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Old 09-18-2024, 05:35 AM   #16
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There are people who drink $30 bottles of bourbon, $60, $120, etc. Frequent fliers love the $30 hidden gems, but it doesn’t mean they can’t afford the more expensive bottle. In many instances, the $30 bottle is damn good drinking. Then there are those who just pay for the most expensive bourbon they can find and don’t care. They’re the ones missing out. Personally, I found my $30 favorites and am drinking as much as I can because the $120 is never worth it.
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Old 09-18-2024, 08:33 AM   #17
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Default Prices.

I understand you’re gonna pay a premium for some of the touring ladies. But when an STG girl wants $150 just to give a blowjob pretty much no thanks. Be a totally different story if you could in there if you could pretty much have access but all of a sudden it’s the rules oh, I don’t do that. You can’t do this. Don’t touch me there. I’ll sit home and jerk off and save myself some money.. I know that yesterday’s prices are yesterday’s prices but I’m sorry it’s just ridiculous but I’ve also told girls that the picture isn’t a good representative who you are I’m walking out and I walk out. I’ve walked out many times. Oh yeah that’s my picture. Yeah, 1015 years ago.
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Old 09-18-2024, 09:19 AM   #18
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I am okay with $120 QV.
Prices adjust girls slide
I remember a very popular escort that would not touch anyone who did not pay $400
At the end of her career you could get a QV for $100 and it was well worth it.
So every thing that goes up comes down in time ��
By the way I did not visit at $400 a pop but many did keeping her price high for a while.
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Old 09-18-2024, 01:30 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Scoot642 View Post
Is it bad I think I know who you’re talking about just with pricing? LOL

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Old 09-18-2024, 01:40 PM   #20
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Old 09-22-2024, 06:54 AM   #21
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Earlier comment from EH: "The ladies can ask anything they want. If they ask for $1,000/hour they'll get fewer takers. If they ask $200/hour they'll get way more action. If the girl that asks $1,000/hour gets 2 takers per week and the girl that asks $200/hour gets 10 takers per week - who did better??"

The $1,000/hr girl did WAY better because she only worked 1/5 the amount of time. They both made the same total, but the $200/hr girl worked 5 times as much.
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Old 09-22-2024, 07:02 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers View Post
Depends on who the better lovers were.. the $1000 dudes or the $200 dudes
In general, I don't think a provider cares about 'better lover.' They may prefer certain personality traits, and they want to stay safe, but better lover to them is someonr who finishes quickly, no matter the amount of time booked.
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Old 09-22-2024, 07:10 AM   #23
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Many of the the $800+ women look super awesome. You could say 'perfect.' Some customers are of a certain tax bracket wherein spending a $1,000 to them is like spending $100 to others. It's 2 hours of wages, or whatever. If I had it like that, I could see spending $1,000. Then, even if performance isn't great, at least the view is. But when performance and looks are spot on, and you got it in the bank with plenty more coming in daily, you might not care about the money.
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Old 09-23-2024, 10:53 AM   #24
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Default Prices and such

