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Old 09-01-2023, 12:03 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
It is called screening. Ladies like to know if the fucktard contacting them has a violent past. Ladies have been raped, beaten, robbed, and killed by fucktards. If you do not like the lady's screening then move on.
Yep.... that's why!
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Old 09-02-2023, 03:16 AM   #17
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Look up P411. Go to that site, fill out the 'new admirer form/questioner', pay your money,
have fun. Start by using the 'Search' feature on this site, and lookup 'P411'.
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Old 09-02-2023, 12:55 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
It is called screening. Ladies like to know if the fucktard contacting them has a violent past. Ladies have been raped, beaten, robbed, and killed by fucktards. If you do not like the lady's screening then move on.
But you will NEVER get any men to understand this on a review board only site ..
Men who screen off other sites understand how screen goes ..
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Old 09-02-2023, 07:38 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF View Post
But you will NEVER get any men to understand this on a review board only site ..
Men who screen off other sites understand how screen goes ..
I did not meant or ever intended screen is not needed, I was merely saying to see if giving out these personal information ( ID, Linkin ,FaceBook etc) are really proper way of screening that is all,

Yes I am new to this hobby , trying to write up reviews for every lady I saw. So yeah at this point providing references should not be problem for me. But I just want to see what every one thinks since I was asked to provide following two out of 3 ( ID /Linkin / Facebook ) during the screen process, that is all,
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Old 09-02-2023, 08:33 PM   #20
Grace Preston
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This argument is almost as old as the argument about rates.

1. Every lady is different. They all have different requirements, expectations, risk tolerance-- etc.

2. Every gent is different. They all have different requirements, expectations, risk tolerance-- etc.

Only each individual can answer as to what they are and are not comfortable with.

There are ladies out there for every requirement-- just like there are gents out there for every requirement.

I know ladies who will see pretty much anyone. I know ladies who require a great deal of information plus deposits in order to schedule... both groups of ladies eat. The former group tends to have a greater risk with visiting Uncle Lew... the latter group will sometimes pass up on great guys because they aren't compatible from a screening/policies standpoint.

Its all relative to your own personal comfort. If you feel its just too much-- move on. If the lady is just someone you simply HAVE to see, then be prepared to comply.
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Old 09-03-2023, 12:15 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
This argument is almost as old as the argument about rates.

1. Every lady is different. They all have different requirements, expectations, risk tolerance-- etc.

2. Every gent is different. They all have different requirements, expectations, risk tolerance-- etc.

Only each individual can answer as to what they are and are not comfortable with.

There are ladies out there for every requirement-- just like there are gents out there for every requirement.

I know ladies who will see pretty much anyone. I know ladies who require a great deal of information plus deposits in order to schedule... both groups of ladies eat. The former group tends to have a greater risk with visiting Uncle Lew... the latter group will sometimes pass up on great guys because they aren't compatible from a screening/policies standpoint.

Its all relative to your own personal comfort. If you feel its just too much-- move on. If the lady is just someone you simply HAVE to see, then be prepared to comply.
Absolutely agree! Well said!

If there is a set of attributes for Providers which can be quantified like,
{Looks, body, TCB, BCD/Service, Rate, Screening required}
and for Hobbyists like,
{Looks needed, body type needed, TCB acceptable, BCD/Service needed, Rate acceptable level, Screening compliance tolerance level};
there are so many possibilities of a match between what a Providers offers and needs, and what a Hobbyist can accept and comply with.

None of them are right or wrong. It’s just a coincidence of needs (based on these attributes) between both parties. So the only thing we can all say is what we need and what we are willing to comply with, and let everyone else have their choice.

I would never judge a Provider for what she brings to the table and what she asks, the only thing I need to decide on is whether I can accept it or not. Similarly, I would not expect to be judged on what I am willing to give and comply with. I would also not put down a fellow Hobbyist on what his tolerance/acceptance level is.

To each, his or her own. Draw your own lines, find someone who fits it, live and let others live and transact the way they want to.

Yeah, basically a round about way of saying what Grace said, but in a slightly formalized way.
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Old 09-03-2023, 07:26 PM   #22
Joni HappyMassage
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Exactly how I see it. You have a brand new account. I’ll need info. I won’t compromise my safety or security for someone who says they started hobbying 10 days ago. And what is chatting online gonna do ?
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Old 09-06-2023, 02:40 PM   #23
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There used to be a fairly well known circle of Dallas talent that were "Newbie Friendly" - I think Red Headed Julie is still around, and I'm pretty sure Sherry of DFW is as well, the latter being almost a rite of passage for first timer's initiation

Given the shift on prostitution / solicitation into felony charges I understand even more the need for EVERYONE to be cautious, but I encourage ALL to NEVER share real world data.

Full disclosure, I have when I have traveled with some of my regulars - especially internationally when you have so many industry & nation check points demanding full ID
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Old 09-07-2023, 08:20 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Bushjumper View Post
Look up P411. Go to that site, fill out the 'new admirer form/questioner', pay your money,
have fun. Start by using the 'Search' feature on this site, and lookup 'P411'.
I reached out to a P411 gal yesterday as I was going to be in Plano area and she said my last P411 OK was over a year old and she would need me to send her a reference.

21 OK's on P411 were not good enough, oh well not enough time to coordinate references so I moved on. I always send a heads up to a Provider if I am using her as a reference.

Girls are making a big deal about same day only appointments, meaning do not contact me the day before. I get it and I can adjust accordingly as i've always got a Plan B in the Tool Box.
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Old 09-07-2023, 09:11 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by ahab11 View Post
I reached out to a P411 gal yesterday as I was going to be in Plano area and she said my last P411 OK was over a year old and she would need me to send her a reference.

21 OK's on P411 were not good enough, oh well not enough time to coordinate references so I moved on. I always send a heads up to a Provider if I am using her as a reference.

Girls are making a big deal about same day only appointments, meaning do not contact me the day before. I get it and I can adjust accordingly as i've always got a Plan B in the Tool Box.
Yes most of us what a refes in the last year or will rescreen you .

I will reach out to your last couple of OKAY's and ask about you and then decide if I need to rescreen someone ..

Just that you have 50 OKAY'S and not had any new in the last year we don't know what you been upto in a year ..

Sometimes you might repeat with providers and she my not have updated your OKay . So you should always ask for a update OKAY after re-visiting a provider .
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Old 09-10-2023, 09:36 PM   #26
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Hmmm… I’m a bit bored tonight so I’m commenting on a few posts lol
On another note: when I screen I always ask three questions and at least one other provider they’ve seen before contact info. If you can’t give a reference then I’m willing to see if the conversation goes well and they seem cool.. is that a bad screening process?
I also always ask if they’re on these review sites… I almost always get a yes and then an appointment is made. I hate to make it difficult for someone.
Hope you got the appointment love… if not, on to bigger and better things.
But… seriously, since we’re on the subject; how should one screen? Curious minds….
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