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Old 01-24-2024, 05:22 PM   #1
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Default What is Nikki Haley’s game?

Does she think talking about Trump will help her? How did that work for the Dims?

She doesn’t have a prayer to beat Trump in any state. Is she purposely trying to ruin her political future.

Any sane person would drop out immediately, her staying in just makes her look weak.

Had Biden supporters not been allowed to vote in the primary Trumps margin of victory would be far greater. Democrat elites are funding her campaign.

Trump was 100% correct she is Presidential material.

A once bright career is circling the toilet bowl. Liz Chaney hasn’t got anything on Nikki she is taking the train to the basement.
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Old 01-24-2024, 05:27 PM   #2
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Nikki is our only hope to save our nation. She's staying in the race because she cares about the US
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Old 01-24-2024, 05:44 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by oilfieldace View Post
Does she think talking about Trump will help her? How did that work for the Dims?

She doesn’t have a prayer to beat Trump in any state. Is she purposely trying to ruin her political future.

Any sane person would drop out immediately, her staying in just makes her look weak.

Had Biden supporters not been allowed to vote in the primary Trumps margin of victory would be far greater. Democrat elites are funding her campaign.

Trump was 100% correct she is Presidential material.

A once bright career is circling the toilet bowl. Liz Chaney hasn’t got anything on Nikki she is taking the train to the basement.
... She no longer cares about her "political career", mate.
The REAL reason she's staying in the race is because
she's no doubt being payed to do it.

So IF she lasts another two or three months - as a puppet
of the Establishment Repubs and the RINO's - she don't care.

She's prolly making 5 or 10 Million to do it.

... Just to try and force a debate with Trump, and tryin'
to sway Republican voters AWAY from Him.

... Even though she has NO CHANCE at winning the nomination.

#### Salty
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Old 01-24-2024, 05:45 PM   #4
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Well bless her heart.

She can’t save herself how will she save America? Something else she surely ain’t committing political suicide for that reason.

New Hampshire was Taylor made for her with independents for outnumbering republicans and yet she came in 11+ points shy,
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Old 01-24-2024, 06:08 PM   #5
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I think she’s in this for the long haul. She picked a side and is sticking with it. Better to be known for opposing Trump rather than kissing his ass like Tim Scott or Vivek Ramaswamy. Sooner or later Trump will implode in some way. Prison or impeachment or maybe health issues. When that happens she’ll hoping to be able to make a comeback.
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Old 01-24-2024, 06:54 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
I think she’s in this for the long haul. She picked a side and is sticking with it. Better to be known for opposing Trump rather than kissing his ass like Tim Scott or Vivek Ramaswamy. Sooner or later Trump will implode in some way. Prison or impeachment or maybe health issues. When that happens she’ll hoping to be able to make a comeback.

she's in it for the long haul only as long as the DNC keep funding her. Reid Hoffman, a billionaire major demtard donor is directly contributing to her campaign to keep Nikki Tits going.

it's worth noting that the DNC threw big bucks into a grassroots movement to get non-republican voters to turn out as New Hamster is an open primary.

and Trump still won.

Nikki Tits .. democratic double agent


Nikki Tits will kiss the Papal tool when it's all said and done

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Old 01-24-2024, 07:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
she's in it for the long haul only as long as the DNC keep funding her. Reid Hoffman, a billionaire major demtard donor is directly contributing to her campaign to keep Nikki Tits going.

it's worth noting that the DNC threw big bucks into a grassroots movement to get non-republican voters to turn out as New Hamster is an open primary.

and Trump still won.

Nikki Tits .. democratic double agent


Nikki Tits will kiss the Papal tool when it's all said and done

She has donors on both sides of the aisle. She’s running as a moderate right leaning candidate. The idea that she’s a democratic plant is simply ridiculous. In fact it’s much more likely that the democrats are supporting the most right wing nutjobs out there because they are much easier to beat in a general election.

I’m also not too happy with the misogyny in your statements. A little more civility would be appreciated.
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Old 01-24-2024, 09:26 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
She has donors on both sides of the aisle. She’s running as a moderate right leaning candidate. The idea that she’s a democratic plant is simply ridiculous. In fact it’s much more likely that the democrats are supporting the most right wing nutjobs out there because they are much easier to beat in a general election.

I’m also not too happy with the misogyny in your statements. A little more civility would be appreciated.

of course she's getting money from both sides, the question is why is Hoffman making outsized bets on her? i mean .. beside the fact he can afford it. what's his game? i think it's clear.

there's hedging and playing both sides .. and then there is not playing to win the game but playing to wreck it.

political cartoons .. are cartoons. Haley is fair game. if her tits aren't tough enough she doesn't belong in the game. just wait till Haley plays the "i'm a little brown girl and they discriminated against me" card.

Haley will when she's forced to drop out because she'll have no possible path and Hoffman stops throwing his money down the drain.

now about that misogyny thing. if Trump was a woman would it be misogyny to refer to him in the way many here do? and more importantly ... anyone who supports him?

this is a political forum on an internet whore board. Nikky Tits is fair game. just like Trump yeah?

you might want to cruise other forums and see how various posters refer to Trump supporters and tell me if that's offensive.
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Old 01-24-2024, 09:37 PM   #9
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For those saying she's a loser, yeah. That appears so in New Hampshire. But if I heard right, donny got 50% to her 45% (or somewhere around there.) And that is with 55% of voters. End justifies the means but it seems that donnys rabid fans ain't that hot on coming out. And having 45% to tap into, future tactics could come into play.

