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Old 01-18-2024, 06:42 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Chase7 View Post
This is what you posted, own it. You was flat out proven wrong. Why try to change the narrative once you was proven wrong which I’ll guess you knew when you posted this.
Most know most liberal politicians want to ban guns, I don’t know if most democrats want to, I doubt it.

When someone post something to simply agitate someone, I question their motive.
What is your point. Do you simply want to cause discord.
I see you are also having a problem reading what it actually says. I said when are they going to take you guns? Military weapons assault rifles are not all guns and they should be taken away. Hurray for who ever brought up that bill. AMEM

I do own it, and I will tell you, get someone who can translate it for you. All guns, not military assault rifles meant to kill people. They should have never ever been allowed.

But a lot of times I have seen it in my life time, when people get angry they can't see straight. Try reading it another day. Guns, not assault rifles.
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Old 01-18-2024, 11:09 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
[COLOR="Red"]automatic and semiautomatic guns, not all guns.
Are automatic and semiautomatic weapons actual guns? Yes or no.

Because this is what you said

Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
Guns are guns, no matter the type. And Democrats in PA just yesterday tried to ban certain guns
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Old 01-19-2024, 10:31 AM   #18
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One reason why some are opposed to a ban on so-called assault weapons is then they will try to ban other type guns until all are banned.

I have an assault rifle and shotgun both are semi automatic.
Someone can shoot anything the same with both, same goes for a pistol.

If millions of people have both why do liberals want treat responsible gun owners the same as criminals.
Banning whatever type gun won’t stop someone from murdering someone.

It's all political BS to use against someone else. The race card, immigration, the environment ect.
You have the climate czar flying in his private jet, the VP that’s trying to ban gas appliances having one in her home, all these people aren’t using electric vehicles for their transportation.
It goes on and on. Again all this is political BS for control and power.

We’ll all see what happens when the illegals can vote their letting them in for control of a one party system. The liberals don’t give a flip about them or us other than keeping themselves in power, simple as that.
I keep saying when the liberals have all the power they will use the benefits they are handing out now to control you.

There’s a reason for the second amendment. Consider why the right to bare arms is the second amendment of the constitution not the last.
One reason is for the people to defend themselves “From the Government”.

Some take it for granted the freedom we have at this time. When the government is coming after you because you belong to a different political party than the one in control at that time it’s simply a matter of time when they will come after you, if you fall out of line.
This goes on in China, North Korea and Russia right now.
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Old 02-13-2024, 05:42 AM   #19
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Every Presidential Election the MEGA's say the Democrats will take your Guns away.

Well another Sunday goes by and yet another Assault Rifle doing its job at a church just like Lakewood Church trying to kill everyone in it.
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Old 02-13-2024, 08:39 AM   #20
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Obama did not take our guns away Biden has not taken our guns away and so long as a decent representation of Republicans exists in the Senate there will be no significant legislation passed in the effort to do so.

A number of weapons that are considered 'banned' are available if you obtain the right license. I realize this upsets some 2A folks but our rights to own and in most places carry a weapon are quite intact.

We continue to let politicians occupy our minds with guns and gay people while nothing really gets done about the social security system or public education. When will we demand results on real issues and let some of these hot topic debates flame out until some actual work has been done?
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Old 02-13-2024, 09:13 AM   #21
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We continue to let politicians occupy our minds with guns and gay people while nothing really gets done about the social security system or public education.

When? Probably never. Look at the nut jobs here that posts 100% negative things daily for anything not the MEGA way. And they get away with the hateful things they say. Wishing Jimmy Carter Dead, Think about that one time. Making a joke of it.

On here 50% untrue facts posted daily from crazy fake one sided sources. And if you debate anything you will be reprimanded or shut down.

When anyone does anything remotely to change the bad things that happen with assault rifles, MEGA says it is a foot in the door to take ALL guns away. Problem is until something happens to them or a close friend they will think in crazy ways. God forbid if anything does happen to them or anyone as far as that goes.

