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Old 06-01-2024, 05:53 AM   #1
ICU 812
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Default It Could Happen To You.

Forget about Mr. Trump's conviction for a bit. It is over for now but will come back in July for sentencing and then there is the appeal etc. Lets talk about the trial itself and what that trial could mean for us "regular" citizens.

Now, I am not an atourny so if you are, please jump in and give us the benafit o your expertise.

I am told that there are appealable defects in the trial process. From what I can understand of these legal criticisms, the verdict is quite likely to be overturned on appeal . . .perhaps by the SCOTUS.

So then, If those criticisms are true issues, but the verdict is allowed to stand, thus setting a precedent, anyway . . .they could do it to any of us for anything.

Ever get a parking ticket or got pulled over for exceeding the posted speed limit? What about a DUI while in High School? Or how about erroneously filling out an IRS form ("But I swear that I checked that box!")

In Mr. Trump's trial, "they" bundled together long expired state misdemeanors in how business documents were filed with an unspecified federal elections violation to come up with thirty some felony charges.

Ok, maybe it is some other suite of "crimes" that get bundled into whatever "they" want to hang you with so that you cannot effectively run for City Council. We can quibble over the fine points but think over the broader issues here.

Attacking your strongest political rival with the judicial system is the sort of thing that goes on in Venezuela, Cuba and Russia.
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Old 06-01-2024, 07:27 AM   #2
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You MAGA brains continue to conflate the DOJ with the State of New York.

Looks like they made you an offer you couldn’t understand.
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Old 06-01-2024, 08:39 AM   #3
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All 12 jurors found him guilty on each of the counts.

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Old 06-01-2024, 09:09 AM   #4
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Excellent post ICU. I agree with you up until the last paragraph. The U.S. Department of Justice and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. chose not to prosecute Trump for paying off a porn star in part for the reasons you outlined. Cyrus Vance did start an investigation of Trump's tax returns, which IMHO is reasonable, considering the huge contrast between Trump's wealth and the income taxes he paid.

Alvin Bragg ran to replace Cyrus Vance, Jr. on a platform to prosecute Trump. He said for example,

"I have investigated Trump and his children and held them accountable for their misconduct with the Trump Foundation. I also sued the Trump administration more than 100 times for the travel ban, the separation of children from their families at the border. So I know that work. I know how to follow the facts and hold people in power accountable."

Perhaps 90% of Manhattan votes go to Democrats, so this was a popular position. Bragg won, and followed through with his campaign promise. I don't believe this was cooked up by the Biden Administration, although certainly Biden welcomed it.

I imagine Biden might be convicted for fictitious Burisma related charges or Hillary Clinton for Benghazi if they were prosecuted in Roberts County, Texas, the reddest county in America.
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Old 06-01-2024, 11:05 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post

Ever get a parking ticket or got pulled over for exceeding the posted speed limit? What about a DUI while in High School? Or how about erroneously filling out an IRS form ("But I swear that I checked that box!")
IRS just wants their money, not going to go to trial on frivolous stuff. As for falsifying an IRS doc, it wouldn't be covering up another crime as in Trump's case. So really dumb comparison of "it could happen to any of us"

SC doesn't overturn state stuff. Again Trump uses the SC as his mommy to cry to when he doesn't get his way. The Supreme Court could only get involved if some element of the appeal relates to the Constitution or federal law. First it would go to NYC appellate court, then New York if they decide to hear it.
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Old 06-01-2024, 11:12 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post

So then, If those criticisms are true issues, but the verdict is allowed to stand, thus setting a precedent, anyway . . .they could do it to any of us for anything.
This is just Trump's scare tactic for the brainless magats. It's only a felony though if you are dumb enough to falsify things to cover up other crimes. Trump has gotten away with this stuff for 30-40 years, probably worse stuff. He finally got caught like a serial killer does eventually.
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Old 06-01-2024, 11:43 AM   #7
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"Forget about Mr. Trump's conviction for a bit..."

