At the end of the day you just need to figure out who you're rooting for. Dodger Don and the Soviet Regime/special military operation interests or Biden and the zionist agenda. Which Canada and Sleepy joe are fully leaning into at this point.
Do you want America to keep getting fucked and milked by the gopnicks or do you want us to end up sending more american lives/tax dollars perpetuating a genocide? I recall one Israeli official talking about the attack on that music festival and saying it was their 9/11 and 1 Israeli life is the equivalent of hundreds of american lives on some interview, I don't care what fuckin context he was using it in.
Both these choices fucking suck and none of them honestly have tax payers or our social systems in genuine focus. At least team blue will fuck me in the ass with a smile and at least try to make things a little better for the average person. I swear all the people I knew who grew up with a piece of shit old man with a truck worth more than the trailer they lived in using food stamps left and right is so against social programs or help for the needy its borderline hilariously hypocritical. If it wasn't so dangerously and blindly stupid I would laugh.
The good thing we can take comfort in is at least most these glorified mall ninjas with all their lifted emotional support trucks (I saw some idiot on the i90 today with a blue Trump logo'd sports car almost wipe out trying to cut people off by Grand Island today, its not unique to trucks) is most these people are too fat/lazy

/entitled to use their weapons in the first place without hurting themselves.
How many times was that stupid ashley babbit clown told to back away before she took a hot one to the chest? And the guy didn't even mag dump her, clearly he wasn't trained at the same academy as these thin blue line fellers.
Most the people I know personally who have been or are currently in the service are somehow (least likely but still somehow) smart enough to recognize a lying sack of shit when they smell one who's done nothing but talk down and ridicule people who laid down life and limb for the pursuit of liberty, freedom, and oil.
Cant wait to see all the illegitimate children start popping up and politicians getting burned cause them to start back peddling on this roe v wade reversal :-D.
This place really astounds me, like how fucked would the lives of many people here be if a swimmer somehow got through a micro friction hole in a condom and then the funnel couldn't flush it out? I didn't realize so many people in the pump em and dump em we pay em to go away crowd were looking to inadvertently sire so many bastards and hand out so much child support. Maybe I misunderstood and you're all very deeply pragmatic honorable loving nurturing family oriented people just looking to adopt and turn em all into a house wife! (that goes well always, right fellas?...right?)