Fellow monger brethern. It has come to my attention some yall have scaly calloused feet and rub them on the funnel monsters. Please moisturize and clip them nails.
Also. Again! It's hot and the funnel monsters are complaining again about yalls smegma. Please shower. Use a wash cloth and scrub that stuff away.
And please . Ifn you schedule an appointment. Please show up. It riles the collective hive and gets em all worked up.
Another issue. Dentine in a pinch can help with that hallotosis. Don't show up with yuk mouth cuz you refuse to brush.
Also. I've been told to let the brethern know. If you work with your hands. And or just have dirty hands. Don't expect to fiv a funnel monster.
I bring these psa's to yas cause I care. I want ever ones to have good sexy times with no issues.

- wd