Originally Posted by VitaMan
FOX News did their best..but it didn't succeed.
FOX news..knowingly pushed false conspiracy theories
"The evidence developed demonstrate it is crystal clear that none of the statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true."
- so rules the judge
Related matters:
- many members here push false conspiracy theories, fortunate for them they can't be chased
- perhaps FOX news last line of defense can be "but the ratings were great".
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
as you like to say .. consider the source ... NPR.
leans left .. thanks to your tax dollars. is that what we are paying for? leftist news financed by tax dollars?
NPR (Online News)
Community somewhat agrees.
now let's consider what the Judge really said ....
source is the AP .. thanks for asking.
Associated Press
Community somewhat agrees.
Superior Court Judge Eric Davis ruled that it was “CRYSTAL clear” that none of the allegations made by Trump allies on Fox in the weeks after the election were true.
what a difference a few word make, yes?
VM, you are correct in that foxy pushed their own narrative. Doing so, they certainly don't live up to the news moniker they tally about. Quite the opposite. They are biased and hypocrites. Surprised nobody mentioned that Sean Hannity when the court papers identified Individual 1 (#HeWhoShallBeNamed) came about, how he was foaming at the mouth saying how unfair the case was but *NEVER* mentioning that he was fighting the court in having his name supressed (sp), and failing to do so, that he also was caught paying off a mistress.
Just goes to show you how things go at foxy when it comes to the facts.
And speaking of facts, I love how people try to place the best light on what they argue. Fact (there is that word again) is that any POV has a leaning. Which i'll refer to as breadth. Nice to find something dead center.
But breadth doesn't mean a damn thing except to see how vitriolic the person presenting/arguing their side is.
No mention of Fact. Which i'll call depth.
With a good search, there is a balance between breadth and depth.
Alot of people seem to ignore the depth of facts. And I sure have asked that 1 question, repeatedly, to an individual.
Say he, can that guy give the Factual Reporting content for foxy? Not just which way their mind leans. Makes for much more interesting dialogue seeing if a person stands on a firm foundation or is arguing from a pit of quicksand.