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Old 01-08-2024, 10:17 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
There may have been some overcounting as you call it. But not by over 900,000 people. There may have been 100,000 CoVid deaths in New York state alone.

Are you implying that the CDC inflated the CoVid death count to make Trump look bad?

The M_RNA shot is just a specific sequence of Amino Acids and cannot increase infections. Where are you getting this from? Do you have a link?

i never said the vaccine increase infections.

like a flu shot it decreases the effects of the virus if you get it

the vax was "sold" on stopping transmission. we know now that was not only false it was intentionally false as Pfizer and Moderna had to admit they never even tested that aspect.

this is why you see people who have taken all the vax/boosters repeatedly contract covid and pass it on.

so .. individually you can say it increases infections .,. in vaxxed people (repeated infections) and anyone they come in contact with while infected
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Old 01-08-2024, 11:22 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i never said the vaccine increase infections.

so .. individually you can say it increases infections .,. in vaxxed people (repeated infections) and anyone they come in contact with while infected
This is what you wrote in post #70, the last sentence in the post.

"the numbers were cooked on purpose to create the "fear factor" to induce the public to take a vaccine that is designed to INCREASE infections not prevent them".

You cannot say the M-RNA vaccines increases infections. If you are experiencing symptoms from CoVid infection (regardless if you had the shot or not) You should stay home and isolate yourself from other people. If you have to be around other people you should ware a mask, the N95 or KN95 mask would be the best.

The M-RNA vaccine/shot was designed to trigger your system to make an antibody to SARS_COV2 virus. It was not designed to increase infections.

The antivaxers cannot get around the fact that MOST of the people who died from SARS_COV2 or died with SARS_COV2 infection were UNVACCINATED people. Thus, if they had received the M_RNA shot they would have survived being infected with CoVid.
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Old 01-08-2024, 11:30 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
Carson was a government official at the time and was granted this treatment because he was a government official

1 million people didn't die of covid. that false number has been debunked repeatedly here in this forum by me and several others

maybe 100,000 died directly of covid

the numbers were cooked on purpose to create the "fear factor" to induce the public to take a vaccine that is designed to INCREASE infections not prevent them.
Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
This is what you wrote in post #70, the last sentence in the post.

"the numbers were cooked on purpose to create the "fear factor" to induce the public to take a vaccine that is designed to INCREASE infections not prevent them".

You cannot say the M-RNA vaccines increases infections. If you are experiencing symptoms from CoVid infection (regardless if you had the shot or not) You should stay home and isolate yourself from other people. If you have to be around other people you should ware a mask, the N95 or KN95 mask would be the best.

The M-RNA vaccine/shot was designed to trigger your system to make an antibody to SARS_COV2 virus. It was not designed to increase infections.

and yet it does which is now fact. why then, do people vaxxed to the max continue to contract the covid flu?
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Old 01-08-2024, 11:55 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
why then, do people vaxxed to the max continue to contract the covid flu?
Because with the M-RNA shot the triggering mechanism to make the antibody to SARS_CoV2 virus is a two phase process. The contents of the shot or the message in the M-RNA is a sequence of amino acids to make the SKIKE protein component of SARS_COV2 (Phase 1).
After the SPIKE Protein is made then the your body makes the antibody (PHASE 2) when you get infected with actual SARS_CoV2 virus. You will/can experience symptoms until the antibody is made.

With a traditional vaccine, the process to make the antibody is a one step process. The contents of the vaccine is the actual virus that was weakened or deactivated so you don't get sick while your immune system makes the antibody to the vaccine. When you get infected with actual virus the antibody was already made and you don't experience symptoms.

When SARS_COV2 mutates into a new dominant strain, your system would need to make a new antibody for that strain. This is why people who have had all the boosters will/can have symptoms until the new antibody is made for the dominant strain in circulation at the time.
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Old 01-09-2024, 12:19 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Because with the M-RNA shot the triggering mechanism to make the antibody to SARS_CoV2 virus is a two phase process. The contents of the shot or the message in the M-RNA is a sequence of amino acids to make the SKIKE protein component of SARS_COV2 (Phase 1).
After the SPIKE Protein is made then the your body makes the antibody (PHASE 2) when you get infected with actual SARS_CoV2 virus. You will/can experience symptoms until the antibody is made.