Now, if the demmies are really throwing the bucks on the other side, is that a better tactic than illegal voter suppression?
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Old 01-24-2024, 09:49 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
For those saying she's a loser, yeah. That appears so in New Hampshire. But if I heard right, donny got 50% to her 45% (or somewhere around there.) And that is with 55% of voters. End justifies the means but it seems that donnys rabid fans ain't that hot on coming out. And having 45% to tap into, future tactics could come into play.

Now, if the demmies are really throwing the bucks on the other side, is that a better tactic than illegal voter suppression?


Biden wasn't even on the ballot. he actually won in write in votes. imagine that!

Haley, in an open primary .. let's not forget that in New Hamster anyone can vote in the GOP primary, do you dispute big DEM bucks were not only thrown at Nikki Tits but also a grassroots movement by the DEMS to bring out Dem and Indy voters to bolster Nikki Tits against Lord Trump?

and Trump still won

if Nikki tits doesn't win South Carolina her home state where she was Gov (and did a generally good job) she's done and even Reid Hoffman will know it,
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Old 01-25-2024, 12:48 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
of course she's getting money from both sides, the question is why is Hoffman making outsized bets on her? i mean .. beside the fact he can afford it. what's his game? i think it's clear.

there's hedging and playing both sides .. and then there is not playing to win the game but playing to wreck it.
The problem is that you are implying that there some kind of collusion going on. If Nikki Haley is trying to win she will take money from anyone that doesn’t want Trump to win. She’s taking money from republicans, independents and democrats.

political cartoons .. are cartoons. Haley is fair game. if her tits aren't tough enough she doesn't belong in the game. just wait till Haley plays the "i'm a little brown girl and they discriminated against me" card.

Haley will when she's forced to drop out because she'll have no possible path and Hoffman stops throwing his money down the drain.

now about that misogyny thing. if Trump was a woman would it be misogyny to refer to him in the way many here do? and more importantly ... anyone who supports him?

this is a political forum on an internet whore board. Nikky Tits is fair game. just like Trump yeah?

you might want to cruise other forums and see how various posters refer to Trump supporters and tell me if that's offensive.
The problem is that you are denigrating the candidate because she’s a woman and not because she’s a bad candidate. People denigrate Trump because he says and does things that are stupid, racist, fascist, misogynistic, etc. etc. I believe Trump is all of those things and I’ll be glad to tell you why I think so.

If you don’t agree with Nikki Haley then let’s hear why. Using language like “Nikki Tits” and suggesting she’s going to smoke some pole just means you are an internet troll.

PS. Just my opinion. Take it with as much meaning as you like.
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Old 01-25-2024, 01:31 AM   #12
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Yes it comes down to South Carolina. If she win there by land slide she she would Chase Trump during the whole primary untill she really down. She win Nevada as well she real chance. If Trump wins SC she done for but he has win SC. If not he will have her pulling his tail. And if falls he got it but still he looks like gots it. But she still has chance.
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Old 01-25-2024, 02:09 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
The problem is that you are implying that there some kind of collusion going on. If Nikki Haley is trying to win she will take money from anyone that doesn’t want Trump to win. She’s taking money from republicans, independents and democrats.

what do you mean "implying"?

The problem is that you are denigrating the candidate because she’s a woman and not because she’s a bad candidate. People denigrate Trump because he says and does things that are stupid, racist, fascist, misogynistic, etc. etc. I believe Trump is all of those things and I’ll be glad to tell you why I think so.

If you don’t agree with Nikki Haley then let’s hear why. Using language like “Nikki Tits” and suggesting she’s going to smoke some pole just means you are an internet troll.

PS. Just my opinion. Take it with as much meaning as you like.

ok. she's a neocon rino cunt. but i'd still vote for Nikki tits over Brandon Biden

and aren't you taking all this a bit too seriously? if you think this is "harsh" in 2024 take a trip back to the election of 1824 now that was some mudslinging!
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Old 01-25-2024, 03:37 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
she's in it for the long haul only as long as the DNC keep funding her. Reid Hoffman, a billionaire major demtard donor is directly contributing to her campaign to keep Nikki Tits going.

it's worth noting that the DNC threw big bucks into a grassroots movement to get non-republican voters to turn out as New Hamster is an open primary.

and Trump still won.

Nikki Tits .. democratic double agent

Nikki Tits will kiss the Papal tool when it's all said and done

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
ok. she's a neocon rino cunt. but i'd still vote for Nikki tits over Brandon Biden

and aren't you taking all this a bit too seriously? if you think this is "harsh" in 2024 take a trip back to the election of 1824 now that was some mudslinging!

I remember those days fondly. And the airports during the Revolutionary War. Those planes jolly-old England invaded with never had doors that fell off in mid-air. They don't make planes like they used to in the 1760's.

Billionaire Reid Hoffman pauses Nikki Haley funding after her New Hampshire loss to Trump, source says


Billionaire Reid Hoffman does not plan to give any more money to Nikki Haley's presidential campaign after her loss in the New Hampshire Republican primary, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Nikki Tits. I like it. Maybe that's why Dumpster doesn't know the difference between her and Pelosi.

It can't be that he's an idiot. Or that his supporters are idiots and don't care that he doesn't care his supporters know he's an idiot.

No. It can't be that.

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Old 01-25-2024, 04:09 AM   #15
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Maybe she is angling for a Sports Illustrated swim suit cover.
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