Prices are a two way street. What is it worth to me and what is it worth to the provider. To me, it’s never “what is she worth”. Semantics maybe, but it’s not about the value of someone, it’s how much do I value something from someone.
For me, I still get it at home and from a side piece, so it’s only about variety. I also don’t have the ability to make big money disappear. So for me, it’s what some of you would consider low donations, or it’s just not worth it for me.
On the flip side, for some providers there is value to seeing someone they have seen before and/or someone they click with and find attractive. Their rate may reflect the general community of mongers, but you may get a discounted rate if they like you (and enjoy fucking you), or if they have seen you before (for safety reasons).
All that said, I used to feel funny offering less than the advertised rate. However, most girls shoot for the moon when they advertise, and will take less. It’s turned into a freaking negotiation. both sides of the community in general has caused this issue. For that reason, and all my above reasons, I ask their rate. If it fits what I want/can do, I accept. If it doesn’t but it’s close, I counter with “this is what I can pay” and I am very respectful with my response. And lastly, if I’m not even close, I don’t counter. I tell them that I am sure their time is worth all that and more, but I cannot part with that much donation, and I move on. But to the original point, it seems they add have a lot of fluff in their first number.
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Old 09-30-2024, 07:39 AM   #25
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$1000 for a warm place to cum?? No thanks lmao…wtf is wrong with some of these people.
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Old 09-30-2024, 05:40 PM   #26
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Old 10-01-2024, 08:28 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by radar6 View Post
$1000 for a warm place to cum?? No thanks lmao…wtf is wrong with some of these people.
You could say this for anything people pay for. For some its all about tax bracket. $10 million for a roof over my head? $100 thousand for a car to get from point A to point B? $75 for a nice steak? For Jeff Bezos, $10 mil is nothing for a house. It's like me spending 10 bucks. If I had a certain amount of disposable income, I could see spending $1,000.
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Old 10-01-2024, 03:41 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bogie12 View Post
You could say this for anything people pay for. For some its all about tax bracket. $10 million for a roof over my head? $100 thousand for a car to get from point A to point B? $75 for a nice steak? For Jeff Bezos, $10 mil is nothing for a house. It's like me spending 10 bucks. If I had a certain amount of disposable income, I could see spending $1,000.
Sure, only because money is no object, but that’s not what a lot of us here deal with. I’m sure there are people here that can afford a $75,000 car, maybe even a three-quarter million dollar house or more, but in every one of your examples you get what you pay for. Paying $1000 for an Eros girl May get you something pretty to look at, but the service could absolutely be horrific. Plus, you can achieve the same exact thing for 1/5 of the amount over the whopping 30 to 60 minutes you are there.

Like I said, unless you’ve got major disposable income and stupid money where it doesn’t mean anything to you, it isn’t worth it
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Old 10-05-2024, 08:04 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by FreeLancer40 View Post
Sure, only because money is no object, but that’s not what a lot of us here deal with. I’m sure there are people here that can afford a $75,000 car, maybe even a three-quarter million dollar house or more, but in every one of your examples you get what you pay for. Paying $1000 for an Eros girl May get you something pretty to look at, but the service could absolutely be horrific. Plus, you can achieve the same exact thing for 1/5 of the amount over the whopping 30 to 60 minutes you are there.

Like I said, unless you’ve got major disposable income and stupid money where it doesn’t mean anything to you, it isn’t worth it
Again, I think it's all relative. I'm not talking about JUST the Jeff Bezos of the world because I know there's only a few guys who have that sort of money. But some people can afford $1,000/hr the same as others can afford $300/hr. But as far as 'getting what you pay for,' it's the same with providers. $75,000 for a car that gets you to the supermarket the same as a $25,000 car. Yeah, you achieve the same thing but there's these little extras that make it more enjoyable. Some people can't afford or don't want to pay for the extras, some can and feel that it's worth it. It might be worth it if you got that sort of money.
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Old 10-05-2024, 01:26 PM   #30
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As of 10/2024, for an hour of fun with a playboy-model-quality girl, $600 is the limit. Anyone asking more is a traveling conwoman. You can get A+ experiences with a beautiful fitness girl for $400-$500. A few will ask for $600, but even that is rarely worth it.

Remember, conwomen will ask for as much as they can get because they're not looking for a win-win. They will use very dated photos, if not outright fake photos. And have many rules. (Unless highly reviewed) I stay away from American/Euro traveling escorts as now they almost all use fake/dated photos. The Brazilians (not all, so screening is still important) are the last vestige of quality unreviewed travelers. You can TOFTT and find absolute gems at a very high probability with the Brazilians. Prior to Covid, quality unreviewed Euro/Russian girls were available on Eros. So many low-quality Euro fakes now not worth even trying with them.
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