With a traditional vaccine, the process to make the antibody is a one step process. The contents of the vaccine is the actual virus that was weakened or deactivated so you don't get sick while your immune system makes the antibody to the vaccine. When you get infected with actual virus the antibody was already made and you don't experience symptoms.

wrong. explain why people who have completed the two step vax process continue to be re-infected repeatedly? and THEY CAN INFECT OTHERS WHILE INFECTED. FACT.

btw this was supposed to be an advantage to the J&J vaccine in that it didn't require two doses. and it doesn't fuck up yer dna.

you continue to try to defend what has been shown as far less than effective as "advertised" to push "the cure" on the public
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Old 01-09-2024, 08:22 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
wrong. explain why people who have completed the two step vax process continue to be re-infected repeatedly? and THEY CAN INFECT OTHERS WHILE INFECTED. FACT.

The SARS_CoV2 virus is a mutating virus like Influenza_A (also known as seasonal flu). The difference is the SARS_COV2 virus mutates every 6 to 8 months instead of once every 12 months like Influena_A. No one is getting reinfected from the same strain.

btw this was supposed to be an advantage to the J&J vaccine in that it didn't require two doses. and it doesn't fuck up yer dna.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines require the two doses. The J&J vaccine requires just one shot. The clinical trials for the J&J were not as good as the Moderna & Pfizer vaccines in terms of effectivness.

you continue to try to defend what has been shown as far less than effective as "advertised" to push "the cure" on the public

The M-RNA 2 shot vaccines PREVENT death. They don't prevent you from getting infected and having symptoms. The symptoms will go away once your system makes the Antibody. For anyone who has taken the shots, in MOST cases the Antibody will be made and you will not die.
What was advertised may not have been accurate as to what the M-RNA vaccines will do and how they work. Clearly, there are two things that can't be disputed.

1. Most of the people who died from SARS_COV2 infection were unvaccinated people.

2. The M-RNA vaccines in an overwhelming majority of cases PREVENT death after being infected with one of the variants of SARS_COV2 virus. That is the number one goal or objective.
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Old 01-09-2024, 09:33 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
wrong. explain why people who have completed the two step vax process continue to be re-infected repeatedly? and THEY CAN INFECT OTHERS WHILE INFECTED. FACT.
see answer 1.

btw this was supposed to be an advantage to the J&J vaccine in that it didn't require two doses. and it doesn't fuck up yer dna.
see answer 2.

you continue to try to defend what has been shown as far less than effective as "advertised" to push "the cure" on the public
See answer 3.
Answer 1. anyone with any disease that is transmittable, can infect others. Shedding of virus is a part of the virus' evolution and with or without a vaccination, you transmit it via shedding of the virus. What is proven is that you shed less virus with a vaccine, due to a lesser response from the body. Nobody has claimed within the last 2 yrs that these vaccines will stop you from contracting the virus; they state that if you do, you won't have as severe of a reaction that if you had no vaccine or prior immunity developed as a result of prior exposure.

Answer 2.
While the vaccines carry a small part of the genetic instructions of the coronavirus (not the whole virus) to help your body learn to fight it off, these messenger instructions cannot be combined with your DNA and are destroyed by the body soon after they are used.- ergo, doesn't fuck up your DNA- even FOX news doesn't claim this anymore. You'd have to go deep into bitchute and tiktoc to get anyone to support this idea.

Answer 3.
The push of vaccination was to mitigate the mortality rate of covid; which in it's beginning was around 7-10% worldwide. And there was no clear signs as to the mitigating circumstances, such obesity, genetics, diabetes, or the rest to compare, but what was certain, was that the vaccines did in fact create a response in the test groups to demonstrate that it was effective in its initial design of creating a immune response ( resulting in less severe infections and deaths) and that if enough of the population got the jab, they would by proxy reduce overall deaths, which was always the design. What you fail to see, is that many vaccines or treatments for disease don't stop the disease in it's tracks, but rather make it less lethal. Same end result- less humans die. But keep on marching to the GOP's narrative of vaccines are bad- despite them being developed by the same companies which were under warp speed / Trump. Likely one of his greater things he contributed, but you ppl on the right continue to bash. (should literally be screaming look how Trump saved the majority of the USA and other countries by developing the vaccine), but instead have used it as a political football. Stupid.