OK. Pretend for a minute that it wasn't a con man getting busted on another con. If you do what he did, should you be held accountable?
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Old 06-01-2024, 01:05 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I imagine Biden might be convicted for fictitious Burisma related charges or Hillary Clinton for Benghazi if they were prosecuted in Roberts County, Texas, the reddest county in America.
Tiny, let’s get some Texas Rangers and go get ‘em!

ICU, statute of limitations had been exceeded and a state DA has conflated state and federal law. Jury instructions were flawed.
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Old 06-01-2024, 01:39 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I imagine Biden might be convicted for fictitious Burisma related charges or Hillary Clinton for Benghazi if they were prosecuted in Roberts County, Texas, the reddest county in America.
Originally Posted by Michael8219 View Post
Tiny, let’s get some Texas Rangers and go get ‘em!
The flaw in your argument is that Biden or Clinton would have needed to have broken the law in Roberts County before they could be prosecuted there.

If you plan on forming a posse to “go get ‘em!” make sure you have the law on your side otherwise it’s just a lynch mob.

Trump was prosecuted under the laws of New York because he broke the laws of New York. At the time he broke the law his official home of record was in New York.

He was charged, tried, and convicted lawfully under NY law.

The only argument you can make is that he was charged unfairly. Well welcome to the real world. That shit happens all the time in every city, county and state in the U.S.

What makes this manageable is that our system of laws has safeguards installed. The first one is the jury. The second is the appellate system. The third is the constitution.

Before every one goes to the mattresses let’s let the process play out and see what happens.
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Old 06-01-2024, 02:10 PM   #10
ICU 812
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Thank you all for pointing out that the DOJ did not directly participate in the trial. As others her have said, this trial was conducted within the jurisdiction of the State of New York.

However, it is my belief that this trial along with the other current legal actions against the former president have been coordinated from the beginning through back-channel discussions between progressive leftist power brokers and string pullers.

"Conspiracy Theory!" will inevitably be hysterically shouted from the leftists on this board. I have lived long enough now to know when I am bing lied to . . .even though I cannot decan what the truth actually is.

My reference to an unspecified federal crime comes from the prosecution's insistence that the state's statute of limitations on state misdemeanors could be extended in time and the charges raised to the level of felonies because some federal election law had been violated. Again, as others here have pointed out, no federal charges were ever filed.

The co-ordination of this trial and the three other pending actions is an an example of what we have long come o expect from third-world countries and communist authoritarian regimes.
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Old 06-01-2024, 02:20 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
"Forget about Mr. Trump's conviction for a bit..."

OK. Pretend for a minute that it wasn't a con man getting busted on another con. If you do what he did, should you be held accountable?
Well no.

Considering that even if Mr. Trump actually had committed a State off New York mmisdemeanor, the State had chosen not to bring charges until well after the relevant statute of limitations had expired.

I myself was served with papers suing me for my part of an auto accident that occurred two years previously. We had intended to be on vacation at the time of service but had changed our plans. Had we been out of town, the statute of limitations for that sort of lawsuit in Texas would have expired and the suit would have died, I was told. In he end, nothing came of it as I was not culpable.

So, the answer is no.
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Old 06-01-2024, 03:38 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Michael8219 View Post
Tiny, let’s get some Texas Rangers and go get ‘em!

ICU, statute of limitations had been exceeded and a state DA has conflated state and federal law. Jury instructions were unconstitutional.


Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
All 12 jurors found him guilty on each of the counts.

wrong. there was no unanimous verdict on any counts. Merchan rigged the trial for a "conviction" that itself is fraud.
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Old 06-01-2024, 03:57 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

wrong. there was no unanimous verdict on any counts. Merchan rigged the trial for a "conviction" that itself is fraud.
Let’s see if the appeals court agrees with you on this.
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Old 06-01-2024, 04:22 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

wrong. there was no unanimous verdict on any counts. Merchan rigged the trial for a "conviction" that itself is fraud.
I can't take this any more.

Kid, my opinion of you is changing. I'd still buy you a G&T. But I'm really starting to thinck you are a complete idiot.

You have NOTHING...ZERO...ZIP...NADA... to back up these stoopid claims. Nothing except what Tucker and Breitbart tell you. And they only want your money.

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