Even if it’s just to explain the reason why they can’t grant the wish that the overwhelming majority of us want.
Moderators are just that...moderators. They work for an owner that has developed this web site to cover most of the US. TX has 8 boards...
LA = 2 boards
KN & MO = 4 boards
NY = 4 boards
NV = 2 boards
FL = 5 boards
PN = 4 boards
CA = 5 boards
39 other states with 1 board each.
73 boards in the US and each Area Board offers the standard Sub-Forums listing of Encounters, including Amp/Spa. I highly doubt that any moderator at any of those boards has any say over what the owner wishes to do with his product.
You can tell the guy at Specs that Johnnie Walker Blue should be $50, but don't hold your breath for that to happen.