I'd love to see some evidence that points to a lab leak outside of the intel committee that said; well, we think it could be a lab leak, and some ppl say it could be, and others say it's not. But there has been nothing surfaced in the last year to prove that it came from a lab. In fact, i'd prefer that the US be able to show that since it would give us a reason to tell CHINA to go fuck yourself and we could tell them we will just call any debts with them as paid in full, since we owe them a shit-ton of money for loans.
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Old 01-09-2024, 12:11 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
wrong. explain why people who have completed the two step vax process continue to be re-infected repeatedly?
Because the Chinese, Fauci and the Democratic Party designed the virus so vaccines won't work.

Just kidding.

Explain why Yale and University of North Carolina researchers estimate that biannual boosting decreases the probability of getting COVID, the disease, to one out of 10 over a six year period, compared to nine out of 10 for people who don't get any boosters. Annual vaccination reduces their estimated probability of infection to 3 out of 10 over six years.


I've gotten all the shots recommended by the CDC, six total, and I haven't gotten COVID. Everyone who's posted here that he's had COVID hasn't had all the shots.

Say your doctor says you're probably going to have a heart attack if you don't exercise and change your diet. So you go to the gym once a week and add a serving of veggies a day to your diet. Yeah, that will help. But not as much as exercising every day and eating healthy at every meal.
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Old 01-09-2024, 01:10 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Two questions for you.

If the body always does this naturally when infected by a foreign invader (Antigen) then why did (will use Waco Kids number) 100,000 unvaccinated people die after being infected with SARS_COV2 virus?

Why did Trump and Ben Carson get so sick and almost died from being infected with SARS_COV2 virus before getting the Regeneron antibodies? If the body always makes the antibody naturally, Trump and Carson would not have needed the Regeneron Antibodies treatment.

If what you stated were true there would be no need to take all the vaccince shots before being allowed into public school.

There would never be a death from Aids, Seasonal Flu, SARS_COV2 or any other virus that humans get infected with.

The body always makes the antibody when infected with the virus that causes the common cold. There are other viruses that the body is not able to make the antibody naturally, SARS_COV2 and the virus that causes AIDS are just two of them.
there's no doubt a Viral infection can cause death. The main reasons why a person could die from a Viral infection is not so much the Virus itself but the general health of the person infected. Over weight, poor diet, substance abuse, Pre Existing health problems, Medications and exposure to environmental toxins and of course age in some instances. In fact these are some contributing factors why a person would contract a virus in the first place.
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Old 01-09-2024, 02:47 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
1. Most of the people who died from SARS_COV2 infection were unvaccinated people.
Which is NOT to say they didn't take the COVID Vaxx jab... it's just that they didn't get the 2nd jab and die after 2 weeks. So if they took the first or 2nd shot, died within 2 weeks, they are classified as unvaccinated.

Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
2. The M-RNA vaccines in an overwhelming majority of cases PREVENT death after being infected with one of the variants of SARS_COV2 virus.
Statistical bullshit. COVID Never had a high mortality rate... so just because you took the jab and didn't die doesn't mean that your survival can be attributed to the jab. I took none, got COVID and didn't die. That can ONLY be attributable to the jab right? in fact more people DIDN'T take the jab and didn't die than took the jab and didn't die.
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Old 01-09-2024, 09:52 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Answer 1. anyone with any disease that is transmittable, can infect others. Shedding of virus is a part of the virus' evolution and with or without a vaccination, you transmit it via shedding of the virus. What is proven is that you shed less virus with a vaccine, due to a lesser response from the body. Nobody has claimed within the last 2 yrs that these vaccines will stop you from contracting the virus; they state that if you do, you won't have as severe of a reaction that if you had no vaccine or prior immunity developed as a result of prior exposure.

