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Old 05-08-2023, 10:52 AM   #1
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Question How long to wait?

I have wondered if a provider doesn’t reply within a certain timeframe, how long before you reach out again?

In this case I reached out yesterday for an appt tomorrow. Text in the afternoon email last night. Nothing as of yet (outside chance she is currently traveling back from AZ). Would be first visit with this provider.

The hobby is very hit/miss it seems, so I am trying to be respectfully persistent but not off putting or pushy.

Will probably get planning on back up plans this afternoon.

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Old 05-08-2023, 04:23 PM   #2
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Always have Plan B
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Old 05-10-2023, 02:31 PM   #3
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Depends on how you try to schedule. Should they not respond in 6-8 hours and have posted a valid contact number I will send them a text to please check their pm's at xxxx. If, I try to schedule on P-411 and no response for 6-8 hours I will send them a pm on another site where I know they are active.to please check their P-411 account. Also have used this in reversing the contact sequence.

The real world does occasionally disrupt so always have a Plan B when your goal is a specific time slot.
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Old 05-10-2023, 03:25 PM   #4
Wile E Coyote
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You will learn that no matter who the provider is that you wish to see, you always have to have a plan b and plan c as backup. Obviously, the ladies do not stare at their computer and phone waiting for emails and messages to come, but I would give them 24 hours to respond to my initial message that I wanted to possibly set an appointment and if she does not respond by then, Time to send plan b a message that she is now plan a.
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Old 05-10-2023, 06:19 PM   #5
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Yeap always have a backup!
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Old 05-10-2023, 06:25 PM   #6
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The trick is to find providers who are dependable enough like I have, to where you don't have to wait because they value your business instead of making you wait and acting like they're doing you a favor by contacting you back.

Now, if you want to be really vindictive, when you post a review of the provider who was initially your plan B, send your initial plan A a link to the review.
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Old 05-11-2023, 01:49 PM   #7
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I'd say wait 24hrs, but in the mean time take a look at other options in case she doesn't reply in a timely manner. You never know what's going on in her world that might prevent her from responding.
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Old 05-11-2023, 02:19 PM   #8
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In a case like yours (looking for someone 2 days in advance), if she’s someone I’ve not contacted before, I’ll give it half a day before I start looking for Plan B. I won’t contact her a second time, at least not for this particular date.

I figure until we agree on a date and time I’m not obligated to “hold the date” and stop looking for someone to spend time with. Same is true on her part: if I take too long to commit after she’s told me she’s available, she’s under no obligation to hold that time for me.
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Old 05-11-2023, 05:34 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post

Now, if you want to be really vindictive, when you post a review of the provider who was initially your plan B, send your initial plan A a link to the review.
Wow, talk about petty!!! And you wonder why providers talk bad about you to each other. Yea, burn your bridges behind you
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Old 05-11-2023, 05:56 PM   #10
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Damn dude, there you go following my posts, hijacking threads to insult me again!

That was a suggestion, not that I have done it, I have my go-to providers and I don't need to kiss ass and put on a facade to get providers who I do not plan to ever see let alone pay to see to be my friends.

Keeping the thread on track, whenever a provider posts an ad then, unless otherwise stated, that usually indicates they are available to be contacted by potential clients. It does not take a rocket scientist to take a few seconds to answer guys who contact a provider even if it's just to tell the guys she is busy, indisposed, ect. and she will contact him as soon as she is able. A provider who counts on the majority if not all the funds she receives from providing would certainly agree with that. Those ladies who feel that they are doing guys a favor by seeing them and taking their money will totally disagree.
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Old 05-11-2023, 06:34 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post
Keeping the thread on track, whenever a provider posts an ad then, unless otherwise stated, that usually indicates they are available to be contacted by potential clients. It does not take a rocket scientist to take a few seconds to answer guys who contact a provider even if it's just to tell the guys she is busy, indisposed, ect. and she will contact him as soon as she is able. A provider who counts on the majority if not all the funds she receives from providing would certainly agree with that. Those ladies who feel that they are doing guys a favor by seeing them and taking their money will totally disagree.
I know this is simply a throwaway paragraph to claim to be on topic, but this is the most ridiculous take yet on this thread. No provider is going to be able to respond immediately to every contact, under any circumstance unless she has a 24-hour answering service. What’s she supposed to do if she’s in the middle of a date? Stop down and respond to every text or phone call that comes in? You and any other guy in here would rightly complain if a girl did that to you while in your company.

If that is truly your expectation you surely are constantly disappointed, which judging by many of your posts on this board seems to be the case.
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Old 05-11-2023, 07:40 PM   #12
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Who said anything about immediate? That was not in my post anywhere. But, if within a few hours, I would expect a reply back that she received my message, especially if she placed an ad that she was available.

I highly doubt that there's any provider out there who is on a date every hour of the day to where they cannot take those few seconds in my earlier post and can ONLY respond after 24 hours, that is total crap. What I think is outright hilarious is if it is a day or two or longer after the initial contact a provider happens to respond if she even remembers to contact you, then whenever she does, and he is not made other plans, it is amazing that the hobbyist usually responds back within 5 minutes! I don't know about you, but I am not going to beg to spend my money.

If you do not think that my post is an answer to the OP question in his original post and off topic (not agreeing with it doesn't mean it's off topic), then you are welcome to RTM it.
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Old 05-11-2023, 09:02 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote View Post
Damn dude, there you go following my posts, hijacking threads to insult me again!

That was a suggestion, not that I have done it, I have my go-to providers and I don't need to kiss ass and put on a facade to get providers who I do not plan to ever see let alone pay to see to be my friends.
No. No playing the victim card WEC. He was responding to your tacky statement about writing a vindictive review. If he had not posted, I'm sure someone else would have.

You left yourself open to a rebuttal, which we all know, you can't handle the criticism and turn it into victimhood no matter who said it.
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Old 05-11-2023, 09:39 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle View Post
No. No playing the victim card WEC. He was responding to your tacky statement about writing a vindictive review. If he had not posted, I'm sure someone else would have.

You left yourself open to a rebuttal, which we all know, you can't handle the criticism and turn it into victimhood no matter who said it.
More conspiracy theories, AG?

I never said that I did a vindictive review it was a suggestion. I disagree that someone else would have said it if he didn't. That is just giving him an excuse and letting him do what he does so that's not really surprising. There is plenty of ways to disagree with somebody without insulting them.

If giving an opinion on a thread subject is wrong and it is okay for that person to get insulted, then zero tolerance for insulting and harassment mean nothing.

Anyway, back to the game with my date!
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