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Old 10-23-2023, 03:32 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... As I keep sayin' - this is Democracy in Action!

IF the "state of America" was truly "in peril" because
of no speaker - the Dems surely coulda put a quick end
to it by just supporting Jordan and voting him on.

... Yet they didn't...

#### Salty
Or there could have been 3 or 4 brave Republicans who trusted Jeffries who got more votes than ANY GOP member has during the first 12 votes.

How in the world is it the responsibility of the DEMs to save the GOP from themselves??
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Old 10-23-2023, 04:01 PM   #92
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Salty says nonsensical stuff all the time. He still has Jan 6 denial and believes there’s proof of election fraud sufficient to change the election. Don’t ever take anything he says seriously.
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Old 10-23-2023, 09:36 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian View Post
No one has a problem with sailors, progressives, or anyone else spending money they've earned pretty much any way they please!

What we should have a problem with is progressive politicians seeking to spend other peoples' money (whether taxed, borrowed, or printed) in wildly excessive ways on myriad vote-buying schemes that run up trillions of dollars of additional debt. We're already at the $2 trillion dollar annual deficit spending run rate. Isn't that quite enough, or should we try to double it again over the next four years?

Yes, he certainly was! But there's a big difference, as alluded to by eccieuser9500. To wit:

Whether you liked him or not, Newt and his caucus enforced real spending discipline during the second half of the 1990s. In fact, federal government spending as a percentage of GDP fell by over three percentage points during the period.

Of course, it helped that Bill's administration (and especially Treasury Secretary Rubin) actually had some fiscally conservative instincts, especially compared with today's Democrats.

By contrast, Jordan is clueless and incompetent. His bombs are more likely to be duds, or to misfire and explode right in the middle of his party's electoral prospects next year. If you're looking for the congressional leader most likely to torpedo his own party's majority status in November of 2024, Jim's your man. Hell, he even sort of looks like a torpedo!

The title of the thread references a Republican Party that's viewed as just "sitting on its hands."

Oh, but would that it only stop there. I'm afraid this is much worse than one of our two major parties just "sitting on its hands."

It looks more to me like it's embarking on a fully amped-up kamikaze mission.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Yes there is. Somebody needs to tell those free-loading welfare babies to get to work. What the fuck dilby?

You know there are a lot of people crossing the border waiting to work who can do their job.

Hot dog, eccie's finest economic historian and best showman are back on board!

Texas Contrarian, if you look at defense spending as a % of GDP during the Reagan administration, it ranged from about 6.1% to 6.8%. That went down to around 3.2% in the late 1990's. So the 3% decline in federal spending as a % of GDP that you mentioned, coincidentally or not (probably not), corresponded to the so-called "peace dividend" from the end of the cold war.

And eccieuser, it occurred to me that you are to eccie as Donald Trump was to NBC, an excellent entertainer. Remember the Donald's show, the Apprentice. While we may differ on economic issues, your videos and photos provide excellent entertainment. Therefore, I hereby declare thee the Donald Trump of eccie. (Just kidding!)
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Old 10-23-2023, 11:00 PM   #94
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Salty says nonsensical stuff all the time. He still has Jan 6 denial and believes there’s proof of election fraud sufficient to change the election. Don’t ever take anything he says seriously.
Hmmmm... Not sure if these are considoured Insults
or Attacks on a fellow member. ... Might even be
a thread hijack.

... And it aint helpin' the Congress elect a new Speaker.

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Old 10-23-2023, 11:25 PM   #95
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PTBMS? I roll like LM
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Old 10-24-2023, 12:19 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Hot dog, eccie's finest economic historian and best showman are back on board!

Texas Contrarian, if you look at defense spending as a % of GDP during the Reagan administration, it ranged from about 6.1% to 6.8%. That went down to around 3.2% in the late 1990's. So the 3% decline in federal spending as a % of GDP that you mentioned, coincidentally or not (probably not), corresponded to the so-called "peace dividend" from the end of the cold war.

And eccieuser, it occurred to me that you are to eccie as Donald Trump was to NBC, an excellent entertainer. Remember the Donald's show, the Apprentice. While we may differ on economic issues, your videos and photos provide excellent entertainment. Therefore, I hereby declare thee the Donald Trump of eccie. (Just kidding!)
No matter what it is I'm reading (even if it's a lot of numbers and financial shit), I enjoy the seemingly logical, written, explanations.

You and Mr. Contrarian have a very nice writing style. Sometimes I like to read detailed scientific or history driven works. Other times I just like to read crap. Like The Onion.

If it's nonsensical or I can't make sense of it, it better be a good read. At least.

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Old 10-24-2023, 12:58 PM   #97
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This just in: GOP nominate Emmer for SOH!

Trump says not so fast!

A sustained offensive from Trump, could spell doom, as any candidate for the job can only afford to lose a handful of votes.

