Originally Posted by tommy156
Oh, but this certain type of scumbag absolutely does. There is zero question as to whose side this guy is on.
You do realize tommy that Jared kushner trumps son in law is a Jew, nevermind the fact that trump would address him as such.
Where is the Jew?
Call the Jew see what he says.
That sort of shit!
Speaking of Jared Kushner.
The real question is not about Hunter Biden, but about Jared K being given 2 billion dollars from the Saudis for financial advice that he's really not qualified to give.
Why, and for what?
Who knows perhaps it was Ivanka doing the giving to the crown prince because he overruled the Saudis board of advisors that did not want to give the money to Kushner!
How peculiar?
And hunter did what?
And here we have a Muslim giving a Jew 2 billion bucks and the Jew happens to be trumps son in law.
And not a word about it.
But no tommy, I don't think that trump would actually approve of what happened here in Pittsburgh.
But the wack job probably did wear a MAGA hat!

Took a little while to get here!