I texted the 316-302-4105 listed on EM. It doesn't match any of the reviews. I thought it had changed.
I hit up Sally early afternoon. She replies about 8 hours later saying she's not far from me and to pick a time. We agree on a time in 30 minutes and place. I get ready then head her way and let her know I'm on the way. No response. I get there 15 minutes later and let her know I'm there. 5 minutes go by and still no response. I think maybe she's still getting ready so I try again. She responds saying she didn't see my confirmation message and needs another 10 minutes to get ready.
One of my major flaws in life is being too patient. So I agree to wait. 20 minutes go by and she messages that she started doing something she has to finish and needs another 15 minutes. I agree again. 30 minutes go by and finally get a message that says she's done.
Then she says she doesn't have supplies for us. Something I could have handled while waiting. I ask what we could do still and I say ok to one activity. 2 minutes go by and no confirmation so I leave finally.
So 90 minutes of time spent waiting and all I got out of it was some progress in a game. I don't know if she thought I wasn't real, no screening was done, or just felt like messing with me. I'm always respectful and to the point so not like she had a reason to be rude. I haven't decided if I'll try again or not.