country. Save the country from what?

1. Unemployment rate is low around 4%.
2. Inflation is down to 2.5%.
3. The Nasdaq and S&P500 stock indexes have gone thru the roof.
4. The Biden/Harris economy has done better than the Trump economy.
5. Price of gas has come back down 93 octane is $3.35 a gallon in Dallas
6. Ukraine is about to defeat Russia, the USA did not have to send any troops. There were guys on here who wrote that Russia would win that war in six months.

uhh .. not so fast.

1. Unemployment rate is low around 4%
was the same or better under Trump

.2. Inflation is down to 2.5%.
it was never as high under Trump as it was under Biden

3. The Nasdaq and S&P500 stock indexes have gone thru the roof.
the markets have set new highs under every admin democrat or republican since WWII
know what that means? Biden is riding Trump's market growth. and Trump was riding Obama's. and Obama's was riding Bushy Jr's .. see the trend here?

4. The Biden/Harris economy has done better than the Trump economy.
before or after COVID? subtract COVID and tell me what was "bad" about Trumps economy?

5. Price of gas has come back down 93 octane is $3.35 a gallon in Dallas
why was it so high under Biden in the first place?

6. Ukraine is about to defeat Russia, the USA did not have to send any troops. There were guys on here who wrote that Russia would win that war in six months

bahahahaa are you serious? about to defeat Russia? not in a 100 years dude. Russia .. while showing rather surprisingly they are a mere shadow of what they reportedly were during the Cold War has 10x the male population to draw from. they'll win by sheer attrition alone. no matter how much money the US dumps into a losing cause.

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Old 09-26-2024, 08:44 PM   #6
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..............and libtards want kumalot to be Commander in Chief? I think not. Again, she admitted to being the last person in the room on this. If I were to trust a woman to be CIC, it sure as hell wouldn't be a far left progressive like her or Pocahontas. Now, Tulsi Gabbard I would fully trust. Haley is 50/50.

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Old 09-26-2024, 08:52 PM   #7
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Poor Dear John. All he can think about is childish name calling. I guess when you follow Trump that’s what is believed to intellectual conversation.
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Old 09-26-2024, 08:56 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Poor Dear John. All he can think about is childish name calling. I guess when you follow Trump that’s what is believed to intellectual conversation.

The ignore function is your friend.
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Old 09-26-2024, 09:04 PM   #9
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Yes poor Johnny thinks Tulsi actually has done something. She out on a white pant suit and changed teams cause she couldn't get dick done in her home state. Now she is more like a fox commentator...soon she will be a use-ta-could.

Haley bent the knee and kissed the ring.

Dems are sickened as you all should be at the genuflection of ass kissing GOP party personnel. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM TOLD YOU Trump was not the right choice back then, and only after claiming nomination did they fall in line.

So which is it They were telling the truth before, or are they telling the truth now, or are they never telling the truth?
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Old 09-26-2024, 09:06 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
uhh .. not so fast.

1. Unemployment rate is low around 4%
was the same of better under Trump

.2. Inflation is down to 2.5%.
it was never as high under Trump as it was under Biden

3. The Nasdaq and S&P500 stock indexes have gone thru the roof.
the markets have set new highs under every admin democrat or republican since WWII
know what that means? Biden is riding Trump's market growth. and Trump was riding Obama's. and Obama's was riding Bushy Jr's .. see the trend here?

4. The Biden/Harris economy has done better than the Trump economy.
before or after COVID? subtract COVID and tell me what was "bad" about Trumps economy?

5. Price of gas has come back down 93 octane is $3.35 a gallon in Dallas
why was it so high under Biden in the first place?

6. Ukraine is about to defeat Russia, the USA did not have to send any troops. There were guys on here who wrote that Russia would win that war in six months

bahahahaa are you serious? about to defeat Russia? not in a 100 years dude. Russia .. while showing rather surprisingly they are a mere shadow of what they reportedly were during the Cold War has 10x the male population to draw from. they'll win by sheer attrition alone. no matter how much money the US dumps into a losing cause.

1. Unemployment rate is low around 4%
was the same of better under Trump

Not after Trump mishandled the pandmic.

.2. Inflation is down to 2.5%.
it was never as high under Trump as it was under Biden

Most of the inflation were caused by supply chain problems due to Trumps mishandling of the pandemic.

3. The Nasdaq and S&P500 stock indexes have gone thru the roof.
the markets have set new highs under every admin democrat or republican since WWII
know what that means? Biden is riding Trump's market growth. and Trump was riding Obama's. and Obama's was riding Bushy Jr's .. see the trend here?

At the end of 2008 all the stock indexes were down because of the wall street meltdown. The big banks lost all of their money on credit default swap bets that went sideways. Obama did not ride Bush Jr. Obama and Tim Geitner had to bail out wall street after the Dodd/Frank finance reform bill was passed in 2009. The DJIA went from 7,000 to 19,000 under Obama after Obama and Tim Gitner bailed out Wall Street by giving 1000 troubled assets 450 Billion dollars. This amount was set by the Dodd/Frank finance reform bill.

4. The Biden/Harris economy has done better than the Trump economy.
before or after COVID? subtract COVID and tell me what was "bad" about Trumps economy?

Did not say Trump did bad. His GDP numbers were the same as Obamas. The Biden/Harris economy did better in terms of number of jobs added and GDP numbers.

5. Price of gas has come back down 93 octane is $3.35 a gallon in Dallas
why was it so high under Biden in the first place?

Because Putin invaded the Ukraine. That affected the global market.

