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Old 09-11-2023, 09:37 AM   #31
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Let me just reinforce for the ‘me sources’ fools:

Yes, Joe Biden had just taken office when the price of oil began skyrocketing after plummeting like never before for a year (and during the height of COVID which made no sense), but he hadn’t been in office long enough to do anything which could have affected the price of oil, which again, the POTUS has literally ZERO effect on the price of oil.
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Old 09-13-2023, 07:07 PM   #32
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'll start it off by answering the question of the asshole who started this thread“

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Old 09-13-2023, 07:13 PM   #33
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Old 09-13-2023, 09:52 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
'll start it off by answering the question of the asshole who started this thread“

... Oh, I see... YOU kinda agree with Lucas that
the government aint the answer to fixing everyone's
problems... But you gotta agree that the government
is surely the cause a lot of problems, mate.

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Old 09-13-2023, 10:00 PM   #35
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^^^^^ No. What he did was not remotely address the topic and tried to take a lame shot at me for a self-deprecating remark and chopped up my post to call me an asshole.

Nice attempt at trying to have your WV buddy's back though, Salty. He can't control himself from getting banned all of the damn time, so I commend you for trying to help him try to clean it up. LOL
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Old 09-13-2023, 10:19 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
^^^^^ No. What he did was not remotely address the topic and tried to take a lame shot at me for a self-deprecating remark and chopped up my post to call me an asshole.

Nice attempt at trying to have your WV buddy's back though, Salty. He can't control himself from getting banned all of the damn time, so I commend you for trying to help him try to clean it up. LOL
... Hmmmm... Hmmmm... Reckon that I didn't quite
see Bambino's responce that-way... Surely seem
to me that he was in agreement with you about
the government there.

No harm done, mate.

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Old 09-13-2023, 10:53 PM   #37
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I 100% agree that there is no harm done. As I've stated many times, I don't hit the snitch/RTM button for a reason. But I wanted to let him know his intention did not go unnoticed by me because I am well aware of the fact that he would never agree with anything I posted even if he did agree with it. I just wanted to be polite enough to simply acknowledge, "I know what you did there." Haha

If he wants to address the topic; cool. If not; that's cool by me as well. But don't get points because you have a problem with me because I'm certainly not worth them... sometimes you have to try to help those who can't help themselves.

Anyway, enough about that... I started this thread to simply understand why some people speak in such negative absolutes because they don't have who they want in office. I made it clear that it's not that serious to me. I think Trump is a complete piece of shit but even if he was/or will be back in office, I wouldn't care. My life would be the same for better or for worse... hell, at least Trump is entertaining to me unlike Biden. I'd maybe even start watching the news again.
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Old 09-14-2023, 11:29 AM   #38
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If things aren't going right in YOUR life, it's not because of politicians, the government, democrats, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, immigrants or anyone else except YOU. Want a better life, make better choices. If the best you can do is blame and deflect, that’s all on YOU.
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Old 09-14-2023, 08:23 PM   #39
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1st of all, welcome back 1b1. 2nd of all, why do some of you folks care so much about Hunter Biden?

I'm not going to hijack the thread celebrating his indictment on gun charges; but why do so many of you even give a shit? How will YOUR life be better if they throw the book at that entitled spoiled fuck up or he simply gets a slap on the wrist? That was a rhetorical question because the answer is YOUR life won't change one iota just like mine won't either.
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Old 10-04-2023, 06:11 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
Let me just reinforce for the ‘me sources’ fools:

Yes, Joe Biden had just taken office when the price of oil began skyrocketing after plummeting like never before for a year (and during the height of COVID which made no sense), but he hadn’t been in office long enough to do anything which could have affected the price of oil, which again, the POTUS has literally ZERO effect on the price of oil.
No one has ever presented proof that the POTUS changes the price of petrol. Most everyone can affect the price but even when all the heads of Big Oil testified on the Hill, NONE of them would present how prices are set. And none of them said the President dictates day to day pump price.

Been gone for near a month and NO ONE has yet answered the direct question put to them by the OP. Just do donny chest thumping. meh.
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Old 10-05-2023, 04:43 AM   #41
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Regarding: "How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government?"

