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Old 04-22-2023, 03:31 PM   #1
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Default Cocksucker biden bound and determined to destroy our country.


Note to px, I was deeply involved in all facets of electric generation and metering, so before you get on your pedestal, you had best do your homework. I know far more about this industry than you can simply google.
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Old 04-22-2023, 04:34 PM   #2
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Biden is a fucking idiot I can’t wait for Trump to kick his ass
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Old 04-22-2023, 04:57 PM   #3
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The only motivation for these idiots must be motivated by $$$: they and their backers are all in on solar, wind, carbon capture, battery production, and carbon credits (ie they will tax and invest in the casino financial companies that conduct the cap and trade).

I have donated to the right side of the aisle and will continue.
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Old 04-23-2023, 05:45 AM   #4
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Our country is in trouble, it’s amazing how fast we have gotten here. By all measurables, major recession coming near year end to go along with the problems above and soooo many others.
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Old 04-23-2023, 06:19 AM   #5
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just a preliminary question DJ. do you believe that anthropogenic (meaning caused by us) climate change is real or fake?
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Old 04-23-2023, 08:45 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
just a preliminary question DJ. do you believe that anthropogenic (meaning caused by us) climate change is real or fake?

There is no context to this. We can make changes all day long, but as long as other nations spew shit into the air, it really doesn't matter what we do. Outside this bullshit, brandon wants everybody in electric cars which will mean our grid and power plants will suffer. That stupid senile old bastard doesn't even know what day it is, much less be able to be in charge of bumping up power plants and the lines that feed peoples homes.

You hate Trump so much and have your nose up brandons ass so far if he stops you will break your own nose, you seem to be immune to how much brandon is fucking up our country. For those who claim to love brandon because he's a democrat, that's one thing. I grew up in a democratic household, father was a long term union man, I was a 40 year union worker, however this shit show of a democratic party isn't anywhere near the democratic party I grew up with. Most of these fucking democrats can't even describe what a woman is, that's how fucked up their party is.

Lastly you're use of the word anthropogeinc is nothing but a hot dog move made to make you look intelligent, while we laugh at you going the extra mile to show how intelligent you may be. This is a hobby board, not MENSA, and we don't give a shit about you're showing off words you never use.
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Old 04-23-2023, 09:17 AM   #7
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good posts, DJ. Not only the demand on the power plant, but what about all the additional pollution for mining all that lithium to make the damned batteries...plus, how much lithium do we produce domestically? Rhetorical question as it mostly comes from China, Australia, and Chile.
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Old 04-23-2023, 10:38 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN View Post
There is no context to this. We can make changes all day long, but as long as other nations spew shit into the air, it really doesn't matter what we do. Outside this bullshit, brandon wants everybody in electric cars which will mean our grid and power plants will suffer. That stupid senile old bastard doesn't even know what day it is, much less be able to be in charge of bumping up power plants and the lines that feed peoples homes.

px: well i'm glad you at least admit that man-made climate change is a thing. i can work with that. we're the number two producer of fossil fuel emissions in the world, after China. So if wean ourselves of fossil fuels in favor of wind, solar, geothermal, and even though i don't like to say it, nuclear, it will make a huge impact for the world. also, it would give us the moral high ground to ask other nations to make cuts. so we can have a big effect.

You hate Trump so much and have your nose up brandons ass so far if he stops you will break your own nose, you seem to be immune to how much brandon is fucking up our country. For those who claim to love brandon because he's a democrat, that's one thing. I grew up in a democratic household, father was a long term union man, I was a 40 year union worker, however this shit show of a democratic party isn't anywhere near the democratic party I grew up with. Most of these fucking democrats can't even describe what a woman is, that's how fucked up their party is.

px: i don't hate Trump. i just think he's a dangerous fascist who would like to be crowned emperor for life.

the only policy points on the Republican side seem to be tax cuts that aren't paid for and no regulations on business. that didn't work out so well in the subprime mortgage fiasco of 2007-2008, did it? and then Republicans obsess about transexuals, and like to ban books. what the heck is all that about?

