Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Still relying on that well worn rune of hurling insults instead of factual points. Tsk. Tsk. That dem repubs are still butthurting over that encounter with joey at the State of the Union. See if your buddy has some of those pads for you.
Love that last picture. First one is a picture when the ship of government was righted from hitting the rocks of shore that the republicans handed to him and the president and the latter is how the same republican party is trying to do the same and you can see it on his face.
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Which one is you?
Originally Posted by Salty Again
... He Can't stand up WITHOUT assistance. ...
... Oooooh, What a lucky man - he was! ...
#### Salty
Said before. Say it again. I'd put $$$ on joey to clean donnys clock if they ever put on the gloves.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Biden is indeed the luckiest prez ever. he has the NWO globalists backing him.
he can't lose with the fix in place
but he will because Trump exposed the game and the game always eats its own.
bye bye Biden
welcome to Gavin Newsom as yer Dem nominee .. it's been decided. and Joey wasn't given the memo
So, who is backing donny?
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Not so sure about him being lucky, but he sure seems angry these days.

I didn't hear him threaten anyone during the State of the Union. That's what angry people do. Like your orange buddy. Guess that's why you label donny as having TDS.