Originally Posted by VitaMan
It was an effort to stop contagion. If you can't see that, there is nothing more to say.
there's plenty more to say. if you won't i will. who's contagion? rich fatcat private investors? big investment firms? that's your contagion, not joe and jane doe who don't have over 250k to invest to begin with. so who did that bailout to stop "contagion" really help again??
both SVB and Signature Bank got way too deep in a volatile investment, crypto. both suffered because of Sammy-Bank-Fraud's FTX downfall. they had other mismanagement issues too, like the fact that SVB had no chief risk officer for 8 months prior to going south? interesting isn't that?
SVB’s Lack of Risk Officer Emerges as Focus in Fed Probe
both SVB and Signature are considered private banks. their downfall as TC has pointed out is mostly the spike in interest rates making their long term bond investments underwater. no big deal if you can hold them but hard to quickly liquidate. especially when your fatcat private investors and a bunch of Wall Street types suddenly demand their money.
so tell us again why the contagion had to be stopped?