I read your posts, you talk with sense on here. A rarity here.
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Old 02-13-2024, 09:40 AM   #22
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Why do you even care about “assault weapons” (whatever TF that’s supposed to mean) when long guns in general are responsible for a microscopic fraction of gun crime? Banning handguns, even though it’ll never happen and won’t reduce crime, is at least a logical conversation. The entire movement is a bunch of hoo-ha from people allergic to facts, lacking even a cursory knowledge of firearms.
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Old 02-13-2024, 09:51 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
I clearly pointed out above that The news story Chase posted about Democrats in the PA House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns just yesterday was in any mainstream PA newspaper yesterday. So yes, Democrats are trying to ban guns.
Do you even know what a semiautomatic gun is? It’s pretty much all of them, save a few rifles (bolt/lever/pump/muzzleloader) and single action revolvers. Banning automatic and semiautomatic weapons bans essentially all weapons used for self defense.
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Old 02-13-2024, 10:57 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Do you even know what a semiautomatic gun is? It’s pretty much all of them, save a few rifles (bolt/lever/pump/muzzleloader) and single action revolvers. Banning automatic and semiautomatic weapons bans essentially all weapons used for self defense.
Assault Rifles, nothing else, not a 3 shot or 6 shot automatic shotgun used for hunting, what don't YOU understand about Military type, Assault Rifles???? DON'T YOU UNSTAND?

There is no need for them in our society when people use them to kill multiple people in one setting. Get it. No need for them when someone on a daily bases uses them for no good. You can't hunt with them. If they used them for enjoyment only which would be the only reason to let anyone have them that would be okay but when you are taking a chance to kill a lot at one time, crazy people that can't control themselves. Sorry, you better band them.

We have laws for pedophiles not to live near a school or anywhere there are children. We have laws for prescription drugs so people don't harm themselves. We have laws for seat belts that only the person who don't use them has a higher chance to get hurt, that is acceptable. But we don't have laws for Assault rifles that can kill multiple innocent people minding there own business. Remember can't go to Churches, Schools, McDonalds, Concerts, anywhere a nut job wants to freak out daily.

I have many guns. I have automatic shot guns that only shoot three shots. I have pump rifles, none of them have clips available with 50 round clips. When you say about taking auto guns away, the politicians want to take all automatics away. They always got to go one step further and fuck things up. Three shots, reload. Not fifty.

You want to legalize assault rifles, send every rifle back to the factory free of charge and make it that no clip can hold anymore than 6 shots. Make it so they cannot hold more. Government pays for the recall. Then make them legal if you want that style rifle. All new rifles are made the same way.

That way for the guys that haven't been in the service haven't seen war personally they can make believe with 6 shots total not fifty.
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Old 02-13-2024, 11:06 AM   #25
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A plastic GI Joe is “military type”, it doesn’t make him more deadly than a MARSOC Marine.

That’s a lot of text to explain you have no experience with or knowledge of firearms btw. Just say “I don’t like scary looking things” and save yourself the threat of carpal tunnel.
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Old 02-13-2024, 01:24 PM   #26
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This thread is about guns, the good and bad things that happens when you use them properly and when they get into the wrong hands.

There are people who don't have a clue what I personally know of firearms. There are people who don't have a clue what I personally have done in my life time or where I have been or what I have seen. There are people that know one thing for sure is to look at what other people post and give some negative comment.

There are people who don't start any threads just lay back and try to come up with something cute to say so that the MEGA's will laugh and make fun of. Maybe someone miss spelled a word or something terrible like that to laugh at.

Don't worry it all comes back full circle in about 15 minutes of what those people actually feel of themselves. It is not what the other guy does that person is the problem. It is looking at one's self. Its called no self worth in other words low self esteem. A sheep and they hate being one. So they are angry all the time.

I like talking to adults that pay attention of what is actually going on in the world not some fake news bullshit that are all one sided. Think about it who can be that wrong and do wrong on every topic.

One thing for sure, something needs done with the public having made for the military assault rifles. There is a problem with them.
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Old 02-13-2024, 01:41 PM   #27
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You can 'control' guns about as much as you can paying for pussy.
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Old 02-13-2024, 02:06 PM   #28
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LMAO I understand, but the assault rifle should have never been available in the first place. Police, Military only. To late now.
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Old 02-14-2024, 07:16 PM   #29
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Old 02-14-2024, 07:28 PM   #30
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the ignore list is a great way to avoid some.
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