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Old 12-04-2023, 10:49 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
I would say that the protocols for covid treatment went from widely unknown, to now fairly well administered and documented. Hence the survival rate increase. Just as any disease, the initial onset has high morbidity when the cure or treatment is being developed, but that doesn't mean it stays there. I won't get into the horse de-wormer side of this, but there are CERTAINLY studies of both pre- and post pandemic covid, and sure there were ppl who died both in hospital, at home, and in assisted care areas. Was it due to poor protocols? Some- or by mitigating factors etc., but to say that this was never studied is just pure baloney.

Also- the studies show that you're 2.5 or so times more likely to survive covid with a vax than without. It doesn't say you're gonna die, without, but that your symptoms will likely be more severe, and perhaps your immunity will be higher post that infection if you survive. The whole idea of vaccinations is to produce the immune response so you don't get the wholesale breakout from a virus from your system having no prior contact. Thats what saved likely many many thousands of lives- especially for the elderly population.

And as far as covid vaccines making your immune system more susceptible to covid- that's just bullshit. There is NOT ONE Scientific study that supports this.

More facts and myths can be found here;
What study are you referring too?
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Old 12-05-2023, 05:33 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Easy for you to say (over and over and over).

Got any credible data to back it up?

It used to be called real world basic knowledge of science and sales people.

I actually farm, deal with life sciences all the time. I'm very used to "scientific facts" that are over blown once you get out of lab and into real world situations. What amazes me is how many people assume that someone with an advanced degree has to be right.
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Old 12-05-2023, 06:33 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
It used to be called real world basic knowledge of science and sales people.

I actually farm, deal with life sciences all the time. I'm very used to "scientific facts" that are over blown once you get out of lab and into real world situations. What amazes me is how many people assume that someone with an advanced degree has to be right.
So in simpler words. Nope- no data or info.

Not doubting farming requires some smarts, and if we were talking about crop yields or planting windows, I'd say- you are the man. However, were talking about Covid, and the conservatives here are not versed in that, and yes you do have to have more than a common sense degree to grasp some concepts. But it's not impossible!
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Old 12-05-2023, 08:37 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
So in simpler words. Nope- no data or info.

Not doubting farming requires some smarts, and if we were talking about crop yields or planting windows, I'd say- you are the man. However, were talking about Covid, and the conservatives here are not versed in that, and yes you do have to have more than a common sense degree to grasp some concepts. But it's not impossible!

Livestock buddy, we deal with things like covid all the time.

You guys really only look for a "propaganda" link by someone with a title that promotes an agenda, but you have no basic knowledge about the subject so you can't see through the inaccuracy that they post.
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Old 12-05-2023, 08:58 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
What study are you referring too?
Did you read the link?
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Old 12-05-2023, 10:12 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Did you read the link?
Yeah, Mayo Clinic. That link has nothing to do with a study or any research analysis. Scientific Studies don't just list things or state opinions. They outline the Scientific method used to arrive at a conclusion.
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Old 12-05-2023, 10:44 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Yeah, Mayo Clinic. That link has nothing to do with a study or any research analysis. Scientific Studies don't just list things or state opinions. They outline the Scientific method used to arrive at a conclusion.

And that was written two years ago. So pretty much totally outdated info
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Old 12-05-2023, 11:21 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
Livestock buddy, we deal with things like covid all the time.

You guys really only look for a "propaganda" link by someone with a title that promotes an agenda, but you have no basic knowledge about the subject so you can't see through the inaccuracy that they post.
No minimizing your knowledge or work, or anything about livestock. I like beef, pork and all kinds of food, so first let me say thanks for what you do, but also I see that you only see and know what you know.

That' ok, but when someone points out that you aren't aware of something outside of your area of specialty, all the sudden we are cherry picking propaganda and looking to promote an agenda?

When someone refuses to acknowledge that there is science that supports stuff you refuse to see, or don't want to see, then that is more of an ostrich farmer, putting his head in the sand with the ostrich.

