Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
Agree to disagree?
Happiness is a choice in life. Choose it, and the world (and companions) will open up to you. Best of luck in your mongering, and keep looking for that companion that clicks with you. Then rinse and repeat.
Back in 1999 providers treated this hobby as a business.
Today the Providers treat the business as a way to pass time.
The clients can waste better time at the bar.
i have looked around all avenues and 7 times out of 10
you will find me back at the bar with monies in my pocket.
ok, You don't want to see a provider after getting nails, hair, waxing ect. ect.
Not go to see them after a girls noon lunching.
Lunch throws them off or the drinks do.
Just another time, if they have something to do.
i had one this week, not give me the location.
i just wait for it.
45 min. later, oops here you go, here is were we will meet.
10 min. later are you here yet. passed after that comment.
5 min. later she is walking the dogs outside the location.
ROFLMAO, a 3 of 10 pics were way off.