My first response would be: What government? I ask because of a recent exchange between Biden and a reporter:

"“What’s your advice to the next House speaker?” a reporter shouted one day after Kevin McCarthy was dethroned.
Joe Biden turned around, flashed a creepy grin, chuckled, and said, “That’s above my pay grade.”"

My second response would be, my wallet via election interference, otherwise known as, vote buying with taxpayer money.

According to CNBC, Joe is giving away about $9Billion taxpayer money to buyout student loans for Millennials and Gen-Z types mostly - again:

“More than $5 billion of the aid will go to 53,000 borrowers who’ve worked in public service for a decade or more; $2.8 billion of the forgiveness is for 51,000 borrowers enrolled in income-driven repayment plans; and another $1.2 billion of the cancellation will go to 22,000 borrowers with disabilities.”

Notwithstanding that the US Supreme Court had previously shot that shit down last year.

Speaking of pissing away our tax dollars; recall that we have pissed away over $100Billion defending Ukraine's border while leaving ours wide open.

"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday claimed American taxpayers have a “moral duty” to defend Ukraine’s eastern border from invasion by giving aid to the nation.

In a New York Times op-ed published while the secretary visited the nation, Yellen said the American support “is motivated, first and foremost, by a moral duty to come to the aid of a people under attack.”"
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:24 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I'll keep this simple. How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government?

I'll start it off by answering the question of the asshole who started this thread. My answer is not one fucking bit.
The federal government (FG) determined whether I got into University.

The FG takes 18.4 cents per gallon of gas I use everyday.

The FG takes 35 cents of every dollar I earn through labor.

The FG tells me what kind of light bulbs I can use.

The FG tells me what size toilet I can install in my home.

The FG tells me what kind of Health Care I can have and what kind of insurance is acceptable for me to carry.

The FG regulates my speech by coercing Private/Public companies like Google, Twitter, facebook.

The FG regulates what type of engine and safety equipment is available in the car I drive.

The FG printed fiat currency to pay it's bills resulting in rising inflation thus increasing the cost of EVERY good that I purchase.

The FG regulates Education, thus influencing what homework I must work on with my 9 year old.

The FG regulates who I must interview for jobs, who I can hire, how they are paid, what kind of health care they must be provided.

The FG regulates what I can build on the land I own or indeed even if I CAN build on it.

The Code of Federal Regulations is SO large that no one knows how many regulations there are. We can only estimate based on the number of pages.

The Federal government is the largest enterprise in Human history.

Does that sound like it has no impact on you?
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:33 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
No one has ever presented proof that the POTUS changes the price of petrol.
LOL... When POTUS sells Oil out of the SPR, there is more supply thus driving down the price. When the SPR is filled or not sold, the supply is lessened and the price increased.

Biden has been selling the SPR down to early 1980s levels... so he is artificially increasing supply thus decreasing price. He's done this to cover the fact that drilling access on Federal lands has been curtailed.

The SPR is not infinite... at some point selling of the SPR will cease and gasoline prices will increase.

(The SPR will be refilled with more expensive fuel and that's a double hit to consumers as the debt will naturally increase to replace a gallon of oil bout at x which will now be replaced at X+y)

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Old 10-05-2023, 08:37 AM   #44
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Wow Texas sapper. Indeed that's a lot, and I agree in what you have said. Sadly, most of the regulations have been caused by ppl who have either taken unfair advantage or provided sub-par options when it comes to many of those items. Trying to level set a minimum expectation on things like wages or building codes has become now widely developed due to generally ppl not being fair or being taken advantage of.

Unions stepped in for employees at some employment places and zoning laws and codes for shitty shoddy work. When you have no baseline of work performance or things like safety and compensation, everyone suffers.

Ask anyone who ever work for a coal mine and what the company store did to them.

Sold your soul
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:22 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
LOL... When POTUS sells Oil out of the SPR, there is more supply thus driving down the price. When the SPR is filled or not sold, the supply is lessened and the price increased. ...
Now now TS, you forgot to quote then next sentence of what I wrote: " *Most everyone* can affect the price but even when all the heads of Big Oil testified on the Hill, NONE of them would present how prices are set."

If i'm wrong, show the proof that disputes my last statement: " And none of them said the President dictates day to day pump price."
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