Answer 2.
While the vaccines carry a small part of the genetic instructions of the coronavirus (not the whole virus) to help your body learn to fight it off, these messenger instructions cannot be combined with your DNA and are destroyed by the body soon after they are used.- ergo, doesn't fuck up your DNA- even FOX news doesn't claim this anymore. You'd have to go deep into bitchute and tiktoc to get anyone to support this idea.

Answer 3.
The push of vaccination was to mitigate the mortality rate of covid; which in it's beginning was around 7-10% worldwide. And there was no clear signs as to the mitigating circumstances, such obesity, genetics, diabetes, or the rest to compare, but what was certain, was that the vaccines did in fact create a response in the test groups to demonstrate that it was effective in its initial design of creating a immune response ( resulting in less severe infections and deaths) and that if enough of the population got the jab, they would by proxy reduce overall deaths, which was always the design. What you fail to see, is that many vaccines or treatments for disease don't stop the disease in it's tracks, but rather make it less lethal. Same end result- less humans die. But keep on marching to the GOP's narrative of vaccines are bad- despite them being developed by the same companies which were under warp speed / Trump. Likely one of his greater things he contributed, but you ppl on the right continue to bash. (should literally be screaming look how Trump saved the majority of the USA and other countries by developing the vaccine), but instead have used it as a political football. Stupid.

I'd love to see some evidence that points to a lab leak outside of the intel committee that said; well, we think it could be a lab leak, and some ppl say it could be, and others say it's not. But there has been nothing surfaced in the last year to prove that it came from a lab. In fact, i'd prefer that the US be able to show that since it would give us a reason to tell CHINA to go fuck yourself and we could tell them we will just call any debts with them as paid in full, since we owe them a shit-ton of money for loans.

France Warned US in 2015 About China’s Wuhan Lab, Investigator Says


oh did i mention the US by Fauci's direction overrode a ban on this type of gain of function research? yeah he did. he approved funds that went to that very lab in Wuhan. one wonders why?

Fauci Knew NIH Funded Wuhan’s Gain-of-Function Research as Pandemic Began, Email Reveals


Fauci approved dangerous research in a lab with known issues and lied about it. millions of people died. Fauci should be sent to GITMO, hanged in public then have his corpse thrown over the fence to be eaten by wild dogs in Cuba.

thank you valued poster
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Old 01-09-2024, 10:58 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Did any government agency ever state that getting the Covid shot was 100% effective in keeping a person from contracting Covid?

Joey did.

Why did the dumbass have to lie? His stupid over-promising on the efficacy of the vaccines is why so many people became skeptics.

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Old 01-09-2024, 11:31 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I could not care less as to the origin of the virus. It happened, we responded and virtually halted the spread of the virus, and we all feel relatively safe today.
Wow. So you don't think it would reduce the risk of future pandemics if we understood the origins of this one?

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Old 01-09-2024, 11:55 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
I'd love to see some evidence that points to a lab leak outside of the intel committee... there has been nothing surfaced in the last year to prove that it came from a lab.
We may never have absolute "proof" - it's more a matter of what the "preponderance of evidence" suggests.

I'll repost the link to a very influential article by Nicholas Wade (NYT science writer for 30 years) that was published in May 2021. It sparked a lot of discussion and convinced many scientists that the virus came from the Wuhan lab.

I haven't kept up with the latest developments. Anyone know what Wade is thinking now, 2-1/2 years later?

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Old 01-10-2024, 12:39 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
What was advertised may not have been accurate as to what the M-RNA vaccines will do and how they work. Clearly, there are two things that can't be disputed.

really? u think?? that WAS THE LIE

1. Most of the people who died from SARS_COV2 infection were unvaccinated people.

nope. most of the deaths (whatever the real count was) died AFTER the vax was released under the BIDEN ADMIN


2. The M-RNA vaccines in an overwhelming majority of cases PREVENT death after being infected with one of the variants of SARS_COV2 virus. That is the number one goal or objective.

then once again explain the higher death count under Biden WITH THE VAX

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