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Old 01-18-2024, 12:26 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Wrong yet again

Vivek has always been America First. Watch or look at any of his campaign speeches and platform. He knows Haley is a fraud and a warmonger who never met a foreign war she didn't like and wanted to waste American tax dollars and blood on.

He also knows that Nikki Haley is backed by Democrat mega donor Reid Hoffman, who is funding her campaign with an unlimited amount of money. And that she actively courted and is courting Democrats to switch over in the Iowa Caucus and NH primary to vote for her because she has minimal real Republican support. She is a fraud.

Additionally Vivek, like President Trump, is not a politician. He is a highly successful businessman who is concerned about the direction of our country under the crazy leftists and decided to run for office. Vivek is the type of person we need working as a member of President Trump's team in Washington to help restore our country from all the damage the left has done
Those are only your opinions, and I simply think you're wrong. Trump is in politics to save his life from prison, cause without winning in Nov, he'll be on his way to serving time, and Vivek hasn't had an original thought since he first screwed on a red MAGA hat, and miming Trump. What he and Trump have in common is EGO, and very warped look at what makes America Great, and how economics work. BOTH are racists who seem to have a problem with Brown ppl and shithole countries- blabbering on about the same gaslighting topics du jour.

I don't think that makes VIVEK a statesman- but more simply, a parrot of a Moron. But you're entitled to your opinion.

I just don't agree with it.
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Old 01-18-2024, 01:46 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Those are only your opinions, and I simply think you're wrong. Trump is in politics to save his life from prison, cause without winning in Nov, he'll be on his way to serving time, and Vivek hasn't had an original thought since he first screwed on a red MAGA hat
.BOTH are racists who seem to have a problem with Brown ppl and shithole countries
OMG. You do realize don't you that if Trump wasn't running for President there would be none of the bullshit cases filed by the lunatic left against him.

You do realize that the only reason the lunatic left has filed the cases against Trump is they know they can't beat him in a fair election so they are doing everything in their power to interfere in the election.

As to Vivek, you obviously did not pay attention nor did you closely listen to him on the campaign trail. He had plenty of original thoughts and ideas. Of course, he is also America First so much of his thinking aligns with President Trump.

We need more America First patriots like these men fighting for our country.

And for you to call Vivek a racist who has a problem with brown people - did you ever look at Vivek? Are you saying he has a problem with his own race?

As to shithole countries - what President Trump and Vivek support is protecting our borders to stop illegals (ask yourself what type of countries they are coming from) to stop invading our country and stealing resources from true Americans
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Old 01-19-2024, 10:47 PM   #18
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Ppl of (any) color can be racists, and sometimes are the worst offenders. America first doesn't mean by either illegal means or by unfair trade etc.

I got nothing wrong with promoting Americanism or wanting the best outcomes for all citizens. If that was truly the case, then why the need for all the divisiveness from our GOP candidates?

The reason is when it comes down to it it's never about what's best for the country, it's what's best for the party...and that's why today's GOP Sucks. The party of our countries conservative s, as decided to lie and cheat their way towards another run at the White House. And they don't like to be held accountable to laws, or insurrections, or felonies or voter interference etc...

We'll see what happens
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Old 01-19-2024, 11:11 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Ppl of (any) color can be racists, and sometimes are the worst offenders. America first doesn't mean by either illegal means or by unfair trade etc.

I got nothing wrong with promoting Americanism or wanting the best outcomes for all citizens. If that was truly the case, then why the need for all the divisiveness from our GOP candidates?

The reason is when it comes down to it it's never about what's best for the country, it's what's best for the party...and that's why today's GOP Sucks. The party of our countries conservative s, as decided to lie and cheat their way towards another run at the White House. And they don't like to be held accountable to laws, or insurrections, or felonies or voter interference etc...

We'll see what happens
You really do not get it. There is a big difference between the GOP and America First. At least half of the GOP in Congress are worthless RINOs who are just as bad as the piece of shit leftists in Congress. They and their uniparty Democrat counterparts don't want what is best for the country - only what is best for them

On the other hand, people like President Trump, Vivek R, and American First patriots in Congress want what is best for America. They have to fight the insane left and the corrupt deep state who lies and cheats and stoops to every dirty trick to try to undermine them. The only hope for our country is for President Trump and other America First patriots to win in November and start eliminating the permanent gov't bureaucracy (aka deep state) and reversing all the damage the left and Rinos have done
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Old 01-20-2024, 02:30 PM   #20
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Bx2, Sounds to me like you hate your own party and have outlined the division within it as a radical shift of ideology from a group of MAGA radicals and the rest of the GOP. Kinda what we "other folks" see as the launching platform of sane people who find ways to negotiate and find pathways for common ground vs. Radical Ideology zeolots who can't agree about one thing cept everything is a conspiracy and it started with Obama.


We see that the true mentality is about demonizing the DEMs and saying only "MAGA -America First" can fix it. Like everything bad from electric cars, climate warming, Chinese aggression, Russian aggression, inflation....Covid ...it's all cause of Dems.
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Old 01-20-2024, 03:01 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Bx2, Sounds to me like you hate your own party and have outlined the division within it as a radical shift of ideology from a group of MAGA radicals and the rest of the GOP.
You see, you seem to think you know what party I belong to. While admittedly, I am not and never will be a crazy ass leftist, I am also not a Republican. I am a registered independent. Always have been.

I find the Democrats are corrupt, batshit crazy and hate America

I find roughly half the Republicans to be members of the same corrupt uniparty. They may not be batshit crazy but they care more about themselves than they do America

I support those more independent voices which these days other than RFK Jr are all on the GOP side supporting an America First agenda.

Your other problem is you seem to think America First / MAGA is some radical movement when in reality it is fighting the radicals in the Democrat party and half in the Republican party. Only MAGA cares about what is best for our country. Only MAGA cares about putting America first. Only MAGA wants to enrich everyday Americans instead of wasting money on illegals invading the country. Only MAGA wants to enrich everyday Americans instead of wasting money on foreign wars

The list could go on and on. The radicals are those who won't protect the border, who won't reduce government spending, who want to fund endless wars, etc, etc. Maybe one day you will recognize that reality
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Old 01-20-2024, 03:22 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
He also knows that Nikki Haley is backed by Democrat mega donor Reid Hoffman, who is funding her campaign with an unlimited amount of money. And that she actively courted and is courting Democrats to switch over in the Iowa Caucus and NH primary to vote for her because she has minimal real Republican support. She is a fraud
It will be entertaining watching you change your tune on Nikki Haley when trump introduces her as his running mate. I mean, like a full 180, as soon as donald makes the announcement. Gonna be wild!

Getting the popcorn ready 🍿
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Old 01-20-2024, 05:54 PM   #23
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Gentlemen train is off the tracks
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