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Old 06-05-2023, 10:12 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Experimental and molecular medicine disagrees with you and RFK Jr. SARS-Co-V2 evolved over time. It was not created in the lab.
SARS-Co-V2 has been found in multiple animals.


Also, the common cold has never put anyone on a ventilator. Nor has it ever been shown that the virus that causes the common cold cold can bind to the ACE2 protein found in the cell membrane of lung cells like the Delta Variant of SARS-Co-V2 or the original variant from Wuhan China (that was never given a Greek alphabet nickname).

You have some explaining to do Lev17. You better study up. LOL.
Shit the Flu binds to ACE2. Most people who died were in Hospitals on Ventilators and were given Remdesivir and other toxic drugs. Hospitals were directed by the CDC and Hospital administrators adhered to a protocol that produced poor results. Hahaha, you think I need study up that's laughable.
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Old 06-06-2023, 05:23 AM   #47
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Default You can blow with this. Or you can blow with that.

I see all this "the CDC say this" or "the CDC says that". Quite frankly, similar BS from the FDA and a long list of Politburo members. Remember this failed narrative?
CDC Recommends 'Horse Dewormer' Ivermectin for Refugees. So Where's the Media Outrage?
By Stacey Lennox 3:02 PM on September 03, 2021

...These geniuses, including the execrable Dr. Leana Wen on CNN, might want to take note of the CDC’s “Overseas Refugee Healthcare Guidance.” This chart outlines presumptive care for parasite treatment:

The media is telling a partial truth to try and scare people out of using ivermectin during the early treatment of COVID-19. If you wonder what the corporate media’s vested interest is, think about how many pharmaceutical commercials you see while watching cable news. They are not disinterested observers...

...The press release for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015 states:
Ivermectin is highly effective against a range of parasites, has limited side effects and is freely available across the globe. The importance of Ivermectin for improving the health and wellbeing of millions of individuals with River Blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis, primarily in the poorest regions of the world, is immeasurable. Treatment is so successful that these diseases are on the verge of eradication, which would be a major feat in the medical history of humankind.
The Noble committee referred to ivermectin’s impact on global health as “immeasurable.”...
So the CDC was pooh-poohing Ivermectine and generally making it scarce here, while pushing it around the globe. Get it yet? Meanwhile, medical boards here were punishing Doctors if they prescribed it, pharmacies were supposedly "out of stock", patients had to shop around for a Doctor that would even dare to prescribe it, etc, etc. They used the LambSCREAM media as a megaphone *cough** propaganda **cough** to do it.

If you read the article, it explains the immense usage world wide as well as why/how it may be effective for the covid. BTW: It's frick'n cheap!! Point being: It's similar to chicken soup for the common cold. It may not help, but it sure doesn't hurt. By making it scarce here, people took to using the animal version. (dumb idea). Maybe you remember:
'You are not a horse.' FDA warns against use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19
Mike Snider USA TODAY

...Multiple reports of patients treated or hospitalized after "self-medicating with ivermectin intended for horses" led the Food and Drug Administration to issue a warning Friday. "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it," the agency tweeted...
So if your weapon of choice is those government agencies, then Imma say nope. You got conned in to doing a lot of really dumb stuff and you are still trying to quell your free floating anxiety looking for numbers to rationalize away the unthinkable.

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Old 06-08-2023, 07:42 AM   #48
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Default Ask better questions perhaps

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
See adav8s28's post. 400,000 (COVID deaths in a year) is a lot more than 40,000 (flu deaths in a year).

I'd add that with people staying at home, social distancing, and wearing masks, they were less likely to catch and spread the flu.
Look, I get it. At least you are trying to toss out an anchor on the free floating anxiety, by trying to understand increasing causes of death and that's a good thing.

The list of data you provided earlier on Deaths in the US show a trend line of about 1.6% increase YoY, if I recall correctly, with a hockey stick during the covid. As you mentioned above, "people staying home" had multiple impacts on people emotionally, medically, spiritually and a whole lot more. Not including the way the whole reporting of causes of death were changed arbitrarily and with a "bounty" to hospitals if they followed the new reporting scam, err uhhh I mean scheme.

Also consider the lock-down impacts on a society that has also incurred a sharp and steadily increasing substance abuse and mental health issues. One could try to ask a better question, such as:

Hey Googlie: diseases of despair
By sure to also try: Hey Googlie: youtube diseases of despair

You will find a whole lot of info about "a sharp and steadily increasing substance abuse and mental health issues." even before the covid. Obviously and logically, the lock downs would create an exponential impact on these.

Regarding "the way the whole reporting of causes of death were changed arbitrarily and with a "bounty" to hospitals if they followed the new reporting scam, err uhhh I mean scheme." I would simply say:

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Old 06-08-2023, 01:44 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Look, I get it. At least you are trying to toss out an anchor on the free floating anxiety, by trying to understand increasing causes of death and that's a good thing.

