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Old 06-25-2023, 08:58 AM   #226
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Never went anywhere punk ass bitch, and u did nothing of the sort. You just have another conspiracy theory moron you can cry with
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Old 06-25-2023, 04:28 PM   #227
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L-a-S, they're not worth receiving points over. If you think you are reading moronic posts in this thread, just be happy you do not read the idiotic shit in the political forum.

Anyway, the presidential debates should be pretty funny in the usual Trump childish manner. They will be something similar to this:

Chris Christie: Mr. Former President, can you explain why you had so many boxes of classified documents in your house?

Trump: You're really fat. Can you explain that?
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Old 06-25-2023, 06:38 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Trump has been given a great gift. If he is the victim of a witch hunt as he’s claimed, he now has a forum in which to prove it. He can cross examine witnesses against him. Subpoena witnesses to testify on his own behalf. Hire the best lawyers money can buy. He’s protected by a presumption on innocence. And his evidence isn’t evaluated by the press or his political enemies, but by a neutral jury selected in open court.

It’s put up or shut up time for the mango Mussolini. He should welcome the opportunity.

I really haven't concerned myself with the going abouts with the trial but I have never thought of that.

Like Dominion. I was so hoping to finally see all this evidence of a zombie Hugo Chavez rigging the 2020 election in the court room. Let's hope it ain't gonna be another whiffle ball toss for them to put down the libbies and choke again.
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Old 06-25-2023, 10:05 PM   #229
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
L-a-S, they're not worth receiving points over. If you think you are reading moronic posts in this thread, just be happy you do not read the idiotic shit in the political forum.

Anyway, the presidential debates should be pretty funny in the usual Trump childish manner. They will be something similar to this:

Chris Christie: Mr. Former President, can you explain why you had so many boxes of classified documents in your house?

Trump: You're really fat. Can you explain that?
So sad, but true
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Old 06-25-2023, 11:05 PM   #230
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I'll definitely be tuning into the Republican Debates that Trump participates in. 2016 was great theater/TV, everyone was caught off guard by Trump's antics, didn't quite know how to react. He systematically trampled each opposing candidate, his nickname assignments instantly diminished them.

I expect 7 years of a learning curve will prepare his opposition to hit back. Plenty of time to anticipate directed insults, and have pointed responses ready.

But how many will? I bet Nikki Haley and Pence will be Weasels. Tim Scott won't get smacked too hard, he can ignore. Christie and Desantis should lay into Trump, put it all out there. If their campaigns blow up, so be it. Of course, they need to be ready to accept humiliation. Rubio tried hitting back, but he looked childish doing so. Cruz hit back for a time, until he cut some kind of deal with the Party, or Lucifer, and in turn became Trump's biggest Cocksucker.
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Old 06-26-2023, 07:03 AM   #231
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
I'll definitely be tuning into the Republican Debates that Trump participates in. 2016 was great theater/TV, everyone was caught off guard by Trump's antics, didn't quite know how to react. He systematically trampled each opposing candidate, his nickname assignments instantly diminished them.

I expect 7 years of a learning curve will prepare his opposition to hit back. Plenty of time to anticipate directed insults, and have pointed responses ready.

But how many will? I bet Nikki Haley and Pence will be Weasels. Tim Scott won't get smacked too hard, he can ignore. Christie and Desantis should lay into Trump, put it all out there. If their campaigns blow up, so be it. Of course, they need to be ready to accept humiliation. Rubio tried hitting back, but he looked childish doing so. Cruz hit back for a time, until he cut some kind of deal with the Party, or Lucifer, and in turn became Trump's biggest Cocksucker.
Why on Earth would you want to do that? Watch a grown man act like a stupid, foolish, name-calling child when the truth is he is nothing but a draft dodging punk ass bitch and coward?

