So I don’t ever post on here but I’m going to today for a heads up to the crew here. Overall this seems like a decent community of fellows. I have met with Mileena now a few times and we still talk. She’s a great girl. A young lady that works hard and is trying to make ends meet for her and her two very young children. She’s a single mom that has to live with her parents for now. First off boys, she’s out of the hobby now and I’ll tell you why. The oringnal guy who posted his embellished story about her here, KCOwner, stated in his original line how we’ve all been lamenting about how there are no girls around like the good ‘ol days, well I will give some insight as to why that is in this case. It’s guys like KCOwner. He promised to help her get started in this hobby. He set up the email for her and actually never gave her the password. I said embellished story because it was, first of all, and secondly because he was selling her. Unbeknownst to her he was wanting to be her pimp instead of just being a nice guy and helping her. So all this time that we all were emailing who we thought was her we were actually emailing him. She had little to no access to her email. This is part of the reason for us not getting timely feedback and why the mass email was sent out. He managed all of her emails and would let her know who she could see. He then started to try to scam money off of her donations and get “free services” from her as he told her he was “managing her.” He would also refer to her only as “Whore” when talking to her in person and in texting instead of using her name. She said that he constantly made her feel dumb and stupid, etc. She said this really hurt her self esteem and sense of self worth. She eventually got so turned off by this experience, of mainly interacting with him, that she has quit. It’s guys like KCOwner that are why we no longer have girls like in the “good ol days” in this case anyway. She was just trying to make ends meet for her and her two young kids and does genuinely love sex, trust me on that one

but she had such a negative introduction to this hobby from dealing with KCOwner that she just quit. Another important point is that it obviously wasn’t her that was getting all of our emails and personal messages, it was KCOwner. He also has all of our Driver’s Licenses and personal information that you guys sent in. Myself included. Just another reason to not send that information out in the future boys. You never know who is on the other end and what kind of a person they are and what they will do with that information. Especially with all of the identity theft going on nowadays. I’ve got this dude’s full name and information now too so if anything happens with my identity information I’ll know who did it and I’ll f#*€k him like the town hound. So a good lesson learned for me here with sending out my info. Stay safe out there boys.