The former president’s top allies are already working to thwart Emmer’s candidacy. Trump supporters have begun passing around opposition research on the congressmember, and the pro-Trump “War Room” podcast on Friday afternoon turned into an Emmer bash-fest. During an appearance on the program, top Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn noted that Emmer had yet to endorse Trump in the Republican presidential primary.

“If somebody is so out of step with where the Republican electorate is, where the MAGA movement is, how can they even be in the conversation?” Epshteyn said. “We need a MAGA speaker. That’s what it comes down to. Because if you look at the numbers, if you look at the energy, if you look at the heat, this is the Trump party, this is the MAGA party. It is no longer the old-school khaki establishment Republican Party.”

Steve Bannon, a former Trump White House adviser and the “War Room” host, chimed in to call Emmer a “Trump hater.”

Others close to Trump said Emmer as speaker would open a breach between House Republicans and their likely presidential nominee. Emmer “has no relationship with Trump,” one adviser said.

The fact that the GOP has come around to finding a non-MAGA Trumper, may mean that a few DEMS will cross over to vote for a guy like EMMER.

In fact, that seems to be the only way that this GOP held house will ever see a new speaker- Nominate someone who is NOT a TRUMP synchophant.

otherwise, sitting on the hands is gonna go into week 4, 5, 6, 7.

Punchbowl reports that other potential candidates include Reps. Byron Donalds, Jack Bergman, Roger Williams, Austin Scott, Jodey Arrington, Pete Sessions, Mike Johnson, Kevin Hern and Mark Green.

A chronology of Big fucking do-nothings, like Byron Donalds, who is SUPER TRUMPY-, but alas, is nothing more than a walking douchebag, he'll get 20 votes less than Jordan got. Pretty soon it will be low level coffee boy Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich being nominated. His motto- "whoever pays me the most to get a bill to the house floor will see a bill on the house floor".

Atleast you respect him for not ever showing anything but greed and no defense for it.
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Old 10-24-2023, 02:36 PM   #98
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Trump needs to be excised from the GOP national dialogue, if there’s any hope for them to keep control of the House majority.

Frankly, I hope they all crash and burn. Jeffries would be a fine speaker.
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Old 10-24-2023, 04:15 PM   #99
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F***K! Now Emmer has dropped out, because Trump and his enablers were whipping votes against him. What a shit show.
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Old 10-24-2023, 04:17 PM   #100
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Republicans can’t govern.

Wait until the government shuts down. The Republicans really will not be able to choose a speaker then. They’ll never be able to do anything.

What a bunch of clowns.
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Old 10-24-2023, 04:31 PM   #101
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... As I mention before - The Repubs are NOT "sitting on their hands"...

This is DEMOCRECY in ACTION! ... Like your Forefathers wanted.

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Old 10-24-2023, 05:04 PM   #102
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I’m 100% sure that Franklin, Hamilton, Washington, Madison and Jefferson would not see the modern Republican Party as democracy in action and an inability to choose a Speaker as democracy in action.
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Old 10-24-2023, 05:09 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
I’m 100% sure that Franklin, Hamilton, Washington, Madison and Jefferson would not see the modern Republican Party as democracy in action and an inability to choose a Speaker as democracy in action.
But then - Adams - just might o' seen things me-own way.

#### Salty
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Old 10-25-2023, 03:30 AM   #104
dilbert firestorm
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I was at Wikipedia looking at the list of leadership positions of the House of representatives and see the who's who list.

I just fell off the chair when I looked at the democractic leadership roster.

the leadership positions are as follows:
Majority Leader
Majority Whip
Majority Chief Deputy Whip
Minority Leader
Minority whip
Minority Chief Deputy Whip

each of those positions have 1 member each. however, this is not the case with the democrat's deputy whip.

the democrats have 10 deputy whips as compared to the republicans 1 deputy whip. this means the deputy whip has to whip 10 members in his/her group. they have had this platoon strategy since 1991.

the democrats also have another position that republicans do not have; assistant party leader.

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Old 10-25-2023, 06:00 AM   #105
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My good friend Mike Johnson as the next speaker. Jim Jordan without the loud mouth. He’ll be a terrible speaker but he could win. Fatigue has set in for the republicans and they’ll choose someone now that they like personally even though he’s definitely not someone that’ll get legislation passed.

The house will go from obviously dysfunctional to having an appearance of working though it really won’t be working at all. But that acceptable to the republicans at this point.

He’s a devout election denier, antiabortionist, homophobe, religinut, Trumpy. But he’s a nice affable guy. But at least the house will be open.

The vote today will be interesting. If he somehow loses (there were 20 people that were absent from the late night meeting) that may be a death-knell of right wing candidates and the possibility of sense coming to the house. His win will likely turn all those 18 seats in Biden districts back to democrats.

I can’t wait.
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