I knew orange ape was a punk and asshole from his Howard Stern interviews in the 90s. Any child I know who acted like him would get a first-rate ass whooping.
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Old 06-26-2023, 10:30 AM   #232
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White House Press Secretary refused to answer any questions from the media. Now, they have proof from text messages. Lol
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Old 06-26-2023, 10:50 AM   #233
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Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid View Post
Why on Earth would you want to do that? Watch a grown man act like a stupid, foolish, name-calling child when the truth is he is nothing but a draft dodging punk ass bitch and coward?
High entertainment value. And to get a feel from his opponents about their own character.
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Old 06-26-2023, 11:04 AM   #234
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
High entertainment value. And to get a feel from his opponents about their own character.
Our definition of high entertainment value must differ a great deal.
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Old 06-26-2023, 02:58 PM   #235
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Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid View Post
Our definition of high entertainment value must differ a great deal.
I think it does. From my perspective, the Republican Debates should be very entertaining. Just a little less than this..

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Old 06-27-2023, 09:02 AM   #236
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Michael Luttig, a charter member if the vast right wing conspiracy, tells the truth.

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Old 06-27-2023, 11:35 AM   #237
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Michael Luttig, a charter member if the vast right wing conspiracy, tells the truth.

It may be 60-80 years away, but this period in our political history, will be studied and examined in our Universities, with a tone of ''how and why did it get like it did''?

Of course, that assumes we return to a more ''normal'' political landscape in the next, say, 5 years. We may not, we are 7 years into the current situation now.
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Old 06-28-2023, 01:10 PM   #238
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I don't understand why there are not more Republicans (such as myself or Judge Luttig) willing to cut bait with a person displaying classified and sensitive defense documents to people without clearance AFTER his right to have those documents had long gone, and then attempting to hide those documents from the government.

That's treasonous if done by Biden or any other Democrat, and I would want to see them prosecuted. Why is it not the same for Trump?

And PLEASE do not tell me there is a double standard! Even if there is a "double standard," that is NOT a reason that Trump should get away with it!! So if not EVERYONE gets prosecuted our state secrets are fair game for ANYONE? At best, it is a reason that others who do it should also be prosecuted.

Again, where is our line - where enough is enough?
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Old 06-28-2023, 01:32 PM   #239
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Originally Posted by Soccerjunky View Post
I don't understand why there are not more Republicans (such as myself or Judge Luttig) willing to cut bait with a person displaying classified and sensitive defense documents to people without clearance AFTER his right to have those documents had long gone, and then attempting to hide those documents from the government.

That's treasonous if done by Biden or any other Democrat, and I would want to see them prosecuted. Why is it not the same for Trump?

And PLEASE do not tell me there is a double standard! Even if there is a "double standard," that is NOT a reason that Trump should get away with it!! So if not EVERYONE gets prosecuted our state secrets are fair game for ANYONE? At best, it is a reason that others who do it should also be prosecuted.

Again, where is our line - where enough is enough?
Because many Republicans automatically dismiss any more charges levied against Trump. I can see why. The false charges that were basically proven to be political attacks. And in this case, the idea that Biden, Obama and Clinton all took stuff or documents from the White House they should not have. and Democrats are completely unconcerned.

That automatic defense extends to Clarence Thomas. Corrupt, his wife is a hands on MAGA operative, but.. No, Republicans won't admit anything is wrong, because Democrats attempted to derail Kavanaugh with a 23rd hour Fake sexual assault victim from 30 years earlier.

Both parties need to turn their clocks back to 1985 and earlier. When they had traces of dignity and respect.
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Old 06-29-2023, 01:44 PM   #240
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"Both parties need to turn their clocks back to 1985 and earlier. When they had traces of dignity and respect." I'll go with that, Chung.

I'm keenly worried about our next American "president" having dictatorial powers and, although I think there is far more jeopardy of that with one party than another, voters of both parties should be more worried about it than they are.

For me, the candidate who would get my enthusiastic support would be one who says:

"There is far too much power aggregated in the American presidency (and far too much abdication of power by Congress); as your next president, I will do everything in my power to reduce the power of this office, and re-calibrate the relationship between the three branches of federal governance towards greater balance."

I doubt I'll be seeing anyone running on that platform.
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