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Old 05-23-2023, 01:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Yep. Some of them died, too. Let's remember that while tallying up political points.
Early on in 2020 a lot did! That was messed up.
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Old 05-23-2023, 03:09 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
As usual he's being untruthful. Murder and violent crime rates in NYC have been relatively low for the past 10 plus years. While there was a spike in 2022, it's gone back down in 2023.

In 2019 for example, it wasn't even in the top 65 US cities for murder rate.

It didn't make this list of the top 32 for 2021

According to the FBI it didn't make this list of the top 75 cities for violent crime per capita in 2022, even with the spike.
... When you quit arresting criminals - your numbers improve.

How are your numbers towards violent crime?"
GOOD! ... Not many criminals being arrested."

When you quit giving the joeys schoolhouse tests.
The joeys no longer have bad test scores.

"How are the student test scores this semester?"
"Wonderful! ... Nobody got a bad grade!"

When shoplifters are not arrested - the shoppes suffer.

"How busy are the shoppes in this city?"
"The shelves are empty. Gangs of people all day long!"

... That's New York! ...

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Old 05-23-2023, 03:57 PM   #18
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They quit arresting violent criminals in NYC? They're miss-classifying homicides? You have some actual evidence of that or just making it up as you go along?

I've provided solid information proving that the homicide and violent crime rates in New York city are low, and these figures are based off of crimes reported, not based off of convictions. To say that people are leaving NYC due to high murder and violent crime rates is to display blatant disregard for the truth.

Salty, when was the last time you were in NYC? How about you berry? Any time recently or are you speaking from a position of ignorance? I've been there dozens of times and have never been a victim of a crime. I was however a victim of NYPD towing my car once! They had so many cars at the impound warehouse that you had to take a shuttle bus inside the building to get to your car!
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Old 05-23-2023, 04:18 PM   #19
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Ho Hum - Major Crimes Rose 22 Percent in New York City in 2022 per the NY Times

Major Crimes Rose 22 Percent in New York City, Even as Shootings Fell. Homicides fell last year to their lowest level since 2019, before the pandemic, but other categories of crime, including robbery and burglary, drove the overall increase compared with 2021.

Surges in robbery, burglary and other crimes drove a 22 percent increase in overall major crime in New York City last year compared with the year prior, despite a significant drop in shootings and murders.

Mayor Eric Adams, who campaigned on a promise to improve public safety, said at a news conference at Police Department headquarters that the city had made progress. He lauded the agency for its efforts to increase gun arrests and rid the five boroughs of illegal guns and drugs.

Still, the mayor said the city must drive down robberies, burglaries and grand larcenies — categories that contributed to the increase in what it defines as major crimes last year, to 126,537 from 103,388 in 2021. The mayor said retail theft and subway safety are among his top concerns.

“We know we have more to do,” Mayor Adams, a former police captain, told reporters at the news conference. “New Yorkers must be safe based on the stats, and they must feel safe based on what they’re seeing. That is my obligation: to ensure that safety is felt.”
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Old 05-23-2023, 04:28 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Ho Hum - Major Crimes Rose 22 Percent in New York City in 2022 per the NY Times

Major Crimes Rose 22 Percent in New York City, Even as Shootings Fell. Homicides fell last year to their lowest level since 2019, before the pandemic, but other categories of crime, including robbery and burglary, drove the overall increase compared with 2021.

Surges in robbery, burglary and other crimes drove a 22 percent increase in overall major crime in New York City last year compared with the year prior, despite a significant drop in shootings and murders.

Mayor Eric Adams, who campaigned on a promise to improve public safety, said at a news conference at Police Department headquarters that the city had made progress. He lauded the agency for its efforts to increase gun arrests and rid the five boroughs of illegal guns and drugs.

Still, the mayor said the city must drive down robberies, burglaries and grand larcenies — categories that contributed to the increase in what it defines as major crimes last year, to 126,537 from 103,388 in 2021. The mayor said retail theft and subway safety are among his top concerns.

“We know we have more to do,” Mayor Adams, a former police captain, told reporters at the news conference. “New Yorkers must be safe based on the stats, and they must feel safe based on what they’re seeing. That is my obligation: to ensure that safety is felt.”

Ho hum?

I already acknowledged that there was a spike in 2022 which has gone back down so far this year, but as I have also already shown, even with the spike, NYC was not even in the top 75 US cities for violent crime in 2022. You're being disingenuous.
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Old 05-23-2023, 05:06 PM   #21
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Tell that to the people in NYC who are leaving in droves due to leftist policies contributing to high crime, high cost of living, scumbag illegals moving in sucking up taxpayer dollars, etc, etc
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Old 05-23-2023, 06:36 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
They quit arresting violent criminals in NYC? They're miss-classifying homicides? You have some actual evidence of that or just making it up as you go along?

I've provided solid information proving that the homicide and violent crime rates in New York city are low, and these figures are based off of crimes reported, not based off of convictions. To say that people are leaving NYC due to high murder and violent crime rates is to display blatant disregard for the truth.

Salty, when was the last time you were in NYC? How about you berry? Any time recently or are you speaking from a position of ignorance? I've been there dozens of times and have never been a victim of a crime. I was however a victim of NYPD towing my car once! They had so many cars at the impound warehouse that you had to take a shuttle bus inside the building to get to your car!
Oh, they’re arrested. Then they’re let go and not prosecuted. That guy the Marine just put down, chlorinating the gene pool, was arrested 45 times iirc, yet there he was threatening a subway full of people.
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