Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
all of which are the fault of your beloved democrats who after losing the civil war engaged in a century plus long plan of Jim Crow segregation. if not for that affirmative action (reverse racism) wouldn't have been needed.
Northern democrats opposed "Jim Crow".
1. President Truman intergrated the military
2. President John F. Kennedy started the Civil Rights Act.
3. When Hubert Humphrey started talking about Civil rights for blacks in the 1950's the dixiecrats disbanded and the joined the republican party. The late Senator Strom Thurman was a perfect example. You remember Senator Thurman, he was the staunch segregationist who fathered a child with a Black woman. This was before he joined the repubican party.

His good buddy was Gov George Wallace of Alabama. He would not let blacks register for class, so President Kennedy sent the National Guard so that blacks could register. Point is not ALL democrats believed in Jim Crow. It was the southern democrats. You conviently forget about that.
4. BTW, how come your beloved Republicans never did anything to eliminate "Jim Crow"? Republican Senator Strom Thurman filibustered the Civil Rights Act multiple times.
You are welcome for history lesson, valued poster.