Since this is about care homes, I'll assume you care about those ppl who are in there. Otherwise, why the post? I have a family member in one, and there is an abundance of cases showing up here in the eastern states, and it's likely only going to get worse as the winter season progresses. "Real World knowledge" is just like horse sense, some ppl have more than others, an some have none. I'm sure you know some things, but when a study shows an outcome numerically, why is that any different than you knowing a crop yield? Or when cows need to be bred or sold?

Mathematically I'm sure it's part of how you run your business, and just like that math, it's aligned to observable outcomes.

On the side: when does a farm guy have time to visit hookers or massage parlors btw? LOL. - I grew up near more than a dozen dairy farms and those dudes were busy 24/7.

Just saying.
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Old 12-05-2023, 11:24 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
I'm tired of reading links to garbage studies. I've yet to see a study yet that is remotely close to accurate. Most of the time there isn't a large enough control group. But you have to get to the details of how the study was done which is even harder to find.
Farmstud - the links in post #10 are not to "garbage studies". The graphs are derived from simple data collected since the pandemic began. There's no "control group" involved.

The links merely show actual results after the covid vaccines were rolled out in Dec. 2020. Covid deaths and hospitalizations declined sharply (albeit with intermittent seasonal spikes). And they declined further & faster for vaccinated than for unvaccinated people. We know this because for the past 3 years, whenever someone has died or been hospitalized due to covid, we've tracked their vaccination status.

You are right about one thing - there are millions of Americans who caught covid and had only mild symptoms or were asymptomatic. If they are left out of any analysis, it can "throw off" a study or a conclusion. But let's think further - how would the numbers change if we could include them? I think it would make the disparity between vaccinated/unvaccinated outcomes even greater.

Bottom line - The vaccines have succeeded in turning covid into a minor nuisance (like the flu) for many, if not most, Americans. That's a good thing. We should all say, "Thank you, Donald Trump, for Operation Warp Speed!" Especially Biden. And his VP bitch Kamala should publicly apologize for her dumb, dumb, irresponsibly dumb 2020 debate statement (see post #8) that she would not take any vaccine if Trump endorsed it. Trump DID endorse the vaccines that were fast-tracked under his Operation Warp Speed. And Kamala DID take them herself. So the dumb bitch plainly lied to the American public - and she still hasn't apologized for it!
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Old 12-05-2023, 11:38 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
...were talking about Covid, and the conservatives here are not versed in that, and yes you do have to have more than a common sense degree to grasp some concepts. But it's not impossible!
Wtf eye!

What does being conservative or liberal have to do with a person's ability to understand science? Nothing! Are you looking for a fight? Trying to put down farmstud? All conservatives?

Maybe the problem is you aren't well-versed enough in the subject to persuade others?
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Old 12-05-2023, 12:34 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
And that was written two years ago. So pretty much totally outdated info
I am not really concerned about the age of an article. What concerns me most is the Scientific Method used in all these so called studies to determine that a particular virus is the causative agent of a disease in human or animal cell lines. In a nutshell most of the information posted are "Sarscov2 is a virus that causes Covid-19. There is a Vaccine available that is safe and effective in preventing or lessening the severity of the illness or death. We know this because the CDC, WHO,NIH says so. Then on top of that we have idiots like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and David Rockefeller talking about Depopulation and NWO and other hideous crap.
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Old 12-05-2023, 12:43 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Wtf eye!

What does being conservative or liberal have to do with a person's ability to understand science? Nothing! Are you looking for a fight? Trying to put down farmstud? All conservatives?

Maybe the problem is you aren't well-versed enough in the subject to persuade others?
not at all. Seemed like the conservatives were trying to say the posts had no validity. Apologies to those offended. And as I said to Farmguy-..thank you sir for what you do! I am however saying that "common sense" knowledge isn't always that common- and ignoring things that don't jibe with your views- to keep an open mind, instead of immediately condemning it.
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