The list of data you provided earlier on Deaths in the US show a trend line of about 1.6% increase YoY, if I recall correctly, with a hockey stick during the covid. As you mentioned above, "people staying home" had multiple impacts on people emotionally, medically, spiritually and a whole lot more. Not including the way the whole reporting of causes of death were changed arbitrarily and with a "bounty" to hospitals if they followed the new reporting scam, err uhhh I mean scheme.

Also consider the lock-down impacts on a society that has also incurred a sharp and steadily increasing substance abuse and mental health issues. One could try to ask a better question, such as:

Hey Googlie: diseases of despair
By sure to also try: Hey Googlie: youtube diseases of despair

You will find a whole lot of info about "a sharp and steadily increasing substance abuse and mental health issues." even before the covid. Obviously and logically, the lock downs would create an exponential impact on these.

Regarding "the way the whole reporting of causes of death were changed arbitrarily and with a "bounty" to hospitals if they followed the new reporting scam, err uhhh I mean scheme." I would simply say:

I have no argument with the statement that mortality rates of younger people have increased a lot, and substance abuse is part of that. And yeah, while the numbers don't show it, I'm sure there were some people who off'ed themselves because of lockdowns. And some who OD'ed as a result. Still most excess deaths occurred when they did because of the virus. Not the vaccines, which were responsible for an insignificant number of deaths in the scheme of things, but the virus.
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Old 06-08-2023, 06:23 PM   #50
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Default Tip of the spear?!?

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
... Not the vaccines, which were responsible for an insignificant number of deaths in the scheme of things, but the virus.
Well, we certainly have not heard from the dead about their vaxx experience. But we have heard from their surviving family member and none of them see it as insignificant for some odd reason. #DIEDSUDDENLY

Seriously, look up diseases of despair. It's been a trending phrase for almost a decade. You would be surprised at it's near universal use across the political spectrum, even the Grand Poo-Bah of the Bernie Bros. Or you could just stroll the streets of San Fran Nan's district, but wear the hazmat suit and knee-high rubber boots along with your normal, every day precautions, along with an E-Coli and extra diphtheria shot or two.
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Old 06-08-2023, 10:50 PM   #51
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Default No tip of the spear up my ass! Are you crazy?

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Well, we certainly have not heard from the dead about their vaxx experience. But we have heard from their surviving family member and none of them see it as insignificant for some odd reason. #DIEDSUDDENLY

Seriously, look up diseases of despair. It's been a trending phrase for almost a decade. You would be surprised at it's near universal use across the political spectrum, even the Grand Poo-Bah of the Bernie Bros. Or you could just stroll the streets of San Fran Nan's district, but wear the hazmat suit and knee-high rubber boots along with your normal, every day precautions, along with an E-Coli and extra diphtheria shot or two.
San Francisco? I'm not going there unless I can take my AK for protection from the buggers. And since they don't allow open carry of semi automatic weapons, I guess I'm not going. I'm sure as hell not going to add PrEP to the E-Coli and diptheria shots and do a Clayton Williams.

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Old 06-09-2023, 06:52 AM   #52
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Default Love at first site

I recall him pretty well. Not sure how that fixes the diseases of despair or the covid. But it sure did get "Back Seat" Annie Richards elected. If you recollect, the economy in Texas, Austin in particular, was in the crapper. Every third house on a street was for sale and half of them were foreclosed or in the process. I made some good coinage buying property then, on the cheap, and selling later. Good times.

I recall a man on the streets interview of an old rancher in a cowboy hat on TV, by a reporter from Boston. It went something like:

Reporter: Sir, our viewers back in Boston have been following this Texas Governor's race and want to know what the local people of Austin think of it all.

Rancher: Boy, we don't give a sh*t what people in Boston want or think.

I fell in love with Texas forever from that.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
San Francisco? I'm not going there unless I can take my AK for protection from the buggers. And since they don't allow open carry of semi automatic weapons, I guess I'm not going. I'm sure as hell not going to add PrEP to the E-Coli and diptheria shots and do a Clayton Williams.

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Old 06-09-2023, 06:59 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Shit the Flu binds to ACE2.
The delta variant binds the most efficiently to ACE2 of all the variants of SARS_CoV2. Thus has a higher propensity to get in the lung cells and cause the infected person to go on ventilator. Death rate for Influenza much smaller that the death rate of SARS_Co-V2.

From the link:

The delta strain was shown to infect cells with the highest efficiency. The omicron strain also demonstrated an increased trend in infection efficiency, although it was milder than that of the delta strain.

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Old 06-09-2023, 07:19 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I have no argument with the statement that mortality rates of younger people have increased a lot, and substance abuse is part of that. And yeah, while the numbers don't show it, I'm sure there were some people who off'ed themselves because of lockdowns. And some who OD'ed as a result. Still most excess deaths occurred when they did because of the virus. Not the vaccines, which were responsible for an insignificant number of deaths in the scheme of things, but the virus.
Agreed. Well said ^^^^. Very few "breakthrough deaths" relative to the total number of people in the USA who are deemed "fully" vaccinated. (Two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer. Or one shot of the Johnson and Johnson) About 265,000,000 people. The breakthrough deaths is under 40,000.
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