6. Ukraine is about to defeat Russia, the USA did not have to send any troops. There were guys on here who wrote that Russia would win that war in six months

bahahahaa are you serious? about to defeat Russia? not in a 100 years dude. Russia .. while showing rather surprisingly they are a mere shadow of what they reportedly were during the Cold War has 10x the male population to draw from. they'll win by sheer attrition alone.

Zelensky is coming back to the USA to pitch to Biden/Harris his plans for Victory if we give him some more equipment. You did hear that the Ukraine Army has occupied some Russian cities in Russia? Having more males has not been an advantage so far. Ukraine has received help from three different NATO countries.
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Old 09-26-2024, 09:10 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Yes poor Johnny thinks Tulsi actually has done something. She out on a white pant suit and changed teams cause she couldn't get dick done in her home state. Now she is more like a fox commentator...soon she will be a use-ta-could.

I see her as a moderate who was embarrassed to see what has become of the democratic party and got out.
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Old 09-26-2024, 09:22 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
1. Unemployment rate is low around 4%
was the same of better under Trump

Not after Trump mishandled the pandmic.

who "Advised" Trump on the pandemic? .. Fauci. so ask yerself this .. is Fauci .. who graduated number 1 in his med school class at Columbia that incompetent or was he intentionally misleading Trump?

the only thing Trump did "wrong" is listen to that idiot Fauci

.2. Inflation is down to 2.5%.
it was never as high under Trump as it was under Biden

Most of the inflation were caused by supply chain problems due to Trumps mishandling of the pandemic.

how exactly did Trump mishandle the pandemic? see above about who "advised" him .. Fauci

interesting isn't it how Fauci seems to be the root cause of many things yes?

3. The Nasdaq and S&P500 stock indexes have gone thru the roof.
the markets have set new highs under every admin democrat or republican since WWII
know what that means? Biden is riding Trump's market growth. and Trump was riding Obama's. and Obama's was riding Bushy Jr's .. see the trend here?

At the end of 2008 all the stock indexes were down because of the wall street meltdown. The big banks lost all of their money on credit default swap bets that went sideways. Obama did not ride Bush Jr. Obama and Tim Geitner had to bail out wall street after the Dodd/Frank finance reform bill was passed in 2009.

does not matter. the fact is .. the market has increased under every president republican and democrat since WWII.

4. The Biden/Harris economy has done better than the Trump economy.
before or after COVID? subtract COVID and tell me what was "bad" about Trumps economy?

Did not say Trump did bad. His GDP numbers were the same as Obamas. The Biden/Harris economy did better in terms of number of jobs added and GDP numbers.

Biden added nada new jobs. they were all post COVID layoffs jobs coming back after the "Chinese flu" ended.

5. Price of gas has come back down 93 octane is $3.35 a gallon in Dallas
why was it so high under Biden in the first place?

Because Putin invaded the Ukraine. That affected the global market.

exactly! so you can't blame Trump for COVID crashing his economy and then give Biden a pass for high gas price caused by an external event. see how that works?

6. Ukraine is about to defeat Russia, the USA did not have to send any troops. There were guys on here who wrote that Russia would win that war in six months

bahahahaa are you serious? about to defeat Russia? not in a 100 years dude. Russia .. while showing rather surprisingly they are a mere shadow of what they reportedly were during the Cold War has 10x the male population to draw from. they'll win by sheer attrition alone.

Zelensky is coming back to the USA to pitch to Biden/Harris his plans for Victory if we give him some more equipment. You did hear that the Ukraine Army has occupied some Russian cities in Russia? Having more males has not been an advantage so far. Ukraine has received help from three different NATO countries.

he'll run out of men before we run out of equipment to give him .. at tax payer expense
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Old 09-26-2024, 09:23 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
This follows up with President Trump's closing statement.

If she's so fucking smart with all these great ideas, why not implement them now, versus if she wins she will officially start after inauguration. If these ideas are so great, then let the American public benefit from them now, not later. Let the American voters see she has good ideas and that she's prepared for 4 years of the toughest job in the world. Let the American voter see her ideas and try to forget her ratings were in the mid 30's as VP.

Plus she has the backing of Putin, Xi, the fat kid, and the Iranians. No doubt Putin is warming up his ICBM's as we speak. Fact is, she's full of shit and low IQ American libtards would rather vote for her than give a shit about the future of our country. Oh she's black, oh she's Asian, oh she's a female lets vote for her, ridiculous.

No doubt hussein osama obama and nancy piglosi will be running the country anyway. kumalot is just a puppet with their hands up her ass.

A lot of off topic postings. Now if she's so smart, why is she waiting to start implementing her way of running the country. That's what this thread is about, why wait when she has the power now. Methinks my libtard buddies are playing the kumalot game and avoiding the question with none answers.
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Old 09-26-2024, 09:27 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
..............and libtards want kumalot to be Commander in Chief? I think not. Again, she admitted to being the last person in the room on this. If I were to trust a woman to be CIC, it sure as hell wouldn't be a far left progressive like her or Pocahontas. Now, Tulsi Gabbard I would fully trust. Haley is 50/50.

1. Trump told students at Westpoint they should go to some other school, so when they finish they can go to Wall street and make money instead of serving in the Military.

2. Trump told soldiers who enlist that they are losers for going into the Military.

3. Trump told some gold star parents that your kid knew what could happen if you go into the military.
Not one ounce of compassion at all.
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Old 09-27-2024, 01:03 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
A lot of off topic postings. Now if she's so smart, why is she waiting to start implementing her way of running the country. That's what this thread is about, why wait when she has the power now. Methinks my libtard buddies are playing the kumalot game and avoiding the question with none answers.

Not one on topic reply as to why she hasn't started her way of running the country right now.

Come on libtards, if she has these great ideas, why not jump start them right now and show America in the remaining month and a half before elections what you can do. kumalot, it's your race to lose.

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