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Old 03-28-2024, 08:23 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... So you can silence him also?

... Crikey! ... So much for Free Speech and the public
right to choose who to listen-to...

#### Salty
I think Sean Hannity is literally the most dangerous person on TV. He's spouted lie after lie about Trump and democrats in his highly scripted TV show. His derogatory slant on political sides and the fact that his shit is false and baseless, and only EVERY shows GOP supporters, or Republican guests tells you everything you'd ever need to know about him. He will literally say or do ANYTHING to bow down the conservatives and TRUMP. He's a fluffer of GOP penises. Plus the guy has the same moral compass as Trump does by cheating on his wife with Ainsley Earhard. - just like Jesse Waters- another GOP fuckhead/shitheal cheated on his wife to get a hotter piece of ass.

Cheaters= the GOP party and their supporters who look the other way when there is any moral equivalent to doing the right thing.

they just dont' care.
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Old 03-28-2024, 09:22 AM   #32
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Aparently NBC et al do not consider nclusion of diverse political views to be part of their Diversity, Inclusion and Equity program..
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Old 03-28-2024, 02:03 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
Aparently NBC et al do not consider nclusion of diverse political views to be part of their Diversity, Inclusion and Equity program..
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Old 03-28-2024, 02:12 PM   #34
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Default Hypocrisy at NBC

Here's an excerpt from a WSJ opinion piece today, "NBC's Ronna McDaniel Tantrum." I bet Rachel Maddow, Chuck Todd et al would happily welcome Stacey Abrams to the NBC/MSNBC stable if the network brass decided to hire her.

The network announced its hiring of Ms. McDaniel as a political analyst on Friday. She would provide, NBC politics editor Carrie Budoff Brown said in an internal memo, “an insider’s perspective on national politics and the future of the Republican Party.” We hold no brief for Ms. McDaniel as a spokeswoman for conservatives or Republicans, but NBC brass were trying to provide an alternative view of Donald Trump to the one viewers get from the NBC-MSNBC conformity caucus.

Cue the moral outrage. On Sunday Chuck Todd, former host of “Meet the Press,” delivered an on-the-air jeremiad against his employers for engaging Ms. McDaniel. He and his colleagues were upset because “many of our professional dealings with the RNC over the last six years,” Mr. Todd explained, “have been met with gaslighting.”

“Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski added their disapproval on air. Ms. Brzezinski insisted their objection wasn’t to a conservative Republican but to the hiring of an “anti-democracy election denier.” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow devoted half an hour to the subject. It’s not about whether Ms. McDaniel is a Republican or Democrat, she said, “it’s about our system of government and undermining elections and going after democracy.”

Ms. McDaniel’s chief affront seems to be that she participated in a phone call on Nov. 17, 2020, in which Mr. Trump urged two Republican canvassers in Wayne County, Mich., not to certify the election results. She also said that President Biden didn’t win the election “fair.” We don’t think the election was stolen, and Mr. Trump’s post-election behavior was awful, but spare us this high-minded excuse about “democracy.”

If these harrumphing stars felt so strongly that challenging election results is unforgivable, they wouldn’t have given respectful, at times fawning, interviews to Stacey Abrams, long after she refused to concede the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race, which she lost by 54,723 votes. We don’t recall hearing these defenders of democracy criticizing Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, for denying that Donald Trump was the legitimate winner in 2016, or the 31 Democratic House members who, on Jan. 6, 2005, attempted to stop certification of Ohio’s electors and so deny George W. Bush re-election.

Several of these 31 “election deniers,” to use Ms. Brzezinski’s term—Sheila Jackson-Lee (D., Tex.), Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), Ed Markey (D., Mass.)—have appeared many times on NBC and MSNBC and been treated with deference.

It’s also hard to take seriously Mr. Todd’s claim that the RNC under Ms. McDaniel was uniquely guilty of “gaslighting.” That’s the new term for the sophistry, dissimulation and, yes, outright dishonesty that’s unfortunately inseparable from partisan politics. Leave aside that many ordinary consumers of news have had ample occasion in recent years to feel “gaslit” by the mainstream press.

The more salient point is that NBC has signed up Democratic gaslighters with regularity. Most recently Jen Psaki went straight from the Biden White House to her own show on MSNBC. Ms. Psaki’s many White House hits include calling the southern border “closed,” denying Americans were stranded in Afghanistan, and threatening tech platforms if they didn’t censor certain Covid views.

On Tuesday the NBC brass bowed to their employees and cut ties with Ms. McDaniel. The network’s viewers will be fine without her analysis, but the episode explains why Americans don’t trust the news media. The network’s bosses were plainly trying to avoid the mistakes of 2016 by recruiting some non-crazy voices on the Trump-aligned right. Eight years ago mainstream outlets covered Mr. Trump with little but withering scorn, alienated millions of Americans who felt deep reservations about Mrs. Clinton, and after the election couldn’t explain how he won except by recourse to the false Russian collusion narrative.

The tempest over Ms. McDaniel suggests the press is preparing to make the same mistake again. This is bad for the country, but it’s even worse for the press, which still doesn’t understand why it is so mistrusted.

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Old 03-28-2024, 02:46 PM   #35
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In the Republican party today you are either with Trump or against Trump. Some people have been able to reform their careers by breaking with Trump after January 6th. Ronna McDaniel is not one of them. Liz Cheney said of her, “ Ronna facilitated Trump’s corrupt fake elector plot and his effort to pressure Michigan officials not to certify the legitimate election outcome,”

“She spread his lies and called January 6 ‘legitimate political discourse’. That’s not ‘taking one for the team’. It’s enabling criminality and depravity.”

Now that she’s been canned by the RNC she’s trying to change her tune but it’s just too late for her.
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Old 03-29-2024, 05:37 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Here's an excerpt to the excerpt from a WSJ opinion piece today, "NBC's Ronna McDaniel Tantrum."

If these harrumphing stars felt so strongly that challenging election results is unforgivable, they wouldn’t have given respectful, at times fawning, interviews to Stacey Abrams, long after she refused to concede the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race, which she lost by 54,723 votes. We don’t recall hearing these defenders of democracy criticizing Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, for denying that Donald Trump was the legitimate winner in 2016, or the 31 Democratic House members who, on Jan. 6, 2005, attempted to stop certification of Ohio’s electors and so deny George W. Bush re-election.

Several of these 31 “election deniers,” to use Ms. Brzezinski’s term—Sheila Jackson-Lee (D., Tex.), Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), Ed Markey (D., Mass.)—have appeared many times on NBC and MSNBC and been treated with deference.

It’s also hard to take seriously Mr. Todd’s claim that the RNC under Ms. McDaniel was uniquely guilty of “gaslighting.” That’s the new term for the sophistry, dissimulation and, yes, outright dishonesty that’s unfortunately inseparable from partisan politics.

I wonder how much more harrumphing jeremiad there was to this whiney opinion piece?

Imagine if someone at NBC didn't harrumph!

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Old 03-29-2024, 10:01 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by TechPapi View Post
All good.

no reason to hire a lying, traitorous cunt[/B]. Let her take her botoxed ass to OAN

Good post!
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Old 03-29-2024, 10:14 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by TechPapi View Post
While I don't personally care for MSNBC much either, there's no reason to hire a lying, traitorous cunt. Let her take her botoxed ass to OAN

Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post

Good post!
I disagree gentlemen. The eccie political board is an exception, but America is separating into two tribes, and neither side is willing to listen to points of view of the other. We need more Ronna McDaniels on MSNBC. I'd love to see Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on Fox, and that's not just because she's hot and the love of my life.
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