Recently went down the rabbit hole with an ad from rubrankings that I was almost 100% sure was scammer before I started but with the purpose of finding out how the scam works and mess with the guy a little bit. I’d share the ad but it’s not there anymore and they have erased our text convo or I would give you more info. But there’s still something to be learned, read on…
In the words of TO, get your popcorn ready.
So this is one that had social media info on the ad so I added the person on my snapchat that does not have my real name but is linked to my actual phone number.
I Start with quick” hi and like your pics on RR. Where are you located?” Wanna establish thry local first right. This was in the Dallas forum where I found the ad.
Reply was “where are you located?” Typical scammer response. They going to always be in your city if they find out where you are located first conveniently.
I reply “ I asked you first”.
His reply was “ Dallas”.
I replied “same”.
I said “I want to meet but I need you to live verify as just too many scammers out there you know”
His reply something to the effect of I’m not a scammer wouldn’t do that to you blah blah blah.
I press the video call button. Moment of truth. Call is picked up but no video in his end. Im showing half my face so they can see. Im Saying can’t hear you hello. 30 seconds of nothing. So I hang up.
He texts. “I was talking why you can’t hear me”. I highly doubt that scammer.
I ask “why you no turn camera on, with live verify I just want to see you are really person in ad, we don’t even have ti talk if you don’t want to”.
I video call again. This time no pick up.
They write”why are you acting like a cop”. Didn’t expect this tactic and actually a good one as would be good excuse why they wouldn’t want to live verify. I really don’t have good response for this and just ignore the,comment.
I say “unless you live verify today and makes this happen I’m going to assume you are a scammer and report you to Snapchat”. I now 99 percent sure scammer and looking to rile up,the scammer
Reply was “you are not getting video out of me unless I get money first”. The typical need deposit BS that I read about you guys getting taken by.
I said “no way I’m 100% sure you are a scammer now Mr. I need a deposit boy”
His reply was “don’t call me a scammer that is defamation of character”. Lol and wtf. I just keep going.
I then proceed to go off on him to really piss him off to see what he says.
I tell him he’s a loser. Hes the lowest scum on the earth trying prey on people. I tell him “he’s doing a great job of defaming himself by trying to scam people so nobody needs to do that for him”
The Next part I must say first I’m not a raisist by any stretch of the imagination (insert jerry McGuire “I love black people” meme here). But I’m about to racial profile a bit I’m sorry but I’m just playing the odds and numbers taking a stab at who this guy really is…
So I say “you are actually some guy, prob named Omar, living in your shitty shack hut somewhere in India trying to steal Money from people with real jobs!”
His reply and no shit hand to god truth he says…“and we going to kill all you people! Lol”.

So bingo I pegged it correctly.
I tell him I’m reporting his Snapchat then scare him a little telling him I’m going find out who he is and contact authorities with scamming and threats and terroristic behavior. (Although I have no idea how to do that).
I block him and that’s the end of it.
I go back few hours later and notice our text conversation is completely non existant in my chat log and then I look for the profile on RR and I can’t find it.
So I clearly I scared him and he prob just on to a new city posting in RR with new Snapchat handle is my guess
I have questions for all you tech savoy people if you will indulge me please.
1. His response to say Dallas location was correct right off the bat. Now I’m thinking he may have got this correct simply by just having add posted only in Dallas and when get response from potential scamee he just says Dallas. BUT I wonder if he could have any way to see via my Snapchat somehow where I am located by chance?
2. Using my own cell phone number at sign up but with a fake name on the Snapchat account. Can this guy get my real phone number then maybe my real name?
3. Anything else you can educate me on about this experience on how these guys operate would be appreciated for the inquisitive mind?