Originally Posted by matchingmole
Will deranged cum guzzzling Trump pick GeorgeSantos as his running mate?
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I know this is in jest, but that would be awesome. Of course he won't but that would crack me up if he pulled some wild shit like that. A flaming crooked as fuck homo with a last name of "Santos" would immediately give half of his mentally challenged cult members a heart attack because they would believe the world is officially ending... hell, I'd vote for him in two seconds just for the 4 years of entertainment. 
I don't believe Trump has any problem with LGBTQIA people, which bathroom trannies use, or abortion. Now he's not going to repeat what he said about abortion on Meet the Press back in 1999 ("I am very pro-choice"), or say again that Caitlyn Jenner can use any damn bathroom she wants if she visits Trump Tower. Or remind people that he campaigned on a pro LGBTQIA platform in 2016. But in his heart of hearts, Trump's to the left of his party on social issues.
And yes, like Edwin Edwards in Louisiana, I could see people wanting him to win for the entertainment value. Cable news is more entertaining than sitcoms when Trump's around.
Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.
--Donald J. Trump, June 14, 2016