Lastly you're use of the word anthropogeinc is nothing but a hot dog move made to make you look intelligent, while we laugh at you going the extra mile to show how intelligent you may be. This is a hobby board, not MENSA, and we don't give a shit about you're showing off words you never use.
px: actually that's not the case. i
come from a family that sits on the far right wing-i'm the furthest to the left-and they're all climate change deniers. so i knew if i was going to convince anyone, i'd have to start from scratch. so that's what i did. in a group email thread, it came to like 25 pages, which i sent out in parts. i was thinking about the best way to describe it. man made climate change sounded funny to me, so i finally settled on anthropogenic because in a single word, it covers everything. sorry if it came across as showing off. that wasn't my intent at all.

by the way, i got to about 50% family converts, which was way more than i expected..
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Old 04-23-2023, 10:42 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Michael8219 View Post
The only motivation for these idiots must be motivated by $$$: they and their backers are all in on solar, wind, carbon capture, battery production, and carbon credits (ie they will tax and invest in the casino financial companies that conduct the cap and trade).

I have donated to the right side of the aisle and will continue.
I knew I liked you for a reason ….:
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Old 04-23-2023, 12:46 PM   #10
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For over fifty years climate alarmists have been saying we only have 15 years left. That's all I need to know.
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Old 04-23-2023, 03:42 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
just a preliminary question DJ. do you believe that anthropogenic (meaning caused by us) climate change is real or fake?
I don’t believe all the climate change caused by humans bs.
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Old 04-23-2023, 04:03 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Cendell M View Post
I knew I liked you for a reason ….:
Thank you C. Back at you kid! Always follow the money.
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Old 04-23-2023, 04:24 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by arañanegra View Post
I don’t believe all the climate change caused by humans bs.

Is there some climate change? Yes, there are 8 billion folks on the planet. Will you make a big difference if only 334 million (US) actually participate in these draconian changes while China, India, Russia do not?

Does it make sense to retire coal power plants? Yes at the end of their economic life. Even more so for natural gas fired plants - absolutely idiotic to shut those down.

That’s like saying let’s junk all internal combustion vehicles manufactured in the past 6 years…there’s still another 10 to 14 years left on the 2016 model year ice vehicles. And the new vehicles purchased in December 2022…19 years, 8 months!

And those same people want to squeeze an extra efficiency drop from the menace that is your AC, dishwasher, range, refrigerator, washer and dryer. In turn, this drives up cost and diminishes life expectancy. Let market forces work and not be driven be superfluous regulation. Some rules, yes of course. But not the stupidity of these airheads.
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Old 04-23-2023, 06:07 PM   #14
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There are several cogeneration plants in the east end of town and they are highly efficient. The down part of cogeneration is start up costs, however unlike other types of generation, you can count on cogeneration. Owning a cogen company is where Bob McNair got all his money from. He got in on the ground floor of this industry and made his billion.

Basically take the huge Shell plant in Deer Park that has a whole lot of steam being produced, you can take the steam and power up generators. Bottom line, you take waste from one plant and use it to make electricity. You can't count on wind or solar like you can natural gas, coal, nuclear, and cogeneration.
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Old 04-23-2023, 11:02 PM   #15
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^^cogeneration sounds like a great idea, DJ. and we both agree on nuclear, even with all of its downsides. but what about those flameoffs you see at some plants? i think they're burning off natural gas, which seems kind of crazy. i'm not a huge fan of methane because it escapes from wells and produces huge plumes that even NASA telescopes can see, in addition to the fact that it's a far worse greenhouse gas, pound for pound, than CO2, but at least its emissions when burned are the least worst among the fossil fuels. Coal produces the worst emissions of all and should be phased out quickly. it's a danger to human health and the planet.

i see nuclear (fission) as a transition fuel until we can master nuclear fusion, the same process that powers the sun. it produces no harmful byproducts or greenhouse gases, just helium from hydrogen. already, proof of concept experiments have been done, but we're still a long way off from getting it into the power grid. the core temps needed are insane, like in the millions of degrees.
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