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View Poll Results: The Official Serious-Minded Peoples poll of The covid origins
The covid was from gain of function research 21 84.00%
The covid crawled out of a bat's ass in a bowl of soup 3 12.00%
The covid just appeared mystically 1 4.00%
Voters: 25. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-21-2023, 10:16 PM   #16
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Default I've decided to become a conspiracy theorist, and this is a great place to start

The eccie Brain Trust does it again! We've established there's a 82% probability that COVID was from gain of function research, 12% probability it crawled out of a bat's ass into a bowl of soup, and 6% probability it appeared mystically.

Hell, nobody here has any idea, including Ducbutter and Reddog and they know more about this than the rest of us.

The majority of virologists and evolutionary microbiologists believe COVID 19 had a natural origin. But some very smart, knowledgeable people, including Robert Redfield, believe it came from a lab.

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Watching the news this week, there is a new “animal to human” transmission being pushed, some kind of raccoon dog or something.


And guess what, all of the major Main Stream Media is reporting it as very credible.

They will report ANYTHING that takes the heat away from Biden’s owners, the ChiComs.
Now I'm normally not prone to believe conspiracy theories. But just maybe alphabet organizations like the FBI, the DOE, and the PLA want us to believe that COVID resulted from gain of function research. (Note that the DOE is in charge of our nuclear weapons arsenal; the PLA stands for the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army.) Or better yet, COVID was created by silico modeling, and unleashed by the USA on China, or by China on the USA, depending on your point of view.

After all, who stands the most to gain from another cold war, or better yet, a real war between China and the United States? Well, the FBI, DOE and PLA would all end up with more power and money.

Jackie, this new data has a very curious history. The Chinese CDC acquired samples from stalls of the Wuhan market between January 1, 2020 and March 2, 2020. They submitted papers that said the samples that tested positive for the COVID virus contained human genetic material, but no DNA from animals. Furthermore, they concluded that the animals at the marketplace probably weren't the origin of COVID 19.

Now, fast forward to 2023. On March 4, Florence Debarre, a French evolutionary biologist, randomly came across a previously unknown sequence of data from the samples collected at the Wuhan market, while doing other research, on the GISAID virology database. The data had been posted there by Chinese researchers. Based on her analysis, some samples from the Wuhan market that tested positive for COVID did contain animal DNA, from raccoon dogs, bamboo rats, palm civets, and other animals.

What happens next? Well, the data mysteriously disappears from the GISAID database. It's removed, at the request of the submitter.

So why did the data disappear? Well, like I said, at one time the Chinese military was pushing the idea that the USA developed the virus and was using it as a weapon. And China also claimed it shut down all its wet markets, where live animals were sold. Neither of those is very compatible with the idea that COVID 19 was initially transmitted to humans at the Wuhan market.

Or who knows, maybe we were the ones who took down the data. The FBI, the CIA and the DOD all have reasons to want to worsen relations with China. They're probably the original source of social media posts claiming that the COVID 19 virus was developed and weaponized by the Chinese military, and then unleashed on America. And the more hostile our relationship is with China, the more power and money end up in the hands of the leaders of these alphabet agencies.

Remember Orwell's book, 1984? The great powers of the world were always waging war against each other. Their leaders used that to subjugate their people. Same thing here. The alphabet agencies really miss the cold war, so they're trying to recreate it.

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Old 03-21-2023, 11:05 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
The missing puzzle piece in Fauci’s sinister plot is a woman named Dr. Wang Yanyi…
What say Ye (not the Kanye Ye)?

forget this cunt. i mean, she's a cunt and Fauci is a corrupt turd monkey but what about patient zero, reported to be a female researcher at Wuhan who disappeared days after the initial outbreak in Wuhan never to be seen or heard from again? was this woman an accident or a guinea pig?

Originally Posted by soldierboy44 View Post
Gain of Function research or not, it was an accidental release from a Chinese lab that was covered up by the CCP because it is SO VERY DESPERATE to be accepted on the World Stage that they covered it up as quickly as they could.

Those that think it was an attack on the West..........if it was an attack and 1 million people are dead because of said attack..........the west would have to retaliate and that would be the end of the world as we know it today. Hell we went to war for 20 years because 3000 people died in 45 minutes..........why wouldn't the west nuke China for the death of 1 Million people??

Side note: read the book 2034.....its fiction......but it will scare the hell out of you

was it accidental? some think it was released on purpose to quell the Hong Kong riots going on at the time with no signs of abating while the CCP were massing large military forces in Shenzhen to invade Hong Kong. the CCP didn't want to invade Hong Kong because there's no way to hide that. you might hide it from state controlled media but western satellites were already getting detailed images of Chinese forces massing near Hong Kong. even if China concealed it from their masses the world would watch it in real time.

and you can't really hide that even in China. if China did release it intentionally but underestimated the virus it was to stop the Hong Kong riots. which it did.
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Old 03-22-2023, 06:51 AM   #18
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Default Hope springs eternal - Kinda-Sorta

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
The eccie Brain Trust does it again! We've established there's a 82% probability that COVID was from gain of function research, 12% probability it crawled out of a bat's ass into a bowl of soup, and 6% probability it appeared mystically...
It's just a data point. the point of the data point was to compare it to the previous two data points. The trend line was the goal. Over time, more people have come to understand it to be an unnatural act and this in spite of the iron curtain of censorship slapped down on such dissenting believes against the narrative.
Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
..The majority of virologists and evolutionary microbiologists believe COVID 19 had a natural origin. But some very smart, knowledgeable people, including Robert Redfield, believe it came from a lab....
That is either hogwash or codswallop. Let's just agree to call it BS for the time being.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
..Now I'm normally not prone to believe conspiracy theories....
Let's just say you're new at it and haven't gotten your sea-legs just yet. Tell ya what; you get an E for effort and a participation trophy to keep you in the hunt, but it's a long walk to "certified" conspiracy theorist. Though your keen data analytic skills should help move you along the path briskly. [Sorry, Imma skip over the alphabet agency schtuff for brevity ATM, as those aren't usually included until the 300 level courses]

