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Old 03-28-2023, 03:25 PM   #1
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Default The biggest deficit increase belongs to...


The gop of course and their fuck the middle class and reward the wealthy. They know that most of their base are broke ass ignorant mofos that still blame the dems
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Old 03-28-2023, 03:32 PM   #2
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Well, everyone knows that. Except Lusty and Tiny. Because they believe that any debt increases under dems are the result of bad math rather than policies during dem administrations. Even while republicans tax cuts run up deficits and fail to pay down debt.

But sadly there is no arguing it with them because they will never accept the truth.
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Old 03-28-2023, 03:56 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Well, everyone knows that. Except Lusty and Tiny. Because they believe that any debt increases under dems are the result of bad math rather than policies during dem administrations. Even while republicans tax cuts run up deficits and fail to pay down debt.

But sadly there is no arguing it with them because they will never accept the truth.
No, no, no! I agree with you, absolutely. And I bet Lusty Lad does too. The debt increases that occurred during the Obama and Biden administrations were the result of bad policies. On the other hand, President Clinton, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, and most importantly a Republican House of Representatives did a great job, balancing the budget while cutting the capital gains tax!

And I agree, Republicans (and Democrats) since the Clinton administration have unfortunately run up the deficit and failed to pay down debt.

I'd of course much rather see the budget balanced through less and more efficient federal spending, rather than higher taxes. The most prosperous countries in the world, when you cut out the petrostates and small places, have larger private sectors and smaller governments. And our federal government, unlike my state, county and city governments, is particularly inefficient in the way it spends our money.

Anyway, it's nice to see us agreeing on economic issues for once.
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Old 03-28-2023, 04:32 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
No, no, no! I agree with you, absolutely. And I bet Lusty Lad does too. The debt increases that occurred during the Obama and Biden administrations were the result of bad policies. On the other hand, President Clinton, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, and most importantly a Republican House of Representatives did a great job, balancing the budget while cutting the capital gains tax!

very much bad policy and typical democrat pork barrel spending. isn't that why Ronnie wanted a line item veto? of course the proper solution is a balanced budget amendment that eliminates all that cross over pork nonsense. you know, roads to nowhere and airports no one uses named after some dork congressman in his district.

And I agree, Republicans (and Democrats) since the Clinton administration have unfortunately run up the deficit and failed to pay down debt.

at least you know that Clinton did nothing to reduce the debt even if he did keep spending flat mainly because Newt and the R's controlled the house. i laugh every time someone claims Clinton reduced the debt. or claim Obama "cleaned up" G Bushy's "mess". nonsense. Clinton still added 1.4 trillion. which today sounds like a bargain for a two term president. but Slick Willie Blythe was always a "which way the polls trend" prez. did i mention the R's controlled the house?

I'd of course much rather see the budget balanced through less and more efficient federal spending, rather than higher taxes. The most prosperous countries in the world, when you cut out the petrostates and small places, have larger private sectors and smaller governments. And our federal government, unlike my state, county and city governments, is particularly inefficient in the way it spends our money.

Anyway, it's nice to see us agreeing on economic issues for once.

exactly. the Fed Gov has become a monstrous entity that the founding fathers would be aghast at today. fire a 3rd of them. useless redundant dead weight.

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Old 03-28-2023, 04:38 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
at least you know that Clinton did nothing to reduce the debt even if he did keep spending flat mainly because Newt and the R's controlled the house. i laugh every time someone claims Clinton reduced the debt. or claim Obama "cleaned up" G Bushy's "mess". nonsense. Clinton still added 1.4 trillion. which today sounds like a bargain for a two term president. but Slick Willie Blythe was always a "which way the polls trend" prez. did i mention the R's controlled the house?

Either Lusty Lad or Texas Contrarian wrote a great post on how the Reagan years set up Clinton, Gingrich et al, so they were able to balance the budget. I'm too lazy to look it up, but among other things it mentioned the peace dividend that resulted from the end of the Cold War.
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Old 03-30-2023, 04:18 PM   #6
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Does nobody remember that rock star Clinton balanced the budget for the first and last time ever..and then the Cheney/bush adm came along and caused the biggest recession since the depression???
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Old 03-30-2023, 04:35 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
Does nobody remember that rock star Clinton balanced the budget for the first and last time ever..and then the Cheney/bush adm came along and caused the biggest recession since the depression???

why did Slick Willie Blythe do that? the Republicans forced him to because they controlled the House, which as we all know really spends tax dollars and not very well. Newt's "Contract with America" had serious political legs and Billie is nothing if not adroit at reading the "political tea leaves".

the debt is the fault of Congress not any one president.

Ronnie The Great wanted a line item budget veto for this very reason.

which egg came first? the egg that HUD laid during the Clinton Admin to increase GOV backed home lending to minorities who couldn't actually afford a house or the egg that hatched during G Bush admin?


Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Either Lusty Lad or Texas Contrarian wrote a great post on how the Reagan years set up Clinton, Gingrich et al, so they were able to balance the budget. I'm too lazy to look it up, but among other things it mentioned the peace dividend that resulted from the end of the Cold War.

i recall that also. in that thread WTF started i think. might poke around for it and see if i can find it. worth a re-ead to be sure.
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Old 03-30-2023, 05:02 PM   #8
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Nice try Waco Clinton was a Rhodes scholar. For you megas...that mean he was really really smart. The fucking moron really really stupid gop didn't stand a chance against rock star Bill.
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Old 03-30-2023, 05:25 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
Nice try Waco Clinton was a Rhodes scholar. For you megas...that mean he was really really smart. The fucking moron really really stupid gop didn't stand a chance against rock star Bill.

and yet he was stupid enough to be labeled "Blow Job Bill" for his shenanigans with Lewinsky, lie under oath about it and get impeached. and disbarred in Arkansas for it.

how smart is he again?

and there was this gem .. "That depends on what the definition of "Is" is .."


i think Slick Willie Blythe missed his true calling. instead of being a shyster politician he shoulda been a shyster lawyer. Perry Mason's corrupt twin brother.


the facts are Newt and the R's had a huge nearly veto proof majority and bitch slapped the Rockstar into holding spending flat which he likely never would have done if the D's had the house. Clinton did in fact increase the debt by 1.4 Trillion dollars. without Newt and the R's to checkmate Slick Willie Blythe how much more do you think that would have been given the D's are the "drunk sailor" spenders when it comes to spending everyone else's money?
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Old 03-30-2023, 07:02 PM   #10
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Newt lol. Was that fat ass drunk ever sober???
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Old 03-30-2023, 07:13 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
Newt lol. Was that fat ass drunk ever sober???

was Teddo Kennedy? at ..Chappaquiddick?
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