Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Echo, echo
Sir Echo,
please free waco
reading the toon thread I love
posting in it I hate and its pissing me off
the combo of of my bad internet service and icky's slow servers, the 504 errors are a killer

thank God they have stopped sabotaging twisted pair phone lines so I can get on. But now in my hood they they now sabotaging co-ax and fiber.. So I can't move up to faster service. MMMMM Unless I want no service at all.
LOL they ran a fiber line in my yard. LOL right over a caving in septic tank LOL I hear that service stinks LOL DUH
So in a way I have to stay on the slower twisted pair
its funny watching them putting a new cable of fibers, Drive over the tank and a few fibers get broke as they drive trucks over the tank when leaving. Its a to dumb to be in bossiness thing LOL ONE guy cot his when
sabotaging the line coming down a pole to my yard. When swinging a ax to a fiber line, don't miss and hit a power line line, May he RIP LOL all he had ta do was drive over the tank LOL
anyways please bring WACO back