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
..Now, fast forward to 2023....
Gonna stop you right there. Appears you don't watch much sports here. Let's not fast forward. Let's rewind the tape and review. Luc Montagnier Nobel recipient for discovering the AID) called the ball at the very begining, when he noticed a "furin cleavage" contained within the genomic sequence. In essence a splice in to and existing virus. As you forward the tape a bit more, you notice how there are long stretches of blanked out or missing tape? That's because a lot of dissenting analysis and opinions were "censored", blocked, labeled disinformation and yes, there were some alphabet agencies involved with social media sites to effect that.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
...On March 4, Florence Debarre, a French evolutionary biologist, randomly came across a previously unknown sequence of ... contain animal DNA, from raccoon dogs, bamboo rats, palm civets, and other animals...
A "previously unknown sequence". Ri-i-i-ght. Gheeze! Appreciate your eagerness to learn and try. Really I do. This is 200 level CT stuff - Ye olde Razzle-Dazzle: This is where, despite herculean efforts to occlude reality, in a bold yet desperate tenor they inject fresh red meat, a Hail Mary pass down a side street. The unknown and unseen data that 'poof' disappeared?!? A Racoon-Dog my ass.
Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
...Remember Orwell's book, 1984? The great powers of the world were always waging war against each other. Their leaders used that to subjugate their people. Same thing here. The alphabet agencies really miss the cold war, so they're trying to recreate it...
Sorry Bub, that's stuff contained in Master's level course work. You got to get your BS in BS before you can get the Masters degree.
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Old 03-22-2023, 10:23 PM   #19
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Watching the news this week, there is a new “animal to human” transmission being pushed, some kind of raccoon dog or something.


And guess what, all of the major Main Stream Media is reporting it as very credible.

They will report ANYTHING that takes the heat away from Biden’s owners, the ChiComs.
racoon dog is a type of canine breed usually found and sold in wet markets in china.
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Old 03-22-2023, 10:25 PM   #20
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that french doctor had it right! too bad he was silenced
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Old 03-22-2023, 10:36 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
that french doctor had it right! too bad he was silenced

this guy? a Nobel laureate? what would he know??


he died last year at 89

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Old 03-31-2023, 05:22 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
The eccie Brain Trust does it again! We've established there's a 82% probability that COVID was from gain of function research, 12% probability it crawled out of a bat's ass into a bowl of soup, and 6% probability it appeared mystically.

Hell, nobody here has any idea, including Ducbutter and Reddog and they know more about this than the rest of us.

The majority of virologists and evolutionary microbiologists believe COVID 19 had a natural origin. But some very smart, knowledgeable people, including Robert Redfield, believe it came from a lab.

Now I'm normally not prone to believe conspiracy theories. But just maybe alphabet organizations like the FBI, the DOE, and the PLA want us to believe that COVID resulted from gain of function research. (Note that the DOE is in charge of our nuclear weapons arsenal; the PLA stands for the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army.) Or better yet, COVID was created by silico modeling, and unleashed by the USA on China, or by China on the USA, depending on your point of view.

After all, who stands the most to gain from another cold war, or better yet, a real war between China and the United States? Well, the FBI, DOE and PLA would all end up with more power and money.

Jackie, this new data has a very curious history. The Chinese CDC acquired samples from stalls of the Wuhan market between January 1, 2020 and March 2, 2020. They submitted papers that said the samples that tested positive for the COVID virus contained human genetic material, but no DNA from animals. Furthermore, they concluded that the animals at the marketplace probably weren't the origin of COVID 19.

Now, fast forward to 2023. On March 4, Florence Debarre, a French evolutionary biologist, randomly came across a previously unknown sequence of data from the samples collected at the Wuhan market, while doing other research, on the GISAID virology database. The data had been posted there by Chinese researchers. Based on her analysis, some samples from the Wuhan market that tested positive for COVID did contain animal DNA, from raccoon dogs, bamboo rats, palm civets, and other animals.

What happens next? Well, the data mysteriously disappears from the GISAID database. It's removed, at the request of the submitter.

So why did the data disappear? Well, like I said, at one time the Chinese military was pushing the idea that the USA developed the virus and was using it as a weapon. And China also claimed it shut down all its wet markets, where live animals were sold. Neither of those is very compatible with the idea that COVID 19 was initially transmitted to humans at the Wuhan market.

Or who knows, maybe we were the ones who took down the data. The FBI, the CIA and the DOD all have reasons to want to worsen relations with China. They're probably the original source of social media posts claiming that the COVID 19 virus was developed and weaponized by the Chinese military, and then unleashed on America. And the more hostile our relationship is with China, the more power and money end up in the hands of the leaders of these alphabet agencies.

Remember Orwell's book, 1984? The great powers of the world were always waging war against each other. Their leaders used that to subjugate their people. Same thing here. The alphabet agencies really miss the cold war, so they're trying to recreate it.

If she was testing these using the PCR test a Banana could test positive for Covid-19, lol.
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Old 03-31-2023, 07:40 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
If she was testing these using the PCR test a Banana could test positive for Covid-19, lol.
Her testing is irrelevant Levianon. The mystery has been solved. The correct answer is the virus crawled out of a bat's ass into a bowl of soup. The Waco Kid provided the smoking gun in another thread.
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Old 03-31-2023, 10:56 PM   #24
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