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Old 02-28-2023, 01:51 AM   #1
Lucas McCain
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Default Ageism - Your Thoughts

Okay, I've read plenty of dumb ass threads in this forum, so I thought I'll add one that perhaps is considered one, but I think it is worthy of a discussion given what I believe to be around the average age of the regular participants in this forum.

We have a minimum age, (and rightfully so to be president). Why the fuck don't we have a maximum age to run for president? Why are Biden and Trump even a consideration for such a complex and demanding job at this point in their twilight years?

Anyway, I'm just curious to read your thoughts and not to insult anyone who is around their ages. As always though, anyone is free to insult me because I always feel nothing but misguided love when you do so.

Edit for ace below: Please let me know where there are Fortune 10 companies with CEOs above 75 years old and I'll agree with you that the premise is dumb. Thanks for your opinion though. That's the whole point of this thread. It's about what you guys think. I'm already on record and have posted many times that I believe both of those men are way too old to be POTUS. Just trying to have an open discussion about what other people think.
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Old 02-28-2023, 02:06 AM   #2
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That’s solely depends on the person, Trump at his current age is highly competent, Uncle Joe isn’t. Lots of dumb incompetent people of all ages , some are too blind to see. Hey think is the answer , look at America today, wholly and fully destroyed by the youth of America. Sure there idiots in the 60’s at least you could tear gas their ass, today the little bastards are cheered.

Post isn’t dumb, the premise behind it is.
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Old 02-28-2023, 02:32 AM   #3
dilbert firestorm
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theres a maximum age for judges in state courts.

don't think there should be a max age for anything.
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Old 02-28-2023, 04:59 AM   #4
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The real problem is that everyone ages differently. I know of people with Dementia in their 60's, and I know people in their 90's that are sharper mentally than most 50 year olds.

I think the debate about age is really more of a distraction from policies. Over the last 20 to 30 years politicians attack the person when the policy views they have are not popular. They get elected and force their views, usually through giving power to bureaucrats such as the EPA or OSHA to enact policy by passing the legislative process.
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Old 02-28-2023, 07:35 AM   #5
winn dixie
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I get what Lucas is saying. Although
This is one of those slippery slope discussions though.
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Old 02-28-2023, 08:12 AM   #6
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Age is broken down into two parts your Chronological Age which is the number of years you've been alive and your Biological age which is how one functions physically, Mentally and Spiritually. Chronological age is only influenced by time and of course can't be altered. Biological age is influenced by many factors such as life experiences, physical prowess, Genetic Factors and overall Health and well being ect. Although Chronological Age in a Candidate is an important factor it doesn't necessarily have to be the defining one.
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Old 02-28-2023, 10:25 AM   #7
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We have been reliably informed by the regime propaganda outlets that Biden is completely capable of governing the nation. You don't believe them?
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Old 02-28-2023, 10:17 PM   #8
Cheap Charlie
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John Fetterman is only 53 and he's a vegetable already. I agree that Biden and Trump are too old. The difference is: At least Trump tried to do right by the country, although he made many mistakes. Biden is trying to destroy the country intentionally, the more damage the better.
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Old 02-28-2023, 11:32 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie View Post
John Fetterman is only 53 and he's a vegetable already. I agree that Biden and Trump are too old. The difference is: At least Trump tried to do right by the country, although he made many mistakes. Biden is trying to destroy the country intentionally, the more damage the better.
He looks like he's 70, he's done. I am 65 and most people thing I am in my early 50's. I guess that has to with the fact that I've never had a stroke and I am not a Liberal.
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Old 02-28-2023, 11:40 PM   #10
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Good point and I would welcome change with term limits.

Why can Ted Kenndy and John McCain die in office?

Why can Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and Maxine Walters all hold the same office for 30 years.

I am sure there are more I missed, but these are the ones I could remember. Tried to pick both republican and democrats.

Time for some change
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Old 03-01-2023, 12:53 AM   #11
Lucas McCain
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Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie View Post
John Fetterman is only 53 and he's a vegetable already. I agree that Biden and Trump are too old. The difference is: At least Trump tried to do right by the country, although he made many mistakes. Biden is trying to destroy the country intentionally, the more damage the better.
Well, in his defense, he did have a stroke, so he communicates accordingly which is poorly.

I've only heard the guy speak after his stroke and my only thought was, "this fucking guy is really a politician? Damn, those standards are even lower than I thought." At the time, I didn't know he was recovering from a stroke.

Anyway, Biden is way too old and Trump is not much younger. It's not like either one of those dinosaurs are going to become more competent for a job that neither is/was competent to do in the 1st place at their ages... as far as Biden "trying to destroy the country", that's so ridiculous that it's not even worth addressing.
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Old 03-01-2023, 04:10 AM   #12
Jackie S
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I am 76. I still do contract work because companies tap into my years of knowledge.

But although my mind is still pretty sharp, I would be fooling myself if I thought I was up to the physical demands of many of the things I did in my younger years.

By the way. The latest reports are Fetterman is just about “vegged out”.
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Old 03-01-2023, 04:29 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Age is broken down into two parts your Chronological Age which is the number of years you've been alive and your Biological age which is how one functions physically, Mentally and Spiritually. Chronological age is only influenced by time and of course can't be altered. Biological age is influenced by many factors such as life experiences, physical prowess, Genetic Factors and overall Health and well being ect. Although Chronological Age in a Candidate is an important factor it doesn't necessarily have to be the defining one.
Spot on ol' boy! So what we need is a competency test. Unfortunately I have no confidence such a bill would be passed into law. Anymore than a 'background check' requirement for candidates for an elected or appointed political office. Which is a requirement for a military officer.
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Old 03-01-2023, 07:11 AM   #14
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This is simply a retarded post by the OP. Establishing standards and voting on merit is white supremacy.
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Old 03-01-2023, 07:25 AM   #15
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Default Help NOT wanted sign: Professional Politician

Q) What was the average life expectancy in 1776?

A) ~35 years

In essence, the founders wanted a mature person as President. Someone that had already made their bones and had a full life experience to draw upon. It is - IMHO - a mistake they did not put the same clamps on the rest of the legislature.
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