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Old 04-03-2023, 01:01 PM   #1
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Default 21 things

Here are 21 things that Trump ran his campaign on, or otherwise promised to do while in office, that he didn't do.

Why didn't he do these? Please, explain to me like I'm a mentally inept woke millennial who can only use simply words... like Trump!

  1. Lock up Hillary Clinton: Trump promised to investigate and prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State, but he did not follow through on this promise.
  2. Repeal and replace Obamacare: Trump promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with a better healthcare plan, but his efforts to do so were unsuccessful, and no replacement plan was ever proposed.
  3. Defund sanctuary cities: Trump promised to defund sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, but this promise was also not fulfilled.
  4. Bring back coal jobs: Trump promised to bring back coal jobs and revitalize the coal industry, but the number of coal jobs continued to decline during his presidency.
  5. Make Mexico pay for the border wall: Trump promised to build a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico and make Mexico pay for it, but Mexico did not pay for it, and the project faced legal challenges and cost overruns.
  6. Rebuild America's infrastructure: Trump promised to rebuild America's infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and airports, but no significant infrastructure legislation was passed during his presidency.
  7. Create 25 million jobs: Trump promised to create 25 million new jobs over the next decade, but the job growth rate during his presidency was similar to that of his predecessor, Barack Obama. (Note: Jobs created due to deaths related to COVID winding down doesn't count. Trump may have had record job growth, but he also had record job loss due to COVID deaths and shutdowns)
  8. Negotiate better trade deals: Trump promised to negotiate better trade deals for the United States, but his administration's trade policies led to trade disputes and tariffs that hurt American consumers and businesses.
  9. Reform the Veterans Affairs Department: Trump promised to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs and improve healthcare services for veterans, but his administration faced criticism for slow progress on this issue.
  10. Cut the national debt: Trump promised to cut the national debt and balance the budget, but the national debt continued to rise during his presidency.
  11. Protect Medicare and Social Security: Trump promised to protect Medicare and Social Security, but his administration proposed cuts to both programs.
  12. Increase military spending: Trump promised to increase military spending and modernize the U.S. armed forces, but the military budget did not increase significantly during his presidency.
  13. Investigate voter fraud: Trump claimed that there was widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election and promised to investigate the issue, but no evidence of widespread fraud was found.
  14. Reduce crime and violence in inner cities: Trump promised to reduce crime and violence in inner cities, but his administration's policies were criticized for exacerbating racial tensions and inequality.
  15. Create a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton: Trump promised to create a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton's alleged wrongdoing, but this promise was not fulfilled.
  16. Protect the Second Amendment: Trump promised to protect the Second Amendment and expand gun rights, but his administration did not take any significant action on this issue.
  17. Cut wasteful government spending: Trump promised to cut wasteful government spending and reduce the size of government, but the federal government continued to grow during his presidency.
  18. Make America energy independent: Trump promised to make the United States energy independent and reduce dependence on foreign oil, but the country continued to rely heavily on imports.
  19. Create a new healthcare system: Trump promised to create a new healthcare system that would provide better coverage at lower costs, but no such system was ever proposed or implemented.
  20. Implement a five-year lobbying ban: Trump promised to implement a five-year lobbying ban on government officials after they leave office, but this promise was not fulfilled.
  21. End birthright citizenship: Trump promised to end birthright citizenship, which grants automatic citizenship to children born in the United States, but no action was taken

How could someone so great promise so much, but also fail to deliver on nearly all of it?

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Old 04-04-2023, 09:54 AM   #2
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Crickets. Why can't anyone ELI5 why the Trump All-Mighty failed to deliver on everything he said that he would do?
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Old 04-04-2023, 10:18 AM   #3
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They all hang their hats on his "tax cuts", 85% of which only benefitted the Millionaires of America. Lol. But that's about all they can possibly point to - chicken feed in the big picture. But I swear, nobody defends millionaires more than hundredaires.
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Old 04-04-2023, 10:47 AM   #4
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Republicans can’t read or they have no memory.
They are hung up still in Hilary’s emails and hunters laptop
They are laughable
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