Anal with Anays
Date: 01/22/2024
Provider: Anays Colombian
Phone or Pager: 281-603-3233
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Houston
State: Texas
Area / Address: Galleria
Appointment Type:Incall
Provider Category: Independent
Activities: FIV, FIA, BBBJ, toys, DATY, CFS, missionary, K9, and Greek
Session Length Scheduled: 1hr
Fee: $$
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length:Long Dark hair down her back
Age: 30s
Race: Hispanic
Smoking Status: Could Not Tell
Where did you hear about this provider? ASPD
Providers Body: Just like the pictures, around 5'5,5'6 Nice tits, Big ass, and amazing curves
What was the Provider's Attitude like?
She was very accommodating and was located in a nice easy to find area
Would you